What’s New in Photutils 2.0?#

Photutils 2.0 is a major release that adds significant new functionality and improvements to the package. Here we highlight some of the new functionality of the 2.0 release. In addition to these changes, Photutils 2.0 includes a large number of smaller improvements and bug fixes, which are described in the full Changelog.


Importing tools from all subpackages now requires including the subpackage name. These deprecations were introduced in version 1.6.0 (2022-12-09). Also, PSF matching tools must now be imported from photutils.psf.matching instead of photutils.psf

For example, this is no longer allowed: from photutils import CircularAperture. Instead use this: from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture.

SciPy is now a required dependency#

SciPy is now a required dependency for Photutils, instead of an optional dependency. This change was made because most of the subpackages in Photutils require SciPy for functionality.

Aperture photometry tools now accept Region objects#

The aperture_photometry and ApertureStats tools now accept supported regions.Region objects from the Astropy regions package, i.e., those corresponding to circular, elliptical, and rectangular apertures.

A new region_to_aperture convenience function also has been added to convert supported regions.Region objects to Aperture objects.

With these changes, the Astropy regions package is now an optional dependency for Photutils. It will need to be installed to use the above functionality.

Background2D improved performance and changes#

The Background2D class has been refactored to significantly reduce its memory usage. In some cases, it is also significantly faster.

To reduce memory usage, Background2D no longer keeps a cached copy of the returned background and background_rms properties. Assign these properties to variables if you need to use them multiple times, otherwise they will need to be recomputed.

The background, background_rms, background_mesh, and background_rms_mesh properties now have the same dtype as the input data.

Two new properties were also added to the Background2D class, npixels_mesh and npixels_map, that give a 2D array of the number of pixels used to compute the statistics in the low-resolution grid and the resized image, respectively.

Additionally, the background_mesh and background_rms_mesh properties will have units if the input data has units.

As part of these changes, the edge_method keyword is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. When removed, the edge_method will always be 'pad'. The 'crop' option has been strongly discouraged for some time now. Its usage creates a undesirable scaling of the low-resolution maps that leads to incorrect results.

The background_mesh_masked, background_rms_mesh_masked, and mesh_nmasked properties are now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. The data, mask, total_mask, nboxes, box_npixels, and nboxes_tot class attributes have been removed.

Finally, the BkgZoomInterpolator grid_mode keyword is now deprecated. When grid_mode is eventually removed, the True option will always be used. For zooming 2D images, this keyword should be set to True, which makes zoom’s behavior consistent with scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates and skimage.transform.resize. The False option was provided only for backwards-compatibility.

GriddedPSFModel improved performance#

The GriddedPSFModel class has been refactored to significantly improve its performance. In typical PSF photometry use cases, it is now about 4 times faster than previous versions.

New PSF Model classes#

New models were added to the photutils.psf module. These include:

  • ImagePSF: a general class for image-based PSF models that allows for intensity scaling and translations.

  • GaussianPSF: a general 2D Gaussian PSF model parameterized in terms of the position, total flux, and full width at half maximum (FWHM) along the x and y axes. Rotation can also be included.

  • CircularGaussianPSF: a circular 2D Gaussian PSF model parameterized in terms of the position, total flux, and FWHM.

  • GaussianPRF: a general 2D Gaussian PSF model parameterized in terms of the position, total flux, and FWHM along the x and y axes. Rotation can also be included.

  • CircularGaussianPRF: a circular 2D Gaussian PRF model parameterized in terms of the position, total flux, and FWHM.

  • CircularGaussianSigmaPRF: a circular 2D Gaussian PRF model parameterized in terms of the position, total flux, and sigma (standard deviation).

  • MoffatPSF: a 2D Moffat PSF model parameterized in terms of the position, total flux, \(\alpha\), and \(\beta\) parameters.

  • AiryDiskPSF: a 2D Airy disk PSF model parameterized in terms of the position, total flux, and radius of the first dark ring.

Note there are two types of defined models, PSF and PRF models. The PSF models are evaluated by sampling the analytic function at the input (x, y) coordinates. The PRF models are evaluated by integrating the analytic function over the pixel areas.

The existing IntegratedGaussianPRF model is now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. It has been replaced by the CircularGaussianSigmaPRF model.

The existing FittableImageModel and EPSFModel classes are now deprecated and will be removed in a future version. They have been replaced by the new ImagePSF class.

