# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools for detecting sources in an image.
from photutils.segmentation.deblend import deblend_sources
from photutils.segmentation.detect import detect_sources
from photutils.utils._parameters import as_pair
from photutils.utils._repr import make_repr
__all__ = ['SourceFinder']
class SourceFinder:
Class to detect sources, including deblending, in an image using
This is a convenience class that combines the functionality
of `~photutils.segmentation.detect_sources` and
Sources are deblended using a combination of
multi-thresholding and `watershed segmentation
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watershed_(image_processing)>`_. In
order to deblend sources, there must be a saddle between them.
npixels : int or array_like of 2 int
The minimum number of connected pixels, each greater than a
specified threshold, that an object must have to be detected. If
``npixels`` is an integer, then the value will be used for both
source detection and deblending (which internally uses source
detection at multiple thresholds). If ``npixels`` contains two
values, then the first value will be used for source detection
and the second value used for source deblending. ``npixels``
values must be positive integers.
connectivity : {4, 8}, optional
The type of pixel connectivity used in determining how pixels
are grouped into a detected source. The options are 4 or
8 (default). 4-connected pixels touch along their edges.
8-connected pixels touch along their edges or corners.
deblend : bool, optional
Whether to deblend overlapping sources.
nlevels : int, optional
The number of multi-thresholding levels to use for deblending.
Each source will be re-thresholded at ``nlevels`` levels spaced
exponentially or linearly (see the ``mode`` keyword) between
its minimum and maximum values. This keyword is ignored unless
contrast : float, optional
The fraction of the total source flux that a local peak must
have (at any one of the multi-thresholds) to be deblended
as a separate object. ``contrast`` must be between 0 and 1,
inclusive. If ``contrast=0`` then every local peak will be made
a separate object (maximum deblending). If ``contrast=1`` then
no deblending will occur. The default is 0.001, which will
deblend sources with a 7.5 magnitude difference. This keyword is
ignored unless ``deblend=True``.
mode : {'exponential', 'linear', 'sinh'}, optional
The mode used in defining the spacing between the
multi-thresholding levels (see the ``nlevels`` keyword) during
deblending. The ``'exponential'`` and ``'sinh'`` modes have
more threshold levels near the source minimum and less near
the source maximum. The ``'linear'`` mode evenly spaces the
threshold levels between the source minimum and maximum.
The ``'exponential'`` and ``'sinh'`` modes differ in that
the ``'exponential'`` levels are dependent on the source
maximum/minimum ratio (smaller ratios are more linear; larger
ratios are more exponential), while the ``'sinh'`` levels
are not. Also, the ``'exponential'`` mode will be changed to
``'linear'`` for sources with non-positive minimum data values.
This keyword is ignored unless ``deblend=True``.
relabel : bool, optional
If `True` (default), then the segmentation image will be
relabeled after deblending such that the labels are in
consecutive order starting from 1. This keyword is ignored
unless ``deblend=True``.
nproc : int, optional
The number of processes to use for source deblending. If set to
1, then a serial implementation is used instead of a parallel
one. If `None`, then the number of processes will be set to the
number of CPUs detected on the machine. Please note that due to
overheads, multiprocessing may be slower than serial processing
if only a small number of sources are to be deblended. The
benefits of multiprocessing require ~1000 or more sources to
deblend, with larger gains as the number of sources increase.
This keyword is ignored unless ``deblend=True``.
progress_bar : bool, optional
Whether to display a progress bar. If ``nproc = 1``, then the
ID shown after the progress bar is the source label being
deblended. If multiprocessing is used (``nproc > 1``), the ID
shown is the last source label that was deblended. The progress
bar requires that the `tqdm <https://tqdm.github.io/>`_ optional
dependency be installed. Note that the progress bar does not
currently work in the Jupyter console due to limitations in
``tqdm``. This keyword is ignored unless ``deblend=True``.
See Also
.. plot::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.convolution import convolve
from astropy.visualization import simple_norm
from photutils.background import Background2D, MedianBackground
from photutils.datasets import make_100gaussians_image
from photutils.segmentation import (SourceFinder,
# make a simulated image
data = make_100gaussians_image()
# subtract the background
bkg_estimator = MedianBackground()
bkg = Background2D(data, (50, 50), filter_size=(3, 3),
data -= bkg.background
# convolve the data
kernel = make_2dgaussian_kernel(3., size=5) # FWHM = 3.
convolved_data = convolve(data, kernel)
# detect the sources
threshold = 1.5 * bkg.background_rms # per-pixel threshold
finder = SourceFinder(npixels=10, progress_bar=False)
segm = finder(convolved_data, threshold)
# plot the image and the segmentation image
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 10))
norm = simple_norm(data, 'sqrt', percent=99.)
ax1.imshow(data, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
ax2.imshow(segm.data, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
def __init__(self, npixels, *, connectivity=8, deblend=True, nlevels=32,
contrast=0.001, mode='exponential', relabel=True, nproc=1,
self.npixels = as_pair('npixels', npixels, check_odd=False)
self.deblend = deblend
self.connectivity = connectivity
self.nlevels = nlevels
self.contrast = contrast
self.mode = mode
self.relabel = relabel
self.nproc = nproc
self.progress_bar = progress_bar
def __repr__(self):
params = ('npixels', 'deblend', 'connectivity', 'nlevels', 'contrast',
'mode', 'relabel', 'nproc', 'progress_bar')
return make_repr(self, params)
def __call__(self, data, threshold, mask=None):
Detect sources, including deblending, in an image using
data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The 2D array from which to detect sources. Typically, this
array should be an image that has been convolved with a
smoothing kernel.
threshold : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or float
The data value or pixel-wise data values (as an array) to be
used as the per-pixel detection threshold. If ``data`` is
a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array, then ``threshold`` must
have the same units as ``data``. A 2D ``threshold`` array must
have the same shape as ``data``.
mask : 2D bool `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
A boolean mask with the same shape as ``data``, where a
`True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data``
is masked. Masked pixels will not be included in any source.
segment_image : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` or `None`
A 2D segmentation image, with the same shape as the input data,
where sources are marked by different positive integer values. A
value of zero is reserved for the background. If no sources are
found then `None` is returned.
segment_img = detect_sources(data, threshold, self.npixels[0],
mask=mask, connectivity=self.connectivity)
if segment_img is None:
return None
# source deblending requires scikit-image
if self.deblend:
segment_img = deblend_sources(data, segment_img, self.npixels[1],
return segment_img