# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools to extract cutouts of stars and data
structures to hold the cutouts for fitting and building ePSFs.
import warnings
import numpy as np
from astropy.nddata import NDData, StdDevUncertainty
from astropy.nddata.utils import NoOverlapError, PartialOverlapError
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from photutils.aperture import BoundingBox
from photutils.psf.image_models import _LegacyEPSFModel
from photutils.psf.utils import _interpolate_missing_data
from photutils.utils._parameters import as_pair
from photutils.utils.cutouts import _overlap_slices as overlap_slices
__all__ = ['EPSFStar', 'EPSFStars', 'LinkedEPSFStar', 'extract_stars']
class EPSFStar:
A class to hold a 2D cutout image and associated metadata of a star
used to build an ePSF.
data : `~numpy.ndarray`
A 2D cutout image of a single star.
weights : `~numpy.ndarray` or `None`, optional
A 2D array of the weights associated with the input ``data``.
cutout_center : tuple of two floats or `None`, optional
The ``(x, y)`` position of the star's center with respect to the
input cutout ``data`` array. If `None`, then the center of the
input cutout ``data`` array will be used.
origin : tuple of two int, optional
The ``(x, y)`` index of the origin (bottom-left corner) pixel
of the input cutout array with respect to the original array
from which the cutout was extracted. This can be used to convert
positions within the cutout image to positions in the original
image. ``origin`` and ``wcs_large`` must both be input for a
linked star (a single star extracted from different images).
wcs_large : `None` or WCS object, optional
A WCS object associated with the large image from which
the cutout array was extracted. It should not be the
WCS object of the input cutout ``data`` array. The WCS
object must support the `astropy shared interface for WCS
<https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/wcs/wcsapi.html>`_ (e.g.,
`astropy.wcs.WCS`, `gwcs.wcs.WCS`). ``origin`` and ``wcs_large``
must both be input for a linked star (a single star extracted
from different images).
id_label : int, str, or `None`, optional
An optional identification number or label for the star.
def __init__(self, data, *, weights=None, cutout_center=None,
origin=(0, 0), wcs_large=None, id_label=None):
self._data = np.asanyarray(data)
self.shape = self._data.shape
if weights is not None:
if weights.shape != data.shape:
raise ValueError('weights must have the same shape as the '
'input data array.')
self.weights = np.asanyarray(weights, dtype=float).copy()
self.weights = np.ones_like(self._data, dtype=float)
self.mask = (self.weights <= 0.0)
# mask out invalid image data
invalid_data = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(self._data))
if np.any(invalid_data):
self.weights[invalid_data] = 0.0
self.mask[invalid_data] = True
self._cutout_center = cutout_center
self.origin = np.asarray(origin)
self.wcs_large = wcs_large
self.id_label = id_label
self.flux = self.estimate_flux()
self._excluded_from_fit = False
self._fitinfo = None
def __array__(self):
Array representation of the mask data array (e.g., for
return self._data
def data(self):
The 2D cutout image.
return self._data
def cutout_center(self):
A `~numpy.ndarray` of the ``(x, y)`` position of the star's
center with respect to the input cutout ``data`` array.
return self._cutout_center
def cutout_center(self, value):
if value is None:
value = ((self.shape[1] - 1) / 2.0, (self.shape[0] - 1) / 2.0)
elif len(value) != 2:
raise ValueError('The "cutout_center" attribute must have '
'two elements in (x, y) form.')
self._cutout_center = np.asarray(value)
def center(self):
A `~numpy.ndarray` of the ``(x, y)`` position of the star's
center in the original (large) image (not the cutout image).
return self.cutout_center + self.origin
def slices(self):
A tuple of two slices representing the cutout region with
respect to the original (large) image.
return (slice(self.origin[1], self.origin[1] + self.shape[1]),
slice(self.origin[0], self.origin[0] + self.shape[0]))
def bbox(self):
The minimal `~photutils.aperture.BoundingBox` for the cutout
region with respect to the original (large) image.
