# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools for generating 2D image cutouts.
import numpy as np
from astropy.nddata import NoOverlapError, extract_array, overlap_slices
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from photutils.aperture import BoundingBox
__all__ = ['CutoutImage']
def _overlap_slices(large_array_shape, small_array_shape, position,
slc_lg, slc_sm = overlap_slices(large_array_shape, small_array_shape,
position, mode=mode)
# TEMP: remove when required Astropy >= 6.1.1
# fix for https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/16544
for i in (0, 1):
if slc_lg[i].stop - slc_lg[i].start == 0:
raise NoOverlapError('Arrays do not overlap.')
return slc_lg, slc_sm
class CutoutImage:
Create a cutout object from a 2D array.
The returned object will contain a 2D cutout array. If
``copy=False`` (default), the cutout array is a view into the
original ``data`` array, otherwise the cutout array will contain a
copy of the original data.
data : `~numpy.ndarray`
The 2D data array from which to extract the cutout array.
position : 2 tuple
The ``(y, x)`` position of the center of the cutout array with
respect to the ``data`` array.
shape : 2 tuple of int
The shape of the cutout array along each axis in ``(ny, nx)``
mode : {'trim', 'partial', 'strict'}, optional
The mode used for creating the cutout data array. For the
``'partial'`` and ``'trim'`` modes, a partial overlap
of the cutout array and the input ``data`` array is
sufficient. For the ``'strict'`` mode, the cutout array
has to be fully contained within the ``data`` array,
otherwise an `~astropy.nddata.utils.PartialOverlapError`
is raised. In all modes, non-overlapping arrays will raise
a `~astropy.nddata.utils.NoOverlapError`. In ``'partial'``
mode, positions in the cutout array that do not overlap with
the ``data`` array will be filled with ``fill_value``. In
``'trim'`` mode only the overlapping elements are returned, thus
the resulting cutout array may be smaller than the requested
fill_value : float or int, optional
If ``mode='partial'``, the value to fill pixels in the
cutout array that do not overlap with the input ``data``.
``fill_value`` must have the same ``dtype`` as the input
``data`` array.
copy : bool, optional
If `False` (default), then the cutout data will be a view into
the original ``data`` array. If `True`, then the cutout data
will hold a copy of the original ``data`` array.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from photutils.utils import CutoutImage
>>> data = np.arange(20.0).reshape(5, 4)
>>> cutout = CutoutImage(data, (2, 2), (3, 3))
>>> print(cutout.data) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
[[ 5. 6. 7.]
[ 9. 10. 11.]
[13. 14. 15.]]
>>> cutout2 = CutoutImage(data, (0, 0), (3, 3), mode='partial')
>>> print(cutout2.data) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
[[nan nan nan]
[nan 0. 1.]
[nan 4. 5.]]
def __init__(self, data, position, shape, mode='trim', fill_value=np.nan,
self.position = position
self.input_shape = tuple(shape)
self.mode = mode
self.fill_value = fill_value
self.copy = copy
data = np.asanyarray(data)
self._overlap_slices = _overlap_slices(data.shape, shape, position,
self.data = self._make_cutout(data)
self.shape = self.data.shape
def _make_cutout(self, data):
cutout_data = extract_array(data, self.input_shape, self.position,
mode=self.mode, fill_value=self.fill_value,
if self.copy:
cutout_data = np.copy(cutout_data)
return cutout_data
def __array__(self, dtype=None):
Array representation of the cutout data array (e.g., for
dtype : `~numpy.dtype`, optional
The data type of the output array. If `None`, then the
data type of the cutout data array is used.
return np.asarray(self.data, dtype=dtype)
def __str__(self):
cls_name = f'<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}>'
props = f'Shape: {self.data.shape}'
return f'{cls_name}\n' + props
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def slices_original(self):
A tuple of slice objects in axis order for the minimal bounding
box of the cutout with respect to the original array.
For ``mode='partial'``, the slices are for the valid
(non-filled) cutout values.
return self._overlap_slices[0]
def slices_cutout(self):
A tuple of slice objects in axis order for the minimal bounding
box of the cutout with respect to the cutout array.
For ``mode='partial'``, the slices are for the valid
(non-filled) cutout values.
return self._overlap_slices[1]
def _calc_bbox(self, slices):
Calculate the `~photutils.aperture.BoundingBox` of the
rectangular bounding box from the input slices.
slices : tuple of slice
The slices for the bounding box.
return BoundingBox(ixmin=slices[1].start, ixmax=slices[1].stop,
iymin=slices[0].start, iymax=slices[0].stop)
def bbox_original(self):
The `~photutils.aperture.BoundingBox` of the minimal rectangular
region of the cutout array with respect to the original array.
For ``mode='partial'``, the bounding box indices are for the
valid (non-filled) cutout values.
return self._calc_bbox(self.slices_original)
def bbox_cutout(self):
The `~photutils.aperture.BoundingBox` of the minimal rectangular
region of the cutout array with respect to the cutout array.
For ``mode='partial'``, the bounding box indices are for the
valid (non-filled) cutout values.
return self._calc_bbox(self.slices_cutout)
def _calc_xyorigin(self, slices):
Calculate the (x, y) origin, taking into account partial
slices : tuple of slice
The slices for the bounding box.
xyorigin : `~numpy.ndarray`
The ``(x, y)`` integer index of the origin pixel of the
cutout with respect to the original array.
xorigin, yorigin = (slices[1].start, slices[0].start)
if self.mode == 'partial':
yorigin -= self.slices_cutout[0].start
xorigin -= self.slices_cutout[1].start
return np.array((xorigin, yorigin))
def xyorigin(self):
A `~numpy.ndarray` containing the ``(x, y)`` integer index of
the origin pixel of the cutout with respect to the original
The origin index will be negative for cutouts with partial
return self._calc_xyorigin(self.slices_original)