Source code for photutils.aperture.bounding_box

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module defines a class for a rectangular bounding box.

import math

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['BoundingBox']

[docs] class BoundingBox: """ A rectangular bounding box in integer (not float) pixel indices. Parameters ---------- ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax : int The bounding box pixel indices. Note that the upper values (``iymax`` and ``ixmax``) are exclusive as for normal slices in Python. The lower values (``ixmin`` and ``iymin``) must not be greater than the respective upper values (``ixmax`` and ``iymax``). Examples -------- When constructing a BoundingBox, it's better to use keyword arguments for readability: >>> from photutils.aperture import BoundingBox >>> bbox = BoundingBox(ixmin=1, ixmax=10, iymin=2, iymax=20) >>> bbox BoundingBox(ixmin=1, ixmax=10, iymin=2, iymax=20) Sometimes it's useful to check if two bounding boxes are the same: >>> bbox == BoundingBox(ixmin=1, ixmax=10, iymin=2, iymax=20) True >>> bbox == BoundingBox(ixmin=7, ixmax=10, iymin=2, iymax=20) False The "center" and "shape" attributes can be useful when working with numpy arrays: >>> # numpy order: (y, x) (10.5, 5.0) >>> bbox.shape # numpy order: (y, x) (18, 9) The "extent" is useful when plotting the BoundingBox with matplotlib: >>> bbox.extent # matplotlib order: (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) (0.5, 9.5, 1.5, 19.5) """ def __init__(self, ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax): for value in (ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax): if not isinstance(value, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError('ixmin, ixmax, iymin, and iymax must all be ' 'integers') if ixmin > ixmax: raise ValueError('ixmin must be <= ixmax') if iymin > iymax: raise ValueError('iymin must be <= iymax') self.ixmin = ixmin self.ixmax = ixmax self.iymin = iymin self.iymax = iymax
[docs] @classmethod def from_float(cls, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): """ Return the smallest bounding box that fully contains a given rectangle defined by float coordinate values. Following the pixel index convention, an integer index corresponds to the center of a pixel and the pixel edges span from (index - 0.5) to (index + 0.5). For example, the pixel edge spans of the following pixels are: * pixel 0: from -0.5 to 0.5 * pixel 1: from 0.5 to 1.5 * pixel 2: from 1.5 to 2.5 In addition, because `BoundingBox` upper limits are exclusive (by definition), 1 is added to the upper pixel edges. See examples below. Parameters ---------- xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : float Float coordinates defining a rectangle. The lower values (``xmin`` and ``ymin``) must not be greater than the respective upper values (``xmax`` and ``ymax``). Returns ------- bbox : `BoundingBox` object The minimal ``BoundingBox`` object fully containing the input rectangle coordinates. Examples -------- >>> from photutils.aperture import BoundingBox >>> BoundingBox.from_float(xmin=1.0, xmax=10.0, ymin=2.0, ymax=20.0) BoundingBox(ixmin=1, ixmax=11, iymin=2, iymax=21) >>> BoundingBox.from_float(xmin=1.4, xmax=10.4, ymin=1.6, ymax=10.6) BoundingBox(ixmin=1, ixmax=11, iymin=2, iymax=12) """ ixmin = math.floor(xmin + 0.5) ixmax = math.ceil(xmax + 0.5) iymin = math.floor(ymin + 0.5) iymax = math.ceil(ymax + 0.5) return cls(ixmin, ixmax, iymin, iymax)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BoundingBox): raise TypeError('Can compare BoundingBox only to another ' 'BoundingBox.') return ((self.ixmin == other.ixmin) and (self.ixmax == other.ixmax) and (self.iymin == other.iymin) and (self.iymax == other.iymax)) def __or__(self, other): return self.union(other) def __and__(self, other): return self.intersection(other) def __repr__(self): return (f'{self.__class__.__name__}(ixmin={self.ixmin}, ' f'ixmax={self.ixmax}, iymin={self.iymin}, ' f'iymax={self.iymax})') @property def center(self): """ The ``(y, x)`` center of the bounding box. """ return (0.5 * (self.iymax - 1 + self.iymin), 0.5 * (self.ixmax - 1 + self.ixmin)) @property def shape(self): """ The ``(ny, nx)`` shape of the bounding box. """ return self.iymax - self.iymin, self.ixmax - self.ixmin
