Source code for photutils.segmentation.deblend

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools for deblending overlapping sources labeled in
a segmentation image.

import warnings
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, get_context

import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from photutils.segmentation.core import SegmentationImage
from photutils.segmentation.detect import _detect_sources
from photutils.segmentation.utils import _make_binary_structure
from photutils.utils._progress_bars import add_progress_bar

__all__ = ['deblend_sources']

[docs] def deblend_sources(data, segment_img, npixels, *, labels=None, nlevels=32, contrast=0.001, mode='exponential', connectivity=8, relabel=True, nproc=1, progress_bar=True): """ Deblend overlapping sources labeled in a segmentation image. Sources are deblended using a combination of multi-thresholding and `watershed segmentation <>`_. In order to deblend sources, there must be a saddle between them. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D array of the image. If filtering is desired, please input a convolved image here. This array should be the same array used in `~photutils.segmentation.detect_sources`. segment_img : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` The segmentation image to deblend. npixels : int The minimum number of connected pixels, each greater than ``threshold``, that an object must have to be deblended. ``npixels`` must be a positive integer. labels : int or array_like of int, optional The label numbers to deblend. If `None` (default), then all labels in the segmentation image will be deblended. nlevels : int, optional The number of multi-thresholding levels to use for deblending. Each source will be re-thresholded at ``nlevels`` levels spaced between its minimum and maximum values (non-inclusive). The ``mode`` keyword determines how the levels are spaced. contrast : float, optional The fraction of the total source flux that a local peak must have (at any one of the multi-thresholds) to be deblended as a separate object. ``contrast`` must be between 0 and 1, inclusive. If ``contrast=0`` then every local peak will be made a separate object (maximum deblending). If ``contrast=1`` then no deblending will occur. The default is 0.001, which will deblend sources with a 7.5 magnitude difference. mode : {'exponential', 'linear', 'sinh'}, optional The mode used in defining the spacing between the multi-thresholding levels (see the ``nlevels`` keyword) during deblending. The ``'exponential'`` and ``'sinh'`` modes have more threshold levels near the source minimum and less near the source maximum. The ``'linear'`` mode evenly spaces the threshold levels between the source minimum and maximum. The ``'exponential'`` and ``'sinh'`` modes differ in that the ``'exponential'`` levels are dependent on the source maximum/minimum ratio (smaller ratios are more linear; larger ratios are more exponential), while the ``'sinh'`` levels are not. Also, the ``'exponential'`` mode will be changed to ``'linear'`` for sources with non-positive minimum data values. connectivity : {8, 4}, optional The type of pixel connectivity used in determining how pixels are grouped into a detected source. The options are 8 (default) or 4. 8-connected pixels touch along their edges or corners. 4-connected pixels touch along their edges. The ``connectivity`` must be the same as that used to create the input segmentation image. relabel : bool, optional If `True` (default), then the segmentation image will be relabeled such that the labels are in consecutive order starting from 1. nproc : int, optional The number of processes to use for multiprocessing (if larger than 1). If set to 1, then a serial implementation is used instead of a parallel one. If `None`, then the number of processes will be set to the number of CPUs detected on the machine. Please note that due to overheads, multiprocessing may be slower than serial processing. This is especially true if one only has a small number of sources to deblend. The benefits of multiprocessing require ~1000 or more sources to deblend, with larger gains as the number of sources increase. progress_bar : bool, optional Whether to display a progress bar. Note that if multiprocessing is used (``nproc > 1``), the estimation times (e.g., time per iteration and time remaining, etc) may be unreliable. The progress bar requires that the `tqdm <>`_ optional dependency be installed. Note that the progress bar does not currently work in the Jupyter console due to limitations in ``tqdm``. Returns ------- segment_image : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` A segmentation image, with the same shape as ``data``, where sources are marked by different positive integer values. A value of zero is reserved for the background. See Also -------- :func:`photutils.segmentation.detect_sources` :class:`photutils.segmentation.SourceFinder` """ if isinstance(data, Quantity): data = data.value if not isinstance(segment_img, SegmentationImage): raise ValueError('segment_img must be a SegmentationImage') if segment_img.shape != data.shape: raise ValueError('The data and segmentation image must have ' 'the same shape') if nlevels < 1: raise ValueError('nlevels must be >= 1') if contrast < 0 or contrast > 1: raise ValueError('contrast must be >= 0 and <= 1') if contrast == 1: # no deblending return segment_img.copy() if mode not in ('exponential', 'linear', 'sinh'): raise ValueError('mode must be "exponential", "linear", or "sinh"') if labels is None: labels = segment_img.labels else: labels = np.atleast_1d(labels) segment_img.check_labels(labels) # include only sources that have at least (2 * npixels); # this is required for it to be deblended into multiple sources, # each with a minimum of npixels mask = (segment_img.areas[segment_img.get_indices(labels)] >= (npixels * 2)) labels = labels[mask] footprint = _make_binary_structure(data.ndim, connectivity) if nproc is None: nproc = cpu_count() # pragma: no cover segm_deblended = object.