Datasets and Simulation (photutils.datasets
This subpackage contains tools for loading datasets or making simulated data.
These tools are typically used in examples, tutorials, and tests but can also be used for general data analysis or exploration.
Apply Poisson noise to an array, where the value of each element in the input array represents the expected number of counts. |
Get the local path for a given file. |
Load a Spitzer IRAC PSF image. |
Load a simulated HST WFC3/IR F160W image of stars. |
Load a 4.5 micron Spitzer catalog. |
Load a 4.5 micron Spitzer image. |
Load an optical image of stars. |
Make an example image containing 100 2D Gaussians plus a constant background. |
Make an example image containing four 2D Gaussians plus a constant background. |
Create a simple celestial gWCS object in the ICRS coordinate frame. |
Make a 2D image containing sources generated from a user-specified astropy 2D model. |
Make a table of randomly generated model positions and additional parameters for simulated sources. |
Make a noise image containing Gaussian or Poisson noise. |
Make a |
Create a simple celestial |
Create a list of models from a table of model parameters. |