Image Segmentation (photutils.segmentation)#


Photutils includes general-use functions to detect sources (both point-like and extended) in an image using a process called image segmentation. After detecting sources using image segmentation, we can then measure their photometry, centroids, and shape properties.

Source Extraction Using Image Segmentation#

Image segmentation is a process of assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels with the same label are part of the same source. Detected sources must have a minimum number of connected pixels that are each greater than a specified threshold value in an image. The threshold level is usually defined as some multiple of the background noise (sigma level) above the background. The image is usually filtered before thresholding to smooth the noise and maximize the detectability of objects with a shape similar to the filter kernel.

Let’s start by making a synthetic image provided by the photutils.datasets module:

>>> from photutils.datasets import make_100gaussians_image
>>> data = make_100gaussians_image()

Next, we need to subtract the background from the image. In this example, we’ll use the Background2D class to produce a background and background noise image:

>>> from photutils.background import Background2D, MedianBackground
>>> bkg_estimator = MedianBackground()
>>> bkg = Background2D(data, (50, 50), filter_size=(3, 3),
...                    bkg_estimator=bkg_estimator)
>>> data -= bkg.background  # subtract the background

After subtracting the background, we need to define the detection threshold. In this example, we’ll define a 2D detection threshold image using the background RMS image. We set the threshold at the 1.5-sigma (per pixel) noise level:

>>> threshold = 1.5 * bkg.background_rms

Next, let’s convolve the data with a 2D Gaussian kernel with a FWHM of 3 pixels:

>>> from astropy.convolution import convolve
>>> from photutils.segmentation import make_2dgaussian_kernel
>>> kernel = make_2dgaussian_kernel(3.0, size=5)  # FWHM = 3.0
>>> convolved_data = convolve(data, kernel)

Now we are ready to detect the sources in the background-subtracted convolved image. Let’s find sources that have 10 connected pixels that are each greater than the corresponding pixel-wise threshold level defined above (i.e., 1.5 sigma per pixel above the background noise).

Note that by default “connected pixels” means “8-connected” pixels, where pixels touch along their edges or corners. One can also use “4-connected” pixels that touch only along their edges by setting connectivity=4:

>>> from photutils.segmentation import detect_sources
>>> segment_map = detect_sources(convolved_data, threshold, npixels=10)
>>> print(segment_map)
shape: (300, 500)
nlabels: 86
labels: [ 1  2  3  4  5 ... 82 83 84 85 86]

The result is a SegmentationImage object with the same shape as the data, where detected sources are labeled by different positive integer values. Background pixels (non-sources) always have a value of zero. Because the segmentation image is generated using image thresholding, the source segments represent the isophotal footprints of each source.

Let’s plot both the background-subtracted image and the segmentation image showing the detected sources:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from astropy.visualization import SqrtStretch
>>> from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize
>>> norm = ImageNormalize(stretch=SqrtStretch())
>>> fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 12.5))
>>> ax1.imshow(data, origin='lower', cmap='Greys_r', norm=norm)
>>> ax1.set_title('Background-subtracted Data')
>>> ax2.imshow(segment_map, origin='lower', cmap=segment_map.cmap,
...            interpolation='nearest')
>>> ax2.set_title('Segmentation Image')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf, svg)


Source Deblending#

In the example above, overlapping sources are detected as single sources. Separating those sources requires a deblending procedure, such as a multi-thresholding technique used by SourceExtractor. Photutils provides a deblend_sources() function that deblends sources uses a combination of multi-thresholding and watershed segmentation. Note that in order to deblend sources, they must be separated enough such that there is a saddle point between them.

The amount of deblending can be controlled with the two deblend_sources() keywords nlevels and contrast. nlevels is the number of multi-thresholding levels to use. contrast is the fraction of the total source flux that a local peak must have to be considered as a separate object.

Here’s a simple example of source deblending:

>>> from photutils.segmentation import deblend_sources
>>> segm_deblend = deblend_sources(convolved_data, segment_map,
...                                npixels=10, nlevels=32, contrast=0.001,
...                                progress_bar=False)

where segment_map is the SegmentationImage that was generated by detect_sources(). Note that the convolved_data and npixels input values should match those used in detect_sources() to generate segment_map. The result is a new SegmentationImage object containing the deblended segmentation image:

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf, svg)


Let’s plot one of the deblended sources:

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf, svg)



The SourceFinder class is a convenience class that combines the functionality of detect_sources and deblend_sources. After defining the object with the desired detection and deblending parameters, you call it with the background-subtracted (convolved) image and threshold:

>>> from photutils.segmentation import SourceFinder
>>> finder = SourceFinder(npixels=10, progress_bar=False)
>>> segment_map = finder(convolved_data, threshold)
>>> print(segment_map)
shape: (300, 500)
nlabels: 93
labels: [ 1  2  3  4  5 ... 89 90 91 92 93]

Modifying a Segmentation Image#

The SegmentationImage object provides several methods that can be used to modify itself (e.g., combining labels, removing labels, removing border segments) prior to measuring source photometry and other source properties, including:

Photometry, Centroids, and Shape Properties#

The SourceCatalog class is the primary tool for measuring the photometry, centroids, and shape/morphological properties of sources defined in a segmentation image. In its most basic form, it takes as input the (background-subtracted) image and the segmentation image. Usually the convolved image is also input, from which the source centroids and shape/morphological properties are measured (if not input, the unconvolved image is used instead).

