What’s New in Photutils 2.1?#

Here we highlight some of the new functionality of the 2.1 release. In addition to these changes, Photutils 2.1 includes several smaller improvements and bug fixes, which are described in the full Changelog.

Aperture Photometry Output Table#

The aperture_photometry output table will now include a sky_center column if wcs is input, even if the input aperture is not a sky aperture.

Also, the xcenter and ycenter columns in the table returned by aperture_photometry no longer have (pixel) units for consistency with other tools in Photutils.

Deblended Labels Mapping in Segmentation Image#

The SegmentationImage class now includes properties to identify and map any deblended labels. The deblended_labels property returns a list of deblended labels, the deblended_labels_map property returns a dictionary mapping the deblended labels to the parent labels, and the deblended_labels_inverse_map property returns a dictionary mapping the parent labels to the deblended labels.

Star Finder Limits API Change#

Detected sources that match interval ends for sharpness, roundness, and maximum peak values (sharplo, sharphi, roundlo, roundhi, and peakmax) are now included in the returned table of detected sources by DAOStarFinder and IRAFStarFinder. Similarly, detected sources that match the maximum peak value (peakmax) are now included in the returned table of detected sources by StarFinder.

Find Peaks Border Width#

The find_peaks border_width keyword can now accept two values, indicating the border width along the the y and x edges, respectively.

Border Exclusion in DAOStarFinder and StarFinder#

When exclude_border is set to True in the DAOStarFinder and StarFinder classes, the excluded border region can now be different along the x and y edges if the kernel shape is rectangular.

Gini Coefficient Mask#

An optional mask keyword was added to the gini function to allow for the exclusion of certain pixels from the calculation of the Gini coefficient.

Also, the gini function now returns zero instead of NaN if the (unmasked) data values sum to zero.

New params_map keyword in make_model_image#

An optional params_map keyword was added to make_model_image to allow a custom mapping between model parameter names and columns names in the parameter table.

Improved GriddedPSFModel Plots#

The 'viridis' color map is now the default in the GriddedPSFModel plot_grid method when deltas=True.

Also, the GriddedPSFModel plot_grid color bar now matches the height of the displayed image.