return BoundingBox(self.slices[1].start, self.slices[1].stop,
self.slices[0].start, self.slices[0].stop)
def estimate_flux(self):
Estimate the star's flux by summing values in the input cutout
Missing data is filled in by interpolation to better estimate
the total flux.
flux : float
The estimated star's flux.
if np.any(self.mask):
data_interp = _interpolate_missing_data(self.data, method='cubic',
data_interp = _interpolate_missing_data(data_interp,
flux = np.sum(data_interp, dtype=float)
flux = np.sum(self.data, dtype=float)
return flux
def register_epsf(self, epsf):
Register and scale (in flux) the input ``epsf`` to the star.
epsf : `ImagePSF`
The ePSF to register.
data : `~numpy.ndarray`
A 2D array of the registered/scaled ePSF.
legacy_epsf = _LegacyEPSFModel(epsf.data, flux=epsf.flux, x_0=epsf.x_0,
yy, xx = np.indices(self.shape, dtype=float)
xx = xx - self.cutout_center[0]
yy = yy - self.cutout_center[1]
return self.flux * legacy_epsf.evaluate(xx, yy, flux=1.0, x_0=0.0,
def compute_residual_image(self, epsf):
Compute the residual image of the star data minus the
registered/scaled ePSF.
epsf : `ImagePSF`
The ePSF to subtract.
data : `~numpy.ndarray`
A 2D array of the residual image.
return self.data - self.register_epsf(epsf)
def _xy_idx(self):
1D arrays of x and y indices of unmasked pixels in the cutout
reference frame.
yidx, xidx = np.indices(self._data.shape)
return xidx[~self.mask].ravel(), yidx[~self.mask].ravel()
def _xidx(self):
1D arrays of x indices of unmasked pixels in the cutout
reference frame.
return self._xy_idx[0]
def _yidx(self):
1D arrays of y indices of unmasked pixels in the cutout
reference frame.
return self._xy_idx[1]
def _xidx_centered(self):
1D array of x indices of unmasked pixels, with respect to the
star center, in the cutout reference frame.
return self._xy_idx[0] - self.cutout_center[0]
def _yidx_centered(self):
1D array of y indices of unmasked pixels, with respect to the
star center, in the cutout reference frame.
return self._xy_idx[1] - self.cutout_center[1]
def _data_values(self):
1D array of unmasked cutout data values.
return self.data[~self.mask].ravel()
def _data_values_normalized(self):
1D array of unmasked cutout data values, normalized by the
star's total flux.
return self._data_values / self.flux
def _weight_values(self):
1D array of unmasked weight values.
return self.weights[~self.mask].ravel()
class EPSFStars:
Class to hold a list of `EPSFStar` and/or `LinkedEPSFStar` objects.
stars_list : list of `EPSFStar` or `LinkedEPSFStar` objects
A list of `EPSFStar` and/or `LinkedEPSFStar` objects.
def __init__(self, stars_list):
if isinstance(stars_list, (EPSFStar, LinkedEPSFStar)):
self._data = [stars_list]
elif isinstance(stars_list, list):
self._data = stars_list
raise TypeError('stars_list must be a list of EPSFStar and/or '
'LinkedEPSFStar objects.')
def __len__(self):
return len(self._data)
def __getitem__(self, index):
return self.__class__(self._data[index])
def __delitem__(self, index):
del self._data[index]
def __iter__(self):
yield from self._data
# explicit set/getstate to avoid infinite recursion
# from pickler using __getattr__
def __getstate__(self):
return self.__dict__
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr in ['cutout_center', 'center', 'flux',
result = np.array([getattr(star, attr) for star in self._data])
result = [getattr(star, attr) for star in self._data]
if len(self._data) == 1:
result = result[0]
return result
def _getattr_flat(self, attr):
values = []
for item in self._data:
if isinstance(item, LinkedEPSFStar):
values.extend(getattr(item, attr))
values.append(getattr(item, attr))
return np.array(values)
def cutout_center_flat(self):
A `~numpy.ndarray` of the ``(x, y)`` position of all the stars'
centers (including linked stars) with respect to the input
cutout ``data`` array, as a 2D array (``n_all_stars`` x 2).