Let’s continue our example from above and measure the properties of the detected sources:

>>> from photutils.segmentation import SourceCatalog
>>> cat = SourceCatalog(data, segm_deblend, convolved_data=convolved_data)
>>> print(cat)
Length: 93
labels: [ 1  2  3  4  5 ... 89 90 91 92 93]

The source properties can be accessed using SourceCatalog attributes or output to an Astropy QTable using the to_table() method. Please see SourceCatalog for the many properties that can be calculated for each source. More properties are likely to be added in the future.

Here we’ll use the to_table() method to generate a QTable of source properties. Each row in the table represents a source. The columns represent the calculated source properties. The label column corresponds to the label value in the input segmentation image. Note that only a small subset of the source properties are shown below:

>>> tbl = cat.to_table()
>>> tbl['xcentroid'].info.format = '.2f'  # optional format
>>> tbl['ycentroid'].info.format = '.2f'
>>> tbl['kron_flux'].info.format = '.2f'
>>> print(tbl)
label xcentroid ycentroid ... segment_fluxerr kron_flux kron_fluxerr
----- --------- --------- ... --------------- --------- ------------
    1    235.38      1.44 ...             nan    490.35          nan
    2    493.78      5.84 ...             nan    489.37          nan
    3    207.29     10.26 ...             nan    694.24          nan
    4    364.87     11.13 ...             nan    681.20          nan
    5    257.85     12.18 ...             nan    748.18          nan
  ...       ...       ... ...             ...       ...          ...
   89    292.77    244.93 ...             nan    792.63          nan
   90     32.66    241.24 ...             nan    930.77          nan
   91     42.60    249.43 ...             nan    580.54          nan
   92    433.80    280.74 ...             nan    663.44          nan
   93    434.03    288.88 ...             nan    879.64          nan
Length = 93 rows

The error columns are NaN because we did not input an error array (see the Photometric Errors section below).

Let’s plot the calculated elliptical Kron apertures (based on the shapes of each source) on the data:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from astropy.visualization import simple_norm
>>> norm = simple_norm(data, 'sqrt')
>>> fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 12.5))
>>> ax1.imshow(data, origin='lower', cmap='Greys_r', norm=norm)
>>> ax1.set_title('Data')
>>> ax2.imshow(segm_deblend, origin='lower', cmap=segm_deblend.cmap,
...            interpolation='nearest')
>>> ax2.set_title('Segmentation Image')
>>> cat.plot_kron_apertures(ax=ax1, color='white', lw=1.5)
>>> cat.plot_kron_apertures(ax=ax2, color='white', lw=1.5)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf, svg)


We can also create a SourceCatalog object containing only a specific subset of sources, defined by their label numbers in the segmentation image:

>>> cat = SourceCatalog(data, segm_deblend, convolved_data=convolved_data)
>>> labels = [1, 5, 20, 50, 75, 80]
>>> cat_subset = cat.get_labels(labels)
>>> tbl2 = cat_subset.to_table()
>>> tbl2['xcentroid'].info.format = '.2f'  # optional format
>>> tbl2['ycentroid'].info.format = '.2f'
>>> tbl2['kron_flux'].info.format = '.2f'
>>> print(tbl2)
label xcentroid ycentroid ... segment_fluxerr kron_flux kron_fluxerr
----- --------- --------- ... --------------- --------- ------------
    1    235.38      1.44 ...             nan    490.35          nan
    5    257.85     12.18 ...             nan    748.18          nan
   20    347.17     66.45 ...             nan    855.34          nan
   50    381.02    174.67 ...             nan    438.55          nan
   75     74.44    259.78 ...             nan    876.02          nan
   80     14.93     60.06 ...             nan    878.52          nan

By default, the to_table() includes only a small subset of source properties. The output table properties can be customized in the QTable using the columns keyword:

>>> cat = SourceCatalog(data, segm_deblend, convolved_data=convolved_data)
>>> labels = [1, 5, 20, 50, 75, 80]
>>> cat_subset = cat.get_labels(labels)
>>> columns = ['label', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'area', 'segment_flux']
>>> tbl3 = cat_subset.to_table(columns=columns)
>>> tbl3['xcentroid'].info.format = '.4f'  # optional format
>>> tbl3['ycentroid'].info.format = '.4f'
>>> tbl3['segment_flux'].info.format = '.4f'
>>> print(tbl3)
label xcentroid ycentroid  area segment_flux
----- --------- --------- ----- ------------
    1  235.3827    1.4439  47.0     433.3546
    5  257.8501   12.1764  84.0     489.9653
   20  347.1743   66.4462 103.0     625.9668
   50  381.0186  174.6745  50.0     249.0170
   75   74.4448  259.7843  66.0     836.4803
   80   14.9296   60.0641  87.0     666.6014

A WCS transformation can also be input to SourceCatalog via the wcs keyword, in which case the sky coordinates of the source centroids can be calculated.

