# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides simulation utilities for creating images from PSF
import numpy as np
from photutils.datasets import make_model_image, make_model_params
from photutils.datasets.images import _model_shape_from_bbox
from photutils.psf.utils import _get_psf_model_params
from photutils.utils._parameters import as_pair
__all__ = ['make_psf_model_image']
def make_psf_model_image(shape, psf_model, n_sources, *, model_shape=None,
min_separation=1, border_size=None, seed=0,
progress_bar=False, **kwargs):
Make an example image containing PSF model images.
Source parameters are randomly generated using an optional ``seed``.
shape : 2-tuple of int
The shape of the output image.
psf_model : 2D `astropy.modeling.Model`
The PSF model. The model must have parameters named ``x_0``,
``y_0``, and ``flux``, corresponding to the center (x, y)
position and flux, or it must have 'x_name', 'y_name', and
'flux_name' attributes that map to the x, y, and flux parameters
(i.e., a model output from `make_psf_model`). The model must be
two-dimensional such that it accepts 2 inputs (e.g., x and y)
and provides 1 output.
n_sources : int
The number of sources to generate. If ``min_separation`` is too
large, the number of requested sources may not fit within the
given ``shape`` and therefore the number of sources generated
may be less than ``n_sources``.
model_shape : `None` or 2-tuple of int, optional
The shape around the center (x, y) position that will used to
evaluate the ``psf_model``. If `None`, then the shape will be
determined from the ``psf_model`` bounding box (an error will be
raised if the model does not have a bounding box).
min_separation : float, optional
The minimum separation between the centers of two sources. Note
that if the minimum separation is too large, the number of
sources generated may be less than ``n_sources``.
border_size : `None`, tuple of 2 int, or int, optional
The (ny, nx) size of the exclusion border around the image edges
where no sources will be generated that have centers within
the border region. If a single integer is provided, it will be
used for both dimensions. If `None`, then a border size equal
to half the (y, x) size of the evaluated PSF model (taking any
oversampling into account) will be used.
seed : int, optional
A seed to initialize the `numpy.random.BitGenerator`. If `None`,
then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS.
progress_bar : bool, optional
Whether to display a progress bar when creating the sources. The
progress bar requires that the `tqdm <https://tqdm.github.io/>`_
optional dependency be installed. Note that the progress
bar does not currently work in the Jupyter console due to
limitations in ``tqdm``.
Keyword arguments are accepted for additional model parameters.
The values should be 2-tuples of the lower and upper bounds for
the parameter range. The parameter values will be uniformly
distributed between the lower and upper bounds, inclusively. If
the parameter is not in the input ``psf_model`` parameter names,
it will be ignored.
data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The simulated image.
table : `~astropy.table.Table`
A table containing the (x, y, flux) parameters of the generated
sources. The column names will correspond to the names of the
input ``psf_model`` (x, y, flux) parameter names. The table will
also contain an ``'id'`` column with unique source IDs.
>>> from photutils.psf import CircularGaussianPRF, make_psf_model_image
>>> shape = (150, 200)
>>> psf_model = CircularGaussianPRF(fwhm=3.5)
>>> n_sources = 10
>>> data, params = make_psf_model_image(shape, psf_model, n_sources,
... flux=(100, 250),
... min_separation=10,
... seed=0)
>>> params['x_0'].info.format = '.4f' # optional format
>>> params['y_0'].info.format = '.4f'
>>> params['flux'].info.format = '.4f'
>>> print(params) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
id x_0 y_0 flux
--- -------- -------- --------
1 125.2010 72.3184 147.9522
2 57.6408 39.1380 128.1262
3 15.5391 115.4520 200.8790
4 11.0411 131.7530 129.2661
5 157.6417 43.6615 186.6532
6 175.9470 80.2172 190.3359
7 142.2274 132.7563 244.3635
8 108.0270 13.4284 110.8398
9 180.0533 106.0888 174.9959
10 158.1171 90.3260 211.6146
.. plot::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from photutils.psf import CircularGaussianPRF, make_psf_model_image
shape = (150, 200)
psf_model = CircularGaussianPRF(fwhm=3.5)
n_sources = 10
data, params = make_psf_model_image(shape, psf_model, n_sources,
flux=(100, 250),
plt.imshow(data, origin='lower')
.. plot::
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from photutils.psf import CircularGaussianPRF, make_psf_model_image
shape = (150, 200)
psf_model = CircularGaussianPRF(fwhm=3.5)
n_sources = 10
data, params = make_psf_model_image(shape, psf_model, n_sources,
flux=(100, 250),
seed=0, sigma=(1, 2))
plt.imshow(data, origin='lower')
psf_params = _get_psf_model_params(psf_model)
if model_shape is not None:
model_shape = as_pair('model_shape', model_shape, lower_bound=(0, 1))
model_shape = _model_shape_from_bbox(psf_model)
except ValueError as exc:
raise ValueError('model_shape must be specified if the model '
'does not have a bounding_box attribute') from exc
if border_size is None:
border_size = (np.array(model_shape) - 1) // 2
other_params = {}
if kwargs:
# include only kwargs that are not x, y, or flux
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if key not in psf_model.param_names or key in psf_params[0:2]:
continue # skip the x, y parameters
other_params[key] = val
x_name, y_name = psf_params[0:2]
params = make_model_params(shape, n_sources, x_name=x_name, y_name=y_name,
border_size=border_size, seed=seed,
data = make_model_image(shape, psf_model, params, model_shape=model_shape,
x_name=x_name, y_name=y_name,
return data, params