__new__(SegmentationImage) segm_deblended._data = np.copy( last_label = segment_img.max_label indices = segment_img.get_indices(labels) all_source_data = [] all_source_segments = [] all_source_slices = [] for label, idx in zip(labels, indices): source_slice = segment_img.slices[idx] source_data = data[source_slice] source_segment = object.__new__(SegmentationImage) source_segment._data =[source_slice] source_segment.keep_labels(label) # include only one label all_source_data.append(source_data) all_source_segments.append(source_segment) all_source_slices.append(source_slice) if nproc == 1: if progress_bar: desc = 'Deblending' all_source_data = add_progress_bar(all_source_data, desc=desc) # pragma: no cover all_source_deblends = [] for source_data, source_segment in zip(all_source_data, all_source_segments): deblender = _Deblender(source_data, source_segment, npixels, footprint, nlevels, contrast, mode) source_deblended = deblender.deblend_source() all_source_deblends.append(source_deblended) else: nlabels = len(labels) args_all = zip(all_source_data, all_source_segments, (npixels,) * nlabels, (footprint,) * nlabels, (nlevels,) * nlabels, (contrast,) * nlabels, (mode,) * nlabels) if progress_bar: desc = 'Deblending' args_all = add_progress_bar(args_all, total=nlabels, desc=desc) # pragma: no cover with get_context('spawn').Pool(processes=nproc) as executor: all_source_deblends = executor.starmap(_deblend_source, args_all) nonposmin_labels = [] nmarkers_labels = [] for (label, source_deblended, source_slice) in zip( labels, all_source_deblends, all_source_slices): if source_deblended is not None: # replace the original source with the deblended source segment_mask = ( > 0) segm_deblended._data[source_slice][segment_mask] = ([segment_mask] + last_label) last_label += source_deblended.nlabels if hasattr(source_deblended, 'warnings'): if source_deblended.warnings.get('nonposmin', None) is not None: nonposmin_labels.append(label) if source_deblended.warnings.get('nmarkers', None) is not None: nmarkers_labels.append(label) if nonposmin_labels or nmarkers_labels: = {'warnings': {}} warnings.warn('The deblending mode of one or more source labels from ' 'the input segmentation image was changed from ' f'"{mode}" to "linear". See the "info" attribute ' 'for the list of affected input labels.', AstropyUserWarning) if nonposmin_labels: warn = {'message': f'Deblending mode changed from {mode} to ' 'linear due to non-positive minimum data values.', 'input_labels': np.array(nonposmin_labels)}['warnings']['nonposmin'] = warn if nmarkers_labels: warn = {'message': f'Deblending mode changed from {mode} to ' 'linear due to too many potential deblended sources.', 'input_labels': np.array(nmarkers_labels)}['warnings']['nmarkers'] = warn if relabel: segm_deblended.relabel_consecutive() return segm_deblended
def _deblend_source(source_data, source_segment, npixels, footprint, nlevels, contrast, mode): """ Convenience function to deblend a single labeled source with multiprocessing. """ deblender = _Deblender(source_data, source_segment, npixels, footprint, nlevels, contrast, mode) return deblender.deblend_source() class _Deblender: """ Class to deblend a single labeled source. Parameters ---------- source_data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The cutout data array for a single source. ``data`` should also already be smoothed by the same filter used in :func:`~photutils.segmentation.detect_sources`, if applicable. source_segment : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` A cutout `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` object with the same shape as ``data``. ``segment_img`` should contain only *one* source label. npixels : int The number of connected pixels, each greater than ``threshold``, that an object must have to be detected. ``npixels`` must be a positive integer. nlevels : int The number of multi-thresholding levels to use. Each source will be re-thresholded at ``nlevels`` levels spaced exponentially or linearly (see the ``mode`` keyword) between its minimum and maximum values within the source segment. contrast : float The fraction of the total (blended) source flux that a local peak must have (at any one of the multi-thresholds) to be considered as a separate object. ``contrast`` must be between 0 and 1, inclusive. If ``contrast = 0`` then every local peak will be made a separate object (maximum deblending). If ``contrast = 1`` then no deblending will occur. The default is 0.001, which will deblend sources with a 7.5 magnitude difference. mode : {'exponential', 'linear', 'sinh'} The mode used in defining the spacing between the multi-thresholding levels (see the ``nlevels`` keyword). The default is 'exponential'. Returns ------- segment_image : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` A segmentation image, with the same shape as ``data``, where sources are marked by different positive integer values. A value of zero is reserved for the background. Note that the returned `SegmentationImage` will have consecutive labels starting with 1. """ def __init__(self, source_data, source_segment, npixels, footprint, nlevels, contrast, mode): self.source_data = source_data self.source_segment = source_segment self.npixels = npixels self.footprint = footprint self.nlevels = nlevels self.contrast = contrast self.mode = mode self.warnings = {} self.segment_mask = self.source_values = source_data[self.segment_mask] self.source_min = np.nanmin(self.source_values) self.source_max = np.nanmax(self.source_values) self.source_sum = np.nansum(self.source_values) self.label = source_segment.labels[0] # should only be 1 label # NOTE: