.. doctest-skip-all **************************** What's New in Photutils 1.4? **************************** New ApertureStats class ======================= A new :class:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats` class was added. This class can be used to compute statistics of unmasked pixel within an aperture. It can be used to create a catalog of properties, including local-background subtracted aperture photometry with the "exact", "center", or "subpixel" method, for sources. The :class:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats` class can calculate many properties, including statistics like :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.min`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.max`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.mean`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.median`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.std`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.sum_aper_area`, and :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.sum`. It also can be used to calculate morphological properties like :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.centroid`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.fwhm`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.semimajor_sigma`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.semiminor_sigma`, :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.orientation`, and :attr:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.eccentricity`. The properties can be accessed using `~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats` attributes or output to an Astropy `~astropy.table.QTable` using the :meth:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats.to_table` method. Please see :class:`~photutils.aperture.ApertureStats` for the the complete list of properties that can be calculated and the :ref:`photutils-aperture-stats` documentation for examples. New clip keyword in BkgZoomInterpolator ======================================= A ``clip`` keyword was added to the :class:`~photutils.background.BkgZoomInterpolator` class, which is used by :class:`~photutils.background.Background2D`. By default, :class:`~photutils.background.BkgZoomInterpolator` sets ``clip=True`` to prevent the interpolation from producing values outside the given input range. If backwards-compatiblity is needed with older Photutils versions, set ``clip=False``. Segmentation Performance Improvements ===================================== A ``convolved_data`` keyword was added to the :class:`~photutils.segmentation.SourceCatalog` class that allows the convolved image to be directly input instead of using the ``kernel`` keyword. Convolved data can also be directly input to the `~photutils.segmentation.detect_sources` and `~photutils.segmentation.deblend_sources` functions (using the ``data`` parameter) instead of using the ``kernel`` keyword. For performance, it is strongly recommended that the user first convolve their data, if desired, and then input the convolved data to each of these segmentation functions. Doing so improves the overall performance by omitting extra convolution steps within each function or class. Significant improvements were also made to the performance of the :class:`~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` and `~photutils.segmentation.SourceCatalog` classes in the case of large data arrays. Other changes ============= Please see the :ref:`changelog` for the complete list of changes.