Note that when `EPSFStars` contains any `LinkedEPSFStar`, the
``cutout_center`` attribute will be a nested 3D array.
return self._getattr_flat('cutout_center')
def center_flat(self):
A `~numpy.ndarray` of the ``(x, y)`` position of all the stars'
centers (including linked stars) with respect to the original
(large) image (not the cutout image) as a 2D array
(``n_all_stars`` x 2).
Note that when `EPSFStars` contains any `LinkedEPSFStar`, the
``center`` attribute will be a nested 3D array.
return self._getattr_flat('center')
def all_stars(self):
A list of all `EPSFStar` objects stored in this object,
including those that comprise linked stars (i.e.,
`LinkedEPSFStar`), as a flat list.
stars = []
for item in self._data:
if isinstance(item, LinkedEPSFStar):
return stars
def all_good_stars(self):
A list of all `EPSFStar` objects stored in this object that have
not been excluded from fitting, including those that comprise
linked stars (i.e., `LinkedEPSFStar`), as a flat list.
stars = []
for star in self.all_stars:
if star._excluded_from_fit:
return stars
def n_stars(self):
The total number of stars.
A linked star is counted only once.
return len(self._data)
def n_all_stars(self):
The total number of `EPSFStar` objects, including all the linked
stars within `LinkedEPSFStar`.
Each linked star is included in the count.
return len(self.all_stars)
def n_good_stars(self):
The total number of `EPSFStar` objects, including all the linked
stars within `LinkedEPSFStar`, that have not been excluded from
Each non-excluded linked star is included in the count.
return len(self.all_good_stars)
def _max_shape(self):
The maximum x and y shapes of all the `EPSFStar` objects
(including linked stars).
return np.max([star.shape for star in self.all_stars],
class LinkedEPSFStar(EPSFStars):
A class to hold a list of `EPSFStar` objects for linked stars.
Linked stars are `EPSFStar` cutouts from different images that
represent the same physical star. When building the ePSF, linked
stars are constrained to have the same sky coordinates.
stars_list : list of `EPSFStar` objects
A list of `EPSFStar` objects for the same physical star. Each
`EPSFStar` object must have a valid ``wcs_large`` attribute to
convert between pixel and sky coordinates.
def __init__(self, stars_list):
for star in stars_list:
if not isinstance(star, EPSFStar):
raise TypeError('stars_list must contain only EPSFStar '
if star.wcs_large is None:
raise ValueError('Each EPSFStar object must have a valid '
'wcs_large attribute.')
def constrain_centers(self):
Constrain the centers of linked `EPSFStar` objects (i.e., the
same physical star) to have the same sky coordinate.
Only `EPSFStar` objects that have not been excluded during the
ePSF build process will be used to constrain the centers.
The single sky coordinate is calculated as the mean of sky
coordinates of the linked stars.