Legacy LevMarLSQFitter no longer used#

The default Astropy fitter for PSFPhotometry, IterativePSFPhotometry, and EPSFFitter was changed from LevMarLSQFitter to TRFLSQFitter.

LevMarLSQFitter uses the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm via the SciPy legacy function scipy.optimize.leastsq, which is no longer recommended. This fitter supports parameter bounds using an unsophisticated min/max condition where parameters that are out of bounds are simply reset to the min or max of the bounds during each step. This can cause parameters to stick to one of the bounds during the fitting process if the parameter gets close to the bound. If needed, this fitter can still be used by explicitly setting the fitter in the PSFPhotometry, IterativePSFPhotometry, and EPSFFitter classes.

The fitter used in RadialProfile to fit the profile with a Gaussian was also changed from LevMarLSQFitter to TRFLSQFitter.

The fitter used in centroid_1dg and centroid_2dg was also changed from LevMarLSQFitter to TRFLSQFitter.

For more information about Astropy’s non-linear fitters, see Notes on non-linear fitting.

Breaking API Change for PSF Photometry residual/model images#

The sub_shape keyword in IterativePSFPhotometry now defaults to using the model bounding box to define the shape. This is a change from the previous behavior where the default shape was set to fit_shape. In general, one should want the subtraction shape to cover a large portion of the model image, which the bounding box does. If one wants to use a different shape, then the sub_shape keyword can be explicitly set. If the PSF model does not have a bounding box attribute, then the sub_shape keyword must be set to define the subtraction shape.

Similarly, psf_shape is now an optional keyword in the make_model_image and make_residual_image methods of PSFPhotometry and IterativePSFPhotometry. The value defaults to using the model bounding box to define the shape and is required only if the PSF model does not have a bounding box attribute. In general, one should want the model and residual images to be constructed using a large portion of model image, which the bounding box does. If one wants to use a different shape, then the psf_shape keyword can be explicitly set.

Bounding model fits in PSF Photometry#

A new xy_bounds keyword was added to PSFPhotometry and IterativePSFPhotometry to allow one to bound the x and y model parameters during the fitting. This can be used to prevent the fit values from wandering too far from the initial parameter guesses.

New FWHM estimation tool#

A new fit_fwhm convenience function was added to estimate the FWHM of one or more sources in an image by fitting a circular 2D Gaussian PRF model using the PSF photometry tools.

Similarly, a new fit_2dgaussian convenience function was added to fit a circular 2D Gaussian PRF to one or more sources in an image.

Segmentation Image data type#

The detect_sources and deblend_sources functions and SourceFinder class now return a SegmentationImage instance whose data dtype is np.int32 instead of int (int64) unless more than (2**32 - 1) labels are needed.

Also, the relabel_consecutive, resassign_label(s), keep_label(s), remove_label(s), remove_border_labels, and remove_masked_labels methods now keep the original dtype of the segmentation image instead of always changing it to int (int64).

Improved performance for source deblending#

Performance improvements and significant reductions in memory usage were made for source deblending, especially for large sources and/or large nlevels values. The memory usage is now mostly independent of the number of nlevels, and the memory usage will be significantly reduced for large sources. This affects the deblend_sources function and the SourceFinder class.

Additionally, the accuracy of the deblending progress bar is now improved when using multiprocessing. The progress bar now also displays the ID label number of either the current source being deblended (serial) or the last source that was deblended (multiprocessing).

DAOStarFinder flux and mag changes#

The DAOStarFinder flux and mag columns were changed to give sensible values. Previously, the flux value was defined by the original DAOFIND algorithm as a measure of the intensity ratio of the amplitude of the best fitting Gaussian function at the object position to the detection threshold. Over the years, this has led to a lot of (understandable) confusion. The new flux column now gives the sum of data values within the kernel footprint.

A daofind_mag column was added for comparison to the original IRAF DAOFIND algorithm.

DAOStarFinder and IRAFStarFinder sky keyword removed#

The deprecated sky keyword in DAOStarFinder and IRAFStarFinder has been removed. Also, there will no longer be a sky column in the DAOStarFinder output table. As documented, the input data is assumed to be background-subtracted.

Quantity arrays in Centroids#

Quantity arrays can now be input to centroid_1dg and centroid_2dg.

New Sphinx Theme#

The documentation now uses the PyData Sphinx theme, which is a modern, responsive theme that is easy to read and navigate.

Other changes#

Please see the Changelog for the complete list of changes.