# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools to build and fit an effective PSF (ePSF)
based on Anderson and King (2000; PASP 112, 1360) and Anderson (2016;
WFC3 ISR 2016-12).
import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling.fitting import TRFLSQFitter
from astropy.nddata.utils import NoOverlapError, PartialOverlapError
from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from scipy.ndimage import convolve
from photutils.centroids import centroid_com
from photutils.psf.epsf_stars import EPSFStar, EPSFStars, LinkedEPSFStar
from photutils.psf.image_models import ImagePSF, _LegacyEPSFModel
from photutils.psf.utils import _interpolate_missing_data
from photutils.utils._parameters import as_pair
from photutils.utils._progress_bars import add_progress_bar
from photutils.utils._round import py2intround
from photutils.utils._stats import nanmedian
from photutils.utils.cutouts import _overlap_slices as overlap_slices
__all__ = ['EPSFBuilder', 'EPSFFitter']
class EPSFFitter:
Class to fit an ePSF model to one or more stars.
fitter : `astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter`, optional
A `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter` object.
fit_boxsize : int, tuple of int, or `None`, optional
The size (in pixels) of the box centered on the star to be used
for ePSF fitting. This allows using only a small number of
central pixels of the star (i.e., where the star is brightest)
for fitting. If ``fit_boxsize`` is a scalar then a square box of
size ``fit_boxsize`` will be used. If ``fit_boxsize`` has two
elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. ``fit_boxsize``
must have odd values and be greater than or equal to 3 for both
axes. If `None`, the fitter will use the entire star image.
**fitter_kwargs : dict, optional
Any additional keyword arguments (except ``x``, ``y``, ``z``, or
``weights``) to be passed directly to the ``__call__()`` method
of the input ``fitter``.
def __init__(self, *, fitter=TRFLSQFitter(), fit_boxsize=5,
self.fitter = fitter
self.fitter_has_fit_info = hasattr(self.fitter, 'fit_info')
self.fit_boxsize = as_pair('fit_boxsize', fit_boxsize,
lower_bound=(3, 0), check_odd=True)
# remove any fitter keyword arguments that we need to set
remove_kwargs = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'weights']
fitter_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(fitter_kwargs)
for kwarg in remove_kwargs:
if kwarg in fitter_kwargs:
del fitter_kwargs[kwarg]
self.fitter_kwargs = fitter_kwargs
def __call__(self, epsf, stars):
Fit an ePSF model to stars.
epsf : `ImagePSF`
An ePSF model to be fitted to the stars.
stars : `EPSFStars` object
The stars to be fit. The center coordinates for each star
should be as close as possible to actual centers. For stars
than contain weights, a weighted fit of the ePSF to the star
will be performed.
fitted_stars : `EPSFStars` object
The fitted stars. The ePSF-fitted center position and flux
are stored in the ``center`` (and ``cutout_center``) and
``flux`` attributes.
if len(stars) == 0:
return stars
if not isinstance(epsf, ImagePSF):
raise TypeError('The input epsf must be an ImagePSF.')
epsf = _LegacyEPSFModel(epsf.data, flux=epsf.flux, x_0=epsf.x_0,
y_0=epsf.y_0, oversampling=epsf.oversampling,
# make a copy of the input ePSF
epsf = epsf.copy()
# perform the fit
fitted_stars = []
for star in stars:
if isinstance(star, EPSFStar):
fitted_star = self._fit_star(epsf, star, self.fitter,
elif isinstance(star, LinkedEPSFStar):
fitted_star = []
for linked_star in star:
self._fit_star(epsf, linked_star, self.fitter,
fitted_star = LinkedEPSFStar(fitted_star)
raise TypeError('stars must contain only EPSFStar and/or '
'LinkedEPSFStar objects.')
return EPSFStars(fitted_stars)
def _fit_star(self, epsf, star, fitter, fitter_kwargs,
fitter_has_fit_info, fit_boxsize):
Fit an ePSF model to a single star.