if len(self._data) < 2: # no linked stars
idx = np.logical_not(self._excluded_from_fit).nonzero()[0]
if idx.shape == (0,): # pylint: disable=no-member
warnings.warn('Cannot constrain centers of linked stars because '
'all the stars have been excluded during the ePSF '
'build process.', AstropyUserWarning)
good_stars = [self._data[i]
for i in idx] # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
coords = []
for star in good_stars:
wcs = star.wcs_large
xposition = star.center[0]
yposition = star.center[1]
coords.append(wcs.pixel_to_world_values(xposition, yposition))
# compute mean cartesian coordinates
lon, lat = np.transpose(coords)
lon *= np.pi / 180.0
lat *= np.pi / 180.0
x_mean = np.mean(np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon))
y_mean = np.mean(np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon))
z_mean = np.mean(np.sin(lat))
# convert mean cartesian coordinates back to spherical
hypot = np.hypot(x_mean, y_mean)
mean_lon = np.arctan2(y_mean, x_mean)
mean_lat = np.arctan2(z_mean, hypot)
mean_lon *= 180.0 / np.pi
mean_lat *= 180.0 / np.pi
# convert mean sky coordinates back to center pixel coordinates
# for each star
for star in good_stars:
center = star.wcs_large.world_to_pixel_values(mean_lon, mean_lat)
star.cutout_center = np.array(center) - star.origin
def _extract_stars(data, catalog, *, size=(11, 11), use_xy=True):
Extract cutout images from a single image centered on stars defined
in the single input catalog.
data : `~astropy.nddata.NDData`
A `~astropy.nddata.NDData` object containing the 2D image from
which to extract the stars. If the input ``catalog`` contains
only the sky coordinates (i.e., not the pixel coordinates) of
the stars then the `~astropy.nddata.NDData` object must have a
valid ``wcs`` attribute.
catalog : `~astropy.table.Table`
A single catalog of sources to be extracted from the
input ``data``. The center of each source can be defined
either in pixel coordinates (in ``x`` and ``y`` columns)
or sky coordinates (in a ``skycoord`` column containing a
`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` object). If both are specified,
then the value of the ``use_xy`` keyword determines which
coordinates will be used.
size : int or array_like (int), optional
The extraction box size along each axis. If ``size`` is a scalar
then a square box of size ``size`` will be used. If ``size`` has
two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. ``size`` must
have odd values and be greater than or equal to 3 for both axes.
use_xy : bool, optional
Whether to use the ``x`` and ``y`` pixel positions when both
pixel and sky coordinates are present in the input catalog
table. If `False` then sky coordinates are used instead of pixel
coordinates (e.g., for linked stars). The default is `True`.
stars : list of `EPSFStar` objects
A list of `EPSFStar` instances containing the extracted stars.
size = as_pair('size', size, lower_bound=(3, 0), check_odd=True)
colnames = catalog.colnames
if ('x' not in colnames or 'y' not in colnames) or not use_xy:
xcenters, ycenters = data.wcs.world_to_pixel(catalog['skycoord'])
xcenters = catalog['x'].data.astype(float)
ycenters = catalog['y'].data.astype(float)
if 'id' in colnames:
ids = catalog['id']
ids = np.arange(len(catalog), dtype=int) + 1
if data.uncertainty is None:
weights = np.ones_like(data.data)
elif data.uncertainty.uncertainty_type == 'weights':
weights = np.asanyarray(data.uncertainty.array, dtype=float)
# other uncertainties are converted to the inverse standard
# deviation as the weight; ignore divide-by-zero RuntimeWarning
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning)
weights = data.uncertainty.represent_as(StdDevUncertainty)
weights = 1.0 / weights.array
if np.any(~np.isfinite(weights)):
warnings.warn('One or more weight values is not finite. Please '
'check the input uncertainty values in the input '
'NDData object.', AstropyUserWarning)
if data.mask is not None:
weights[data.mask] = 0.0
stars = []
for xcenter, ycenter, obj_id in zip(xcenters, ycenters, ids, strict=True):
large_slc, _ = overlap_slices(data.data.shape, size,
(ycenter, xcenter), mode='strict')
data_cutout = data.data[large_slc]
weights_cutout = weights[large_slc]
except (PartialOverlapError, NoOverlapError):
origin = (large_slc[1].start, large_slc[0].start)
cutout_center = (xcenter - origin[0], ycenter - origin[1])
star = EPSFStar(data_cutout, weights=weights_cutout,
cutout_center=cutout_center, origin=origin,
wcs_large=data.wcs, id_label=obj_id)
return stars