Background Properties#

Like with aperture_photometry(), the data array that is input to SourceCatalog should be background subtracted. If you input the background image that was subtracted from the data into the background keyword of SourceCatalog, the background properties for each source will also be calculated:

>>> cat = SourceCatalog(data, segm_deblend, background=bkg.background)
>>> labels = [1, 5, 20, 50, 75, 80]
>>> cat_subset = cat.get_labels(labels)
>>> columns = ['label', 'background_centroid', 'background_mean',
...            'background_sum']
>>> tbl4 = cat_subset.to_table(columns=columns)
>>> tbl4['background_centroid'].info.format = '{:.10f}'  # optional format
>>> tbl4['background_mean'].info.format = '{:.10f}'
>>> tbl4['background_sum'].info.format = '{:.10f}'
>>> print(tbl4)
label background_centroid background_mean background_sum
----- ------------------- --------------- --------------
    1        5.2383296240    5.1952756242 244.1779543392
    5        5.2926300845    5.2065435089 437.3496547461
   20        5.2901502015    5.2182858995 537.4834476464
   50        5.0822645472    5.2277566101 261.3878305070
   75        5.1889235577    5.2203644547 344.5440540106
   80        5.2014082564    5.2174773439 453.9205289152

Photometric Errors#

SourceCatalog requires inputting a total error array, i.e., the background-only error plus Poisson noise due to individual sources. The calc_total_error() function can be used to calculate the total error array from a background-only error array and an effective gain.

The effective_gain, which is the ratio of counts (electrons or photons) to the units of the data, is used to include the Poisson noise from the sources. effective_gain can either be a scalar value or a 2D image with the same shape as the data. A 2D effective gain image is useful for mosaic images that have variable depths (i.e., exposure times) across the field. For example, one should use an exposure-time map as the effective_gain for a variable depth mosaic image in count-rate units.

Let’s assume our synthetic data is in units of electrons per second. In that case, the effective_gain should be the exposure time (here we set it to 500 seconds). Here we use calc_total_error() to calculate the total error and input it into the SourceCatalog class. When a total error is input, the segment_fluxerr and kron_fluxerr properties are calculated. segment_flux and segment_fluxerr are the instrumental flux and propagated flux error within the source segments:

>>> from photutils.utils import calc_total_error
>>> effective_gain = 500.0
>>> error = calc_total_error(data, bkg.background_rms, effective_gain)
>>> cat = SourceCatalog(data, segm_deblend, error=error)
>>> labels = [1, 5, 20, 50, 75, 80]
>>> cat_subset = cat.get_labels(labels)  # select a subset of objects
>>> columns = ['label', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'segment_flux',
...            'segment_fluxerr']
>>> tbl5 = cat_subset.to_table(columns=columns)
>>> tbl5['xcentroid'].info.format = '{:.4f}'  # optional format
>>> tbl5['ycentroid'].info.format = '{:.4f}'
>>> tbl5['segment_flux'].info.format = '{:.4f}'
>>> tbl5['segment_fluxerr'].info.format = '{:.4f}'
>>> for col in tbl5.colnames:
...     tbl5[col].info.format = '%.8g'  # for consistent table output
>>> print(tbl5)
label xcentroid ycentroid segment_flux segment_fluxerr
----- --------- --------- ------------ ---------------
    1 235.24302 1.1928271    433.35463       14.167067
    5 257.82267 12.228232    489.96534       18.998371
   20 347.15384 66.417567    625.96683       22.475065
   50 380.94448 174.57181    249.01701       15.261334
   75 74.413068 259.76066     836.4803       17.193721
   80 14.920217 60.024006     666.6014       19.605394

Pixel Masking#

Pixels can be completely ignored/excluded (e.g., bad pixels) when measuring the source properties by providing a boolean mask image via the mask keyword (True pixel values are masked) to the SourceCatalog class. Note that non-finite data values (NaN and inf) are automatically masked.


SourceExtractor’s centroid and morphological parameters are always calculated from a convolved, or filtered, “detection” image (convolved_data), i.e., the image used to define the segmentation image. The usual downside of the filtering is the sources will be made more circular than they actually are. If you wish to reproduce SourceExtractor centroid and morphology results, then input the convolved_data (or kernel, but not both). If convolved_data and kernel are both None, then the unfiltered data will be used for the source centroid and morphological parameters. Note that photometry is always performed on the unfiltered data.

API Reference#

Image Segmentation (photutils.segmentation)