The input ``epsf`` will usually be modified by the fitting
routine in this function. Make a copy before calling this
function if the original is needed.
if fit_boxsize is not None:
xcenter, ycenter = star.cutout_center
large_slc, _ = overlap_slices(star.shape, fit_boxsize,
(ycenter, xcenter),
except (PartialOverlapError, NoOverlapError):
warnings.warn(f'The star at ({star.center[0]}, '
f'{star.center[1]}) cannot be fit because '
'its fitting region extends beyond the star '
'cutout image.', AstropyUserWarning)
star = copy.deepcopy(star)
star._fit_error_status = 1
return star
data = star.data[large_slc]
weights = star.weights[large_slc]
# define the origin of the fitting region
x0 = large_slc[1].start
y0 = large_slc[0].start
# use the entire cutout image
data = star.data
weights = star.weights
# define the origin of the fitting region
x0 = 0
y0 = 0
# Define positions in the undersampled grid. The fitter will
# evaluate on the defined interpolation grid, currently in the
# range [0, len(undersampled grid)].
yy, xx = np.indices(data.shape, dtype=float)
xx = xx + x0 - star.cutout_center[0]
yy = yy + y0 - star.cutout_center[1]
# define the initial guesses for fitted flux and shifts
epsf.flux = star.flux
epsf.x_0 = 0.0
epsf.y_0 = 0.0
fitted_epsf = fitter(model=epsf, x=xx, y=yy, z=data,
weights=weights, **fitter_kwargs)
except TypeError:
# fitter doesn't support weights
fitted_epsf = fitter(model=epsf, x=xx, y=yy, z=data,
fit_error_status = 0
if fitter_has_fit_info:
fit_info = copy.copy(fitter.fit_info)
if 'ierr' in fit_info and fit_info['ierr'] not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
fit_error_status = 2 # fit solution was not found
fit_info = None
# compute the star's fitted position
x_center = star.cutout_center[0] + fitted_epsf.x_0.value
y_center = star.cutout_center[1] + fitted_epsf.y_0.value
star = copy.deepcopy(star)
star.cutout_center = (x_center, y_center)
# set the star's flux to the ePSF-fitted flux
star.flux = fitted_epsf.flux.value
star._fit_info = fit_info
star._fit_error_status = fit_error_status
return star
class EPSFBuilder:
Class to build an effective PSF (ePSF).
See `Anderson and King (2000; PASP 112, 1360)
and `Anderson (2016; WFC3 ISR 2016-12)
for details.
oversampling : int or array_like (int)
The integer oversampling factor(s) of the ePSF relative to the
input ``stars`` along each axis. If ``oversampling`` is a scalar
then it will be used for both axes. If ``oversampling`` has two
elements, they must be in ``(y, x)`` order.
shape : float, tuple of two floats, or `None`, optional
The shape of the output ePSF. If the ``shape`` is not `None`, it
will be derived from the sizes of the input ``stars`` and the
ePSF oversampling factor. If the size is even along any axis,
it will be made odd by adding one. The output ePSF will always
have odd sizes along both axes to ensure a well-defined central
smoothing_kernel : {'quartic', 'quadratic'}, 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, or `None`
The smoothing kernel to apply to the ePSF. The predefined
``'quartic'`` and ``'quadratic'`` kernels are derived
from fourth and second degree polynomials, respectively.
Alternatively, a custom 2D array can be input. If `None` then no
smoothing will be performed.
recentering_func : callable, optional
A callable object (e.g., function or class) that is used to
calculate the centroid of a 2D array. The callable must accept
a 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, have a ``mask`` keyword and optionally
``error`` and ``oversampling`` keywords. The callable object
must return a tuple of two 1D `~numpy.ndarray` variables,
representing the x and y centroids.
recentering_maxiters : int, optional
The maximum number of recentering iterations to perform during
each ePSF build iteration.
fitter : `EPSFFitter` object, optional
A `EPSFFitter` object use to fit the ePSF to stars. To set
custom fitter options, input a new `EPSFFitter` object. See the
`EPSFFitter` documentation for options.
maxiters : int, optional
The maximum number of iterations to perform.
progress_bar : bool, option
Whether to print the progress bar during the build
iterations. The progress bar requires that the `tqdm
<https://tqdm.github.io/>`_ optional dependency be installed.