[docs] def get_overlap_slices(self, shape): """ Get slices for the overlapping part of the bounding box and an 2D array. Parameters ---------- shape : 2-tuple of int The shape of the 2D array. Returns ------- slices_large : tuple of slices or `None` A tuple of slice objects for each axis of the large array, such that ``large_array[slices_large]`` extracts the region of the large array that overlaps with the small array. `None` is returned if there is no overlap of the bounding box with the given image shape. slices_small : tuple of slices or `None` A tuple of slice objects for each axis of an array enclosed by the bounding box such that ``small_array[slices_small]`` extracts the region that is inside the large array. `None` is returned if there is no overlap of the bounding box with the given image shape. """ if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError('input shape must have 2 elements.') xmin = self.ixmin xmax = self.ixmax ymin = self.iymin ymax = self.iymax if xmin >= shape[1] or ymin >= shape[0] or xmax <= 0 or ymax <= 0: # no overlap of the bounding box with the input shape return None, None slices_large = (slice(max(ymin, 0), min(ymax, shape[0])), slice(max(xmin, 0), min(xmax, shape[1]))) slices_small = (slice(max(-ymin, 0), min(ymax - ymin, shape[0] - ymin)), slice(max(-xmin, 0), min(xmax - xmin, shape[1] - xmin))) return slices_large, slices_small
@property def extent(self): """ The extent of the mask, defined as the ``(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)`` bounding box from the bottom-left corner of the lower- left pixel to the upper-right corner of the upper-right pixel. The upper edges here are the actual pixel positions of the edges, i.e., they are not "exclusive" indices used for python indexing. This is useful for plotting the bounding box using Matplotlib. """ return (self.ixmin - 0.5, self.ixmax - 0.5, self.iymin - 0.5, self.iymax - 0.5)
[docs] def as_artist(self, **kwargs): """ Return a `matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` that represents the bounding box. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict, optional Any keyword arguments accepted by `matplotlib.patches.Patch`. Returns ------- result : `matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` A matplotlib rectangular patch. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from photutils.aperture import BoundingBox bbox = BoundingBox(2, 7, 3, 8) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) rng = np.random.default_rng(0) ax.imshow(rng.random((10, 10)), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') ax.add_patch(bbox.as_artist(facecolor='none', edgecolor='white', lw=2.0)) """ from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle return Rectangle(xy=(self.extent[0], self.extent[2]), width=self.shape[1], height=self.shape[0], **kwargs)
[docs] def to_aperture(self): """ Convert the bounding box to a `~photutils.aperture.RectangularAperture`. Returns ------- aperture : `~photutils.aperture.RectangularAperture` A rectangular aperture. """ # prevent circular import from photutils.aperture.rectangle import RectangularAperture xypos =[::-1] # xy order height, width = self.shape return RectangularAperture(xypos, w=width, h=height, theta=0.0)
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, origin=(0, 0), **kwargs): """ Plot the `BoundingBox` on a matplotlib `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance. Parameters ---------- ax : `matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional The matplotlib axes on which to plot. If `None`, then the current `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance is used. origin : array_like, optional The ``(x, y)`` position of the origin of the displayed image. **kwargs : dict, optional Any keyword arguments accepted by `matplotlib.patches.Patch`. Returns ------- patch : `matplotlib.patches.Patch` The matplotlib patch object for the plotted bounding box. The patch can be used, for example, when adding a plot legend. """ aper = self.to_aperture() return aper.plot(ax=ax, origin=origin, **kwargs)[0]
[docs] def union(self, other): """ Return a `BoundingBox` representing the union of this `BoundingBox` with another `BoundingBox`. Parameters ---------- other : `BoundingBox` The `BoundingBox` to join with this one. Returns ------- result : `BoundingBox` A `BoundingBox` representing the union of the input `BoundingBox` with this one. """ if not isinstance(other, BoundingBox): raise TypeError('BoundingBox can be joined only with another ' 'BoundingBox.') ixmin = min((self.ixmin, other.ixmin)) ixmax = max((self.ixmax, other.ixmax)) iymin = min((self.iymin, other.iymin)) iymax = max((self.iymax, other.iymax)) return BoundingBox(ixmin=ixmin, ixmax=ixmax, iymin=iymin, iymax=iymax)
[docs] def intersection(self, other): """ Return a `BoundingBox` representing the intersection of this `BoundingBox` with another `BoundingBox`. Parameters ---------- other : `BoundingBox` The `BoundingBox` to intersect with this one. Returns ------- result : `BoundingBox` A `BoundingBox` representing the intersection of the input `BoundingBox` with this one. """ if not isinstance(other, BoundingBox): raise TypeError('BoundingBox can be intersected only with ' 'another BoundingBox.') ixmin = max(self.ixmin, other.ixmin) ixmax = min(self.ixmax, other.ixmax) iymin = max(self.iymin, other.iymin) iymax = min(self.iymax, other.iymax) if ixmax < ixmin or iymax < iymin: return None return BoundingBox(ixmin=ixmin, ixmax=ixmax, iymin=iymin, iymax=iymax)