
class photutils.psf.SourceGrouper(min_separation)[source]#

Bases: object

Class to group sources into clusters based on a minimum separation distance.

The groups are formed using hierarchical agglomerative clustering with a distance criterion, calling the scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fclusterdata function.


The minimum distance (in pixels) such that any two sources separated by less than this distance will be placed in the same group if the min_size criteria is also met.

Methods Summary

__call__(x, y)

Group sources into clusters based on a minimum distance criteria.

Methods Documentation

__call__(x, y)[source]#

Group sources into clusters based on a minimum distance criteria.

x, y1D float ndarray

The 1D arrays of the x and y centroid coordinates of the sources.

result1D int ndarray

A 1D array of the groups, in the same order as the input x and y coordinates.