Note that the progress bar does not currently work in the
Jupyter console due to limitations in ``tqdm``.
norm_radius : float, optional
The pixel radius over which the ePSF is normalized.
recentering_boxsize : float or tuple of two floats, optional
The size (in pixels) of the box used to calculate the
centroid of the ePSF during each build iteration. If a
single integer number is provided, then a square box will
be used. If two values are provided, then they must be in
``(ny, nx)`` order. ``recentering_boxsize`` must have odd
must have odd values and be greater than or equal to 3 for
both axes.
center_accuracy : float, optional
The desired accuracy for the centers of stars. The building
iterations will stop if the centers of all the stars change
by less than ``center_accuracy`` pixels between iterations.
All stars must meet this condition for the loop to exit.
sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` instance, optional
A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma
clipping parameters used to determine which pixels are ignored
when stacking the ePSF residuals in each iteration step. If
`None` then no sigma clipping will be performed.
If your image contains NaN values, you may see better performance if
you have the `bottleneck`_ package installed.
.. _bottleneck: https://github.com/pydata/bottleneck
def __init__(self, *, oversampling=4, shape=None,
smoothing_kernel='quartic', recentering_func=centroid_com,
recentering_maxiters=20, fitter=EPSFFitter(), maxiters=10,
progress_bar=True, norm_radius=5.5,
recentering_boxsize=(5, 5), center_accuracy=1.0e-3,
sigma_clip=SigmaClip(sigma=3, cenfunc='median', maxiters=10)):
if oversampling is None:
raise ValueError("'oversampling' must be specified.")
self.oversampling = as_pair('oversampling', oversampling,
lower_bound=(0, 1))
self._norm_radius = norm_radius
if shape is not None:
self.shape = as_pair('shape', shape, lower_bound=(0, 1))
self.shape = shape
self.recentering_func = recentering_func
self.recentering_maxiters = recentering_maxiters
self.recentering_boxsize = as_pair('recentering_boxsize',
lower_bound=(3, 0), check_odd=True)
self.smoothing_kernel = smoothing_kernel
if not isinstance(fitter, EPSFFitter):
raise TypeError('fitter must be an EPSFFitter instance.')
self.fitter = fitter
if center_accuracy <= 0.0:
raise ValueError('center_accuracy must be a positive number.')
self.center_accuracy_sq = center_accuracy**2
maxiters = int(maxiters)
if maxiters <= 0:
raise ValueError("'maxiters' must be a positive number.")
self.maxiters = maxiters
self.progress_bar = progress_bar
if not isinstance(sigma_clip, SigmaClip):
raise TypeError('sigma_clip must be an astropy.stats.SigmaClip '
self._sigma_clip = sigma_clip
# store each ePSF build iteration
self._epsf = []
def __call__(self, stars):
return self.build_epsf(stars)
def _create_initial_epsf(self, stars):
Create an initial `_LegacyEPSFModel` object.
The initial ePSF data are all zeros.
If ``shape`` is not specified, the shape of the ePSF data array
is determined from the shape of the input ``stars`` and the
oversampling factor. If the size is even along any axis, it will
be made odd by adding one. The output ePSF will always have odd
sizes along both axes to ensure a central pixel.
stars : `EPSFStars` object
The stars used to build the ePSF.
epsf : `_LegacyEPSFModel`
The initial ePSF model.
norm_radius = self._norm_radius
oversampling = self.oversampling
shape = self.shape
# define the ePSF shape
if shape is not None:
shape = as_pair('shape', shape, lower_bound=(0, 1), check_odd=True)
# Stars class should have odd-sized dimensions, and thus we
# get the oversampled shape as oversampling * len + 1; if
# len=25, then newlen=101, for example.
x_shape = (np.ceil(stars._max_shape[0]) * oversampling[1]
+ 1).astype(int)
y_shape = (np.ceil(stars._max_shape[1]) * oversampling[0]
+ 1).astype(int)
shape = np.array((y_shape, x_shape))
# verify odd sizes of shape
shape = [(i + 1) if i % 2 == 0 else i for i in shape]
data = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float)
# ePSF origin should be in the undersampled pixel units, not the
# oversampled grid units. The middle, fractional (as we wish for
# the center of the pixel, so the center should be at (v.5, w.5)
# detector pixels) value is simply the average of the two values
# at the extremes.
xcenter = stars._max_shape[0] / 2.0
ycenter = stars._max_shape[1] / 2.0
return _LegacyEPSFModel(data=data, origin=(xcenter, ycenter),
def _resample_residual(self, star, epsf):
Compute a normalized residual image in the oversampled ePSF
A normalized residual image is calculated by subtracting the
normalized ePSF model from the normalized star at the location
of the star in the undersampled grid. The normalized residual
image is then resampled from the undersampled star grid to the
oversampled ePSF grid.
star : `EPSFStar` object
A single star object.
epsf : `_LegacyEPSFModel` object
The ePSF model.
image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
A 2D image containing the resampled residual image. The
image contains NaNs where there is no data.