this includes the source min/max, but we exclude those # later, giving nlevels thresholds between min and max # (noninclusive; i.e., nlevels + 1 parts) self.linear_thresholds = np.linspace(self.source_min, self.source_max, self.nlevels + 2) def normalized_thresholds(self): return ((self.linear_thresholds - self.source_min) / (self.source_max - self.source_min)) def compute_thresholds(self): """ Compute the multi-level detection thresholds for the source. """ if self.mode == 'exponential' and self.source_min <= 0: self.warnings['nonposmin'] = 'non-positive minimum' self.mode = 'linear' if self.mode == 'linear': thresholds = self.linear_thresholds elif self.mode == 'sinh': a = 0.25 minval = self.source_min maxval = self.source_max thresholds = self.normalized_thresholds() thresholds = np.sinh(thresholds / a) / np.sinh(1.0 / a) thresholds *= (maxval - minval) thresholds += minval elif self.mode == 'exponential': minval = self.source_min maxval = self.source_max thresholds = self.normalized_thresholds() thresholds = minval * (maxval / minval) ** thresholds return thresholds[1:-1] # do not include source min and max def multithreshold(self): """ Perform multithreshold detection for each source. """ thresholds = self.compute_thresholds() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) segments = _detect_sources(self.source_data, thresholds, self.npixels, self.footprint, self.segment_mask, deblend_mode=True) return segments def make_markers(self, segments): """ Make markers (possible sources) for the watershed algorithm. Parameters ---------- segments : list of `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` A list of segmentation images, one for each threshold. Returns ------- markers : list of `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` A list of segmentation images that contain possible sources as markers. The last list element contains all of the potential source markers. """ from scipy.ndimage import label as ndi_label for i in range(len(segments) - 1): segm_lower = segments[i].data segm_upper = segments[i + 1].data markers = segm_lower.astype(bool) relabel = False # if the are more sources at the upper level, then # remove the parent source(s) from the lower level, # but keep any sources in the lower level that do not have # multiple children in the upper level for label in segments[i].labels: mask = (segm_lower == label) # find label mapping from the lower to upper level upper_labels = segm_upper[mask] upper_labels = np.unique(upper_labels[upper_labels != 0]) if upper_labels.size >= 2: relabel = True markers[mask] = segm_upper[mask].astype(bool) if relabel: segm_data, nlabels = ndi_label(markers, structure=self.footprint) segm_new = object.__new__(SegmentationImage) segm_new._data = segm_data segm_new.__dict__['labels'] = np.arange(nlabels) + 1 segments[i + 1] = segm_new else: segments[i + 1] = segments[i] return segments def apply_watershed(self, markers): """ Apply the watershed algorithm to the source markers. Parameters ---------- markers : list of `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage` A list of segmentation images that contain possible sources as markers. The last list element contains all of the potential source markers. Returns ------- segment_data : 2D int `~numpy.ndarray` A 2D int array containing the deblended source labels. Note that the source labels may not be consecutive. """ from scipy.ndimage import sum_labels from skimage.segmentation import watershed # all markers are at the top level markers = markers[-1].data # Deblend using watershed. If any source does not meet the contrast # criterion, then remove the faintest such source and repeat until # all sources meet the contrast criterion. remove_marker = True while remove_marker: markers = watershed(-self.source_data, markers, mask=self.segment_mask, connectivity=self.footprint) labels = np.unique(markers[markers != 0]) if labels.size == 1: # only 1 source left remove_marker = False else: flux_frac = sum_labels(self.source_data, markers, index=labels) / self.source_sum remove_marker = any(flux_frac < self.contrast) if remove_marker: # remove only the faintest source (one at a time) # because several faint sources could combine to meet # the contrast criterion markers[markers == labels[np.argmin(flux_frac)]] = 0.0 return markers def deblend_source(self): """ Deblend a single labeled source. """ if self.source_min == self.source_max: # no deblending return None segments = self.multithreshold() if len(segments) == 0: # no deblending return None # define the markers (possible sources) for the watershed algorithm markers = self.make_markers(segments) # If there are too many markers (e.g., due to low threshold # and/or small npixels), the watershed step can be very slow # (the threshold of 200 is arbitrary, but seems to work well). # This mostly affects the "exponential" mode, where there are # many levels at low thresholds, so here we try again with # "linear" mode. if self.mode != 'linear' and markers[-1].nlabels > 200: self.warnings['nmarkers'] = 'too many markers' self.mode = 'linear' segments = self.multithreshold() if len(segments) == 0: # no deblending return None markers = self.make_markers(segments) # deblend using the watershed algorithm using the markers as seeds markers = self.apply_watershed(markers) if not np.array_equal(self.segment_mask, markers.astype(bool)): raise ValueError(f'Deblending failed for source "{self.label}". ' 'Please ensure you used the same pixel ' 'connectivity in detect_sources and ' 'deblend_sources.') labels = np.unique(markers[markers != 0]) if len(labels) == 1: # no deblending return None segm_new = object.__new__(SegmentationImage) segm_new._data = markers segm_new.__dict__['labels'] = labels segm_new.relabel_consecutive(start_label=1) if self.warnings: segm_new.warnings = self.warnings return segm_new