# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module profiles tools for building a model elliptical galaxy image
from a list of isophotes.
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import LSQUnivariateSpline
from photutils.isophote.geometry import EllipseGeometry
__all__ = ['build_ellipse_model']
def build_ellipse_model(shape, isolist, fill=0.0, high_harmonics=False):
Build a model elliptical galaxy image from a list of isophotes.
For each ellipse in the input isophote list the algorithm fills
the output image array with the corresponding isophotal intensity.
Pixels in the output array are in general only partially covered by
the isophote "pixel". The algorithm takes care of this partial pixel
coverage by keeping track of how much intensity was added to each
pixel by storing the partial area information in an auxiliary array.
The information in this array is then used to normalize the pixel
shape : 2-tuple
The (ny, nx) shape of the array used to generate the input
isolist : `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList` instance
The isophote list created by the `~photutils.isophote.Ellipse`
fill : float, optional
The constant value to fill empty pixels. If an output pixel has
no contribution from any isophote, it will be assigned this
value. The default is 0.
high_harmonics : bool, optional
Whether to add the higher-order harmonics (i.e., ``a3``, ``b3``,
``a4``, and ``b4``; see `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` for
details) to the result.
result : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The image with the model galaxy.
if len(isolist) == 0:
raise ValueError('isolist must not be empty')
# the target grid is spaced in 0.1 pixel intervals so as
# to ensure no gaps will result on the output array.
finely_spaced_sma = np.arange(isolist[0].sma, isolist[-1].sma, 0.1)
# interpolate ellipse parameters
# End points must be discarded, but how many?
# This seems to work so far
nodes = isolist.sma[2:-2]
intens_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.intens, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
eps_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.eps, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
pa_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.pa, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
x0_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.x0, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
y0_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.y0, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
grad_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.grad, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
a3_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.a3, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
b3_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.b3, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
a4_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.a4, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
b4_array = LSQUnivariateSpline(
isolist.sma, isolist.b4, nodes)(finely_spaced_sma)
# Return deviations from ellipticity to their original amplitude meaning
a3_array = -a3_array * grad_array * finely_spaced_sma
b3_array = -b3_array * grad_array * finely_spaced_sma
a4_array = -a4_array * grad_array * finely_spaced_sma
b4_array = -b4_array * grad_array * finely_spaced_sma
# correct deviations cased by fluctuations in spline solution
eps_array[np.where(eps_array < 0.0)] = 0.0
result = np.zeros(shape=shape)
weight = np.zeros(shape=shape)
eps_array[np.where(eps_array < 0.0)] = 0.05
# for each interpolated isophote, generate intensity values on the
# output image array
# for index in range(len(finely_spaced_sma)):
for index in range(1, len(finely_spaced_sma)):
sma0 = finely_spaced_sma[index]
eps = eps_array[index]
pa = pa_array[index]
x0 = x0_array[index]
y0 = y0_array[index]
geometry = EllipseGeometry(x0, y0, sma0, eps, pa)
intens = intens_array[index]
# scan angles. Need to go a bit beyond full circle to ensure
# full coverage.
r = sma0
phi = 0.0
while phi <= 2 * np.pi + geometry._phi_min:
# we might want to add the third and fourth harmonics
# to the basic isophotal intensity.
harm = 0.0
if high_harmonics:
harm = (a3_array[index] * np.sin(3.0 * phi)
+ b3_array[index] * np.cos(3.0 * phi)
+ a4_array[index] * np.sin(4.0 * phi)
+ b4_array[index] * np.cos(4.0 * phi))
# get image coordinates of (r, phi) pixel
x = r * np.cos(phi + pa) + x0
y = r * np.sin(phi + pa) + y0
i = int(x)
j = int(y)
if i > 0 and i < shape[1] - 1 and j > 0 and j < shape[0] - 1:
# get fractional deviations relative to target array
fx = x - float(i)
fy = y - float(j)
# add up the isophote contribution to the overlapping pixels
result[j, i] += (intens + harm) * (1.0 - fy) * (1.0 - fx)
result[j, i + 1] += (intens + harm) * (1.0 - fy) * fx
result[j + 1, i] += (intens + harm) * fy * (1.0 - fx)
result[j + 1, i + 1] += (intens + harm) * fy * fx
# add up the fractional area contribution to the
# overlapping pixels
weight[j, i] += (1.0 - fy) * (1.0 - fx)
weight[j, i + 1] += (1.0 - fy) * fx
weight[j + 1, i] += fy * (1.0 - fx)
weight[j + 1, i + 1] += fy * fx
# step towards next pixel on ellipse
phi = max((phi + 0.75 / r), geometry._phi_min)
r = max(geometry.radius(phi), 0.5)
# if outside image boundaries, ignore.
# zero weight values must be set to 1.0
weight[np.where(weight <= 0.0)] = 1.0
# normalize
result /= weight
# fill value
result[np.where(result == 0.0)] = fill
return result