# Compute the normalized residual by subtracting the ePSF model
# from the normalized star at the location of the star in the
# undersampled grid.
x = star._xidx_centered
y = star._yidx_centered
stardata = (star._data_values_normalized
- epsf.evaluate(x=x, y=y, flux=1.0, x_0=0.0, y_0=0.0))
x = epsf.oversampling[1] * star._xidx_centered
y = epsf.oversampling[0] * star._yidx_centered
epsf_xcenter, epsf_ycenter = (int((epsf.data.shape[1] - 1) / 2),
int((epsf.data.shape[0] - 1) / 2))
xidx = py2intround(x + epsf_xcenter)
yidx = py2intround(y + epsf_ycenter)
resampled_img = np.full(epsf.shape, np.nan)
mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(xidx >= 0, xidx < epsf.shape[1]),
np.logical_and(yidx >= 0, yidx < epsf.shape[0]))
xidx_ = xidx[mask]
yidx_ = yidx[mask]
resampled_img[yidx_, xidx_] = stardata[mask]
return resampled_img
def _resample_residuals(self, stars, epsf):
Compute normalized residual images for all the input stars.
stars : `EPSFStars` object
The stars used to build the ePSF.
epsf : `_LegacyEPSFModel` object
The ePSF model.
epsf_resid : 3D `~numpy.ndarray`
A 3D cube containing the resampled residual images.
shape = (stars.n_good_stars, epsf.shape[0], epsf.shape[1])
epsf_resid = np.zeros(shape)
for i, star in enumerate(stars.all_good_stars):
epsf_resid[i, :, :] = self._resample_residual(star, epsf)
return epsf_resid
def _smooth_epsf(self, epsf_data):
Smooth the ePSF array by convolving it with a kernel.
epsf_data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
A 2D array containing the ePSF image.
result : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The smoothed (convolved) ePSF data.
if self.smoothing_kernel is None:
return epsf_data
# do this check first as comparing a ndarray to string causes a warning
if isinstance(self.smoothing_kernel, np.ndarray):
kernel = self.smoothing_kernel
elif self.smoothing_kernel == 'quartic':
# from Polynomial2D fit with degree=4 to 5x5 array of
# zeros with 1.0 at the center
# Polynomial2D(4, c0_0=0.04163265, c1_0=-0.76326531,
# c2_0=0.99081633, c3_0=-0.4, c4_0=0.05,
# c0_1=-0.76326531, c0_2=0.99081633, c0_3=-0.4,
# c0_4=0.05, c1_1=0.32653061, c1_2=-0.08163265,
# c1_3=0.0, c2_1=-0.08163265, c2_2=0.02040816,
# c3_1=-0.0)>
kernel = np.array(
[[+0.041632, -0.080816, 0.078368, -0.080816, +0.041632],
[-0.080816, -0.019592, 0.200816, -0.019592, -0.080816],
[+0.078368, +0.200816, 0.441632, +0.200816, +0.078368],
[-0.080816, -0.019592, 0.200816, -0.019592, -0.080816],
[+0.041632, -0.080816, 0.078368, -0.080816, +0.041632]])
elif self.smoothing_kernel == 'quadratic':
# from Polynomial2D fit with degree=2 to 5x5 array of
# zeros with 1.0 at the center
# Polynomial2D(2, c0_0=-0.07428571, c1_0=0.11428571,
# c2_0=-0.02857143, c0_1=0.11428571,
# c0_2=-0.02857143, c1_1=-0.0)
kernel = np.array(
[[-0.07428311, 0.01142786, 0.03999952, 0.01142786,
[+0.01142786, 0.09714283, 0.12571449, 0.09714283,
[+0.03999952, 0.12571449, 0.15428215, 0.12571449,
[+0.01142786, 0.09714283, 0.12571449, 0.09714283,
[-0.07428311, 0.01142786, 0.03999952, 0.01142786,
raise TypeError('Unsupported kernel.')
