Source Grouping Algorithms#


In Point Spread Function (PSF) photometry, the PSF model fit for a given star can be affected by the presence of the profile of neighboring stars. In this case, a grouping algorithm can be used to combine neighboring stars into groups that can be fit simultaneously. The goal is to separate the stars into groups such that the profile of each star in the group does not extend into the fitting region of a star in another group. Creating groups reduces the number of stars that need to be fit simultaneously, which can be computationally expensive. Simultaneous fitting of all stars in an image is generally not feasible, especially for crowded fields.

Stetson (1987, PASP 99, 191), provided a simple grouping algorithm to decide whether the profile of a given star extends into the fitting region of any other star. The paper defines this in terms of a “critical separation” parameter, which is defined as the minimal distance that any two stars must be separated by in order to be in different groups. The critical separation is generally defined as a multiple of the stellar full width at half maximum (FWHM).

Getting Started#

Photutils provides the SourceGrouper class to group stars. The groups are formed using hierarchical agglomerative clustering with a distance criterion, calling the scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fclusterdata function.

To group stars during PSF fitting, typically one would simply pass an instance of the SourceGrouper class with a defined minimum separation to the PSF photometry classes. Here, we will demonstrate how to use the SourceGrouper class separately to group stars in a simulated image.

First, let’s create a simulated image containing 2D Gaussian sources using make_psf_model_image:

>>> from photutils.psf import CircularGaussianPRF, make_psf_model_image
>>> shape = (256, 256)
>>> fwhm = 4.7
>>> psf_model = CircularGaussianPRF(fwhm=fwhm)
>>> psf_shape = (11, 11)
>>> n_sources = 100
>>> flux = (500, 1000)
>>> border_size = (7, 7)
>>> data, stars = make_psf_model_image(shape, psf_model, n_sources,
...                                    model_shape=psf_shape,
...                                    flux=flux,
...                                    border_size=border_size, seed=123)

Let’s display the image:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
>>> plt.imshow(data, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf, svg)


The make_psf_model_image function returns the simulated image (data) and a table of the star positions and fluxes (stars). The star positions are stored in the x_0 and y_0 columns of the table.

Now, let’s find the stellar groups. We start by creating a SourceGrouper object. Here we set the min_separation parameter 2.5 * fwhm, where the fwhm is taken from the 2D Gaussian PSF model used to generate the stars. In general, one will need to measure the FWHM of the stellar profiles:

>>> from photutils.psf import SourceGrouper
>>> fwhm = 4.7
>>> min_separation = 2.5 * fwhm
>>> grouper = SourceGrouper(min_separation)

We then call the class instance on arrays of the star (x, y) positions. Here will use the known positions of the stars when we generated the image. In general, one can use a star finder (Point-like Source Detection (photutils.detection)) to find the sources:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.array(stars['x_0'])
>>> y = np.array(stars['y_0'])
>>> groups = grouper(x, y)

The groups output is an array of integers (ordered the same as the (x, y) inputs) containing the group indices. Stars with the same group index are in the same group.

The grouping algorithm separated the 100 stars into 65 distinct groups:

>>> print(max(groups))

For example, to find the positions of the stars in group 3:

>>> mask = groups == 3
>>> x[mask], y[mask]
(array([60.32708921, 58.73063714]), array([147.24184586, 158.0612346 ]))

When performing PSF photometry, the group indices can be included in the init_params table when calling the PSF photometry classes. These group indices would override the input SourceGrouper instance.

Finally, let’s plot a circular aperture around each star, where stars in the same group have the same aperture color:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture
>>> from photutils.utils import make_random_cmap
>>> plt.imshow(data, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
...            cmap='Greys_r')
>>> cmap = make_random_cmap(seed=123)
>>> for i in np.arange(1, max(groups)):
>>>     mask = groups == i
>>>     xypos = zip(x[mask], y[mask])
>>>     ap = CircularAperture(xypos, r=fwhm)
>>>     ap.plot(color=cmap.colors[i], lw=2)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf, svg)
