PSF Matching (photutils.psf.matching
This subpackage contains tools to generate kernels for matching point spread functions (PSFs).
Matching PSFs#
Photutils provides a function called
that generates
a matching kernel between two PSFs using the ratio of Fourier
transforms (see e.g., Gordon et al. 2008; Aniano et al. 2011).
For this first simple example, let’s assume our source and target PSFs are noiseless 2D Gaussians. The “high-resolution” PSF will be a Gaussian with \(\sigma=3\). The “low-resolution” PSF will be a Gaussian with \(\sigma=5\):
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian2D
>>> y, x = np.mgrid[0:51, 0:51]
>>> gm1 = Gaussian2D(100, 25, 25, 3, 3)
>>> gm2 = Gaussian2D(100, 25, 25, 5, 5)
>>> g1 = gm1(x, y)
>>> g2 = gm2(x, y)
>>> g1 /= g1.sum()
>>> g2 /= g2.sum()
For these 2D Gaussians, the matching kernel should be a 2D Gaussian
with \(\sigma=4\) (sqrt(5**2 - 3**2)
). Let’s create the
matching kernel using a Fourier ratio method. Note that the input
source and target PSFs must have the same shape and pixel scale:
>>> from photutils.psf.matching import create_matching_kernel
>>> kernel = create_matching_kernel(g1, g2)
Let’s plot the result:
(Source code
, png
, hires.png
, pdf
, svg

We quickly observe that the result is not as expected. This is because of high-frequency noise in the Fourier transforms (even though these are noiseless PSFs, there is floating-point noise in the ratios). Using the Fourier ratio method, one must filter the high-frequency noise from the Fourier ratios. This is performed by inputting a window function, which may be a function or a callable object. In general, the user will need to exercise some care when defining a window function. For more information, please see Aniano et al. 2011.
Photutils provides the following window classes:
Here are plots of 1D cuts across the center of the 2D window functions:
(Source code
, png
, hires.png
, pdf
, svg

However, the user may input any function or callable object to generate a custom window function.
In this example, because these are noiseless PSFs, we will use a
object as the low-pass filter:
>>> from photutils.psf.matching import TopHatWindow
>>> window = TopHatWindow(0.35)
>>> kernel = create_matching_kernel(g1, g2, window=window)
Note that the output matching kernel from
is always
normalized such that the kernel array sums to 1:
>>> print(kernel.sum())
Let’s display the new matching kernel:
(Source code
, png
, hires.png
, pdf
, svg

As desired, the result is indeed a 2D Gaussian with a \(\sigma=4\). Here we will show 1D cuts across the center of the kernel images:
(Source code
, png
, hires.png
, pdf
, svg

Matching IRAC PSFs#
For this example, let’s generate a matching kernel to go from the
Spitzer/IRAC channel 1 (3.6 microns) PSF to the channel 4 (8.0
microns) PSF. We load the PSFs using the
convenience function:
>>> from photutils.datasets import load_irac_psf
>>> ch1_hdu = load_irac_psf(channel=1)
>>> ch4_hdu = load_irac_psf(channel=4)
>>> ch1 =
>>> ch4 =
Let’s display the images:
(Source code
, png
, hires.png
, pdf
, svg

For this example, we will use the
for the low-pass
window. Note that these Spitzer/IRAC channel 1 and 4 PSFs have the
same shape and pixel scale. If that is not the case, one can use the
convenience function to
resize a PSF image. Typically, one would interpolate the
lower-resolution PSF to the same size as the higher-resolution PSF.
>>> from photutils.psf.matching import (CosineBellWindow,
... create_matching_kernel)
>>> window = CosineBellWindow(alpha=0.35)
>>> kernel = create_matching_kernel(ch1, ch4, window=window)
Let’s display the matching kernel result:
(Source code
, png
, hires.png
, pdf
, svg

The Spitzer/IRAC channel 1 image could then be convolved with this matching kernel to produce an image with the same resolution as the channel-4 image.