return convolve(epsf_data, kernel)
def _recenter_epsf(self, epsf, centroid_func=centroid_com,
box_size=(5, 5), maxiters=20, center_accuracy=1.0e-4):
Calculate the center of the ePSF data and shift the data so the
ePSF center is at the center of the ePSF data array.
epsf : `_LegacyEPSFModel` object
The ePSF model.
centroid_func : callable, optional
A callable object (e.g., function or class) that is used
to calculate the centroid of a 2D array. The callable must
accept a 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, have a ``mask`` keyword
and optionally an ``error`` keyword. The callable object
must return a tuple of two 1D `~numpy.ndarray` variables,
representing the x and y centroids.
box_size : float or tuple of two floats, optional
The size (in pixels) of the box used to calculate the
centroid of the ePSF during each build iteration. If a
single integer number is provided, then a square box will
be used. If two values are provided, then they must be in
``(ny, nx)`` order. ``box_size`` must have odd values and be
greater than or equal to 3 for both axes.
maxiters : int, optional
The maximum number of recentering iterations to perform.
center_accuracy : float, optional
The desired accuracy for the centers of stars. The building
iterations will stop if the center of the ePSF changes by
less than ``center_accuracy`` pixels between iterations.
result : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The recentered ePSF data.
epsf_data = epsf._data
epsf = _LegacyEPSFModel(data=epsf._data, origin=epsf.origin,
norm_radius=epsf._norm_radius, normalize=False)
xcenter, ycenter = epsf.origin
y, x = np.indices(epsf._data.shape, dtype=float)
x /= epsf.oversampling[1]
y /= epsf.oversampling[0]
dx_total, dy_total = 0, 0
iter_num = 0
center_accuracy_sq = center_accuracy**2
center_dist_sq = center_accuracy_sq + 1.0e6
center_dist_sq_prev = center_dist_sq + 1
while (iter_num < maxiters and center_dist_sq >= center_accuracy_sq):
iter_num += 1
# Anderson & King (2000) recentering function depends
# on specific pixels, and thus does not need a cutout
slices_large, _ = overlap_slices(epsf_data.shape, box_size,
(ycenter * self.oversampling[0],
xcenter * self.oversampling[1]))
epsf_cutout = epsf_data[slices_large]
mask = ~np.isfinite(epsf_cutout)
# find a new center position
xcenter_new, ycenter_new = centroid_func(epsf_cutout,
xcenter_new /= self.oversampling[1]
ycenter_new /= self.oversampling[0]
xcenter_new += slices_large[1].start / self.oversampling[1]
ycenter_new += slices_large[0].start / self.oversampling[0]
# Calculate the shift; dx = i - x_star so if dx was positively
# incremented then x_star was negatively incremented for a given i.
# We will therefore actually subsequently subtract dx from xcenter
# (or x_star).
dx = xcenter_new - xcenter
dy = ycenter_new - ycenter
center_dist_sq = dx**2 + dy**2
if center_dist_sq >= center_dist_sq_prev: # don't shift
center_dist_sq_prev = center_dist_sq
dx_total += dx
dy_total += dy
epsf_data = epsf.evaluate(x=x, y=y, flux=1.0,
x_0=xcenter - dx_total,
y_0=ycenter - dy_total)
return epsf_data
def _build_epsf_step(self, stars, epsf=None):
A single iteration of improving an ePSF.
stars : `EPSFStars` object
The stars used to build the ePSF.
epsf : `_LegacyEPSFModel` object, optional
The initial ePSF model. If not input, then the ePSF will be
built from scratch.
epsf : `_LegacyEPSFModel` object
The updated ePSF.
if len(stars) < 1:
raise ValueError('stars must contain at least one EPSFStar or '
'LinkedEPSFStar object.')
if epsf is None:
# create an initial ePSF (array of zeros)
epsf = self._create_initial_epsf(stars)
# improve the input ePSF
epsf = copy.deepcopy(epsf)
# compute a 3D stack of 2D residual images
residuals = self._resample_residuals(stars, epsf)
# compute the sigma-clipped average along the 3D stack
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=AstropyUserWarning)
residuals = self._sigma_clip(residuals, axis=0, masked=False,
residuals = nanmedian(residuals, axis=0)
# interpolate any missing data (np.nan)
mask = ~np.isfinite(residuals)
if np.any(mask):
residuals = _interpolate_missing_data(residuals, mask,
# fill any remaining nans (outer points) with zeros
residuals[~np.isfinite(residuals)] = 0.0
# add the residuals to the previous ePSF image
new_epsf = epsf._data + residuals
# smooth and recenter the ePSF
new_epsf = self._smooth_epsf(new_epsf)
epsf = _LegacyEPSFModel(data=new_epsf, origin=epsf.origin,
norm_radius=epsf._norm_radius, normalize=False)
epsf._data = self._recenter_epsf(
epsf, centroid_func=self.recentering_func,
# Return the new ePSF object, but with undersampled grid pixel
# coordinates.
xcenter = (epsf._data.shape[1] - 1) / 2.0 / epsf.oversampling[1]
ycenter = (epsf._data.shape[0] - 1) / 2.0 / epsf.oversampling[0]
return _LegacyEPSFModel(data=epsf._data, origin=(xcenter, ycenter),
def build_epsf(self, stars, *, init_epsf=None):
Build iteratively an ePSF from star cutouts.
stars : `EPSFStars` object
The stars used to build the ePSF.
init_epsf : `ImagePSF` object, optional
The initial ePSF model. If not input, then the ePSF will be
built from scratch.
epsf : `ImagePSF` object
The constructed ePSF.
fitted_stars : `EPSFStars` object
The input stars with updated centers and fluxes derived
from fitting the output ``epsf``.
iter_num = 0
fit_failed = np.zeros(stars.n_stars, dtype=bool)
epsf = init_epsf
center_dist_sq = self.center_accuracy_sq + 1.0
centers = stars.cutout_center_flat
pbar = None
if self.progress_bar:
desc = f'EPSFBuilder ({self.maxiters} maxiters)'
pbar = add_progress_bar(total=self.maxiters,
desc=desc) # pragma: no cover
if epsf is None:
legacy_epsf = None
legacy_epsf = _LegacyEPSFModel(epsf.data, flux=epsf.flux,
x_0=epsf.x_0, y_0=epsf.y_0,
while (iter_num < self.maxiters and not np.all(fit_failed)
and np.max(center_dist_sq) >= self.center_accuracy_sq):
iter_num += 1
# build/improve the ePSF
legacy_epsf = self._build_epsf_step(stars, epsf=legacy_epsf)
# fit the new ePSF to the stars to find improved centers
# we catch fit warnings here -- stars with unsuccessful fits
# are excluded from the ePSF build process
with warnings.catch_warnings():
message = '.*The fit may be unsuccessful;.*'
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message=message,
image_psf = ImagePSF(data=legacy_epsf.data,
stars = self.fitter(image_psf, stars)
# find all stars where the fit failed
fit_failed = np.array([star._fit_error_status > 0
for star in stars.all_stars])
if np.all(fit_failed):
raise ValueError('The ePSF fitting failed for all stars.')
# permanently exclude fitting any star where the fit fails
# after 3 iterations
if iter_num > 3 and np.any(fit_failed):
idx = fit_failed.nonzero()[0]
for i in idx: # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
stars.all_stars[i]._excluded_from_fit = True
# if no star centers have moved by more than pixel accuracy,
# stop the iteration loop early
dx_dy = stars.cutout_center_flat - centers
dx_dy = dx_dy[np.logical_not(fit_failed)]
center_dist_sq = np.sum(dx_dy * dx_dy, axis=1, dtype=np.float64)
centers = stars.cutout_center_flat
if pbar is not None:
if pbar is not None:
if iter_num < self.maxiters:
pbar.write(f'EPSFBuilder converged after {iter_num} '
f'iterations (of {self.maxiters} maximum '
epsf = ImagePSF(data=legacy_epsf.data, flux=legacy_epsf.flux,
x_0=legacy_epsf.x_0, y_0=legacy_epsf.y_0,
return epsf, stars