# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides classes to store the results of isophote fits.
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import QTable
from photutils.isophote.harmonics import (first_and_second_harmonic_function,
from photutils.utils._misc import _get_meta
__all__ = ['Isophote', 'IsophoteList']
class Isophote:
Container class to store the results of single isophote fit.
The extracted data sample at the given isophote (sampled intensities
along the elliptical path on the image) is also kept as an attribute
of this class. The container concept helps in segregating
information directly related to the sample, from information that
more closely relates to the fitting process, such as status codes,
errors for isophote parameters, and the like.
sample : `~photutils.isophote.EllipseSample` instance
The sample information.
niter : int
The number of iterations used to fit the isophote.
valid : bool
The status of the fitting operation.
stop_code : int
The fitting stop code:
* 0: Normal.
* 1: Fewer than the pre-specified fraction of the extracted
data points are valid.
* 2: Exceeded maximum number of iterations.
* 3: Singular matrix in harmonic fit, results may not be
valid. This also signals an insufficient number of data
points to fit.
* 4: Small or wrong gradient, or ellipse diverged. Subsequent
ellipses at larger or smaller semimajor axis may have
the same constant geometric parameters. It's also
used when the user turns off the fitting algorithm
via the ``maxrit`` fitting parameter (see the
`~photutils.isophote.Ellipse` class).
* 5: Ellipse diverged; not even the minimum number of
iterations could be executed. Subsequent ellipses at
larger or smaller semimajor axis may have the same
constant geometric parameters.
* -1: Internal use.
rms : float
The root-mean-square of intensity values along the elliptical
int_err : float
The error of the mean (rms / sqrt(# data points)).
ellip_err : float
The ellipticity error.
pa_err : float
The position angle error (radians).
x0_err : float
The error associated with the center x coordinate.
y0_err : float
The error associated with the center y coordinate.
pix_stddev : float
The estimate of pixel standard deviation (rms * sqrt(average
sector integration area)).
grad : float
The local radial intensity gradient.
grad_error : float
The measurement error of the local radial intensity gradient.
grad_r_error : float
The relative error of local radial intensity gradient.
tflux_e : float
The sum of all pixels inside the ellipse.
npix_e : int
The total number of valid pixels inside the ellipse.
tflux_c : float
The sum of all pixels inside a circle with the same ``sma`` as
the ellipse.
npix_c : int
The total number of valid pixels inside a circle with the same
``sma`` as the ellipse.
sarea : float
The average sector area on the isophote (pixel**2).
ndata : int
The number of extracted data points.
nflag : int
The number of discarded data points. Data points can be
discarded either because they are physically outside the image
frame boundaries, because they were rejected by sigma-clipping,
or they are masked.
a3, b3, a4, b4 : float
The higher order harmonics that measure the deviations from a
perfect ellipse. These values are actually the raw harmonic
amplitudes divided by the local radial gradient and the
semimajor axis length, so they can directly be compared with
each other. The ``b4`` parameter is positive for galaxies with
disky (kite-like) isophotes and negative for galaxies with boxy
a3_err, b3_err, a4_err, b4_err : float
The errors associated with the ``a3``, ``b3``, ``a4``, and
``b4`` attributes.
def __init__(self, sample, niter, valid, stop_code):
self.sample = sample
self.niter = niter
self.valid = valid
self.stop_code = stop_code
if sample.geometry.sma > 0:
self.intens = sample.mean
self.rms = np.std(sample.values[2])
self.int_err = self.rms / np.sqrt(sample.actual_points)
self.pix_stddev = self.rms * np.sqrt(sample.sector_area)
self.grad = sample.gradient
self.grad_error = sample.gradient_error
self.grad_r_error = sample.gradient_relative_error
self.sarea = sample.sector_area
self.ndata = sample.actual_points
self.nflag = sample.total_points - sample.actual_points
# flux contained inside ellipse and circle
(self.tflux_e, self.tflux_c, self.npix_e,
self.npix_c) = self._compute_fluxes()
# deviations from a perfect ellipse
(self.a3, self.b3, self.a3_err,
self.b3_err) = self._compute_deviations(sample, 3)
(self.a4, self.b4, self.a4_err,
self.b4_err) = self._compute_deviations(sample, 4)
# This method is useful for sorting lists of instances. Note
# that __lt__ is the python3 way of supporting sorting.
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.sma < other.sma
except AttributeError as err:
raise AttributeError('Comparison object does not have a "sma" '
'attribute.') from err
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.sma > other.sma
except AttributeError as err:
raise AttributeError('Comparison object does not have a "sma" '
'attribute.') from err
def __le__(self, other):
return self.sma <= other.sma
except AttributeError as err:
raise AttributeError('Comparison object does not have a "sma" '
'attribute.') from err
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.sma >= other.sma
except AttributeError as err:
raise AttributeError('Comparison object does not have a "sma" '
'attribute.') from err
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.sma == other.sma
except AttributeError as err:
raise AttributeError('Comparison object does not have a "sma" '
'attribute.') from err
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.sma != other.sma
except AttributeError as err:
raise AttributeError('Comparison object does not have a "sma" '
'attribute.') from err
def __str__(self):
return str(self.to_table())
def sma(self):
The semimajor axis length (pixels).
return self.sample.geometry.sma
def eps(self):
The ellipticity of the ellipse.
return self.sample.geometry.eps
def pa(self):
The position angle (radians) of the ellipse.
return self.sample.geometry.pa
def x0(self):
The center x coordinate (pixel).
return self.sample.geometry.x0
def y0(self):
The center y coordinate (pixel).
return self.sample.geometry.y0
def _compute_fluxes(self):
Compute integrated flux inside ellipse, as well as inside a
circle defined with the same semimajor axis.
Pixels in a square section enclosing circle are scanned; the
distance of each pixel to the isophote center is compared both
with the semimajor axis length and with the length of the
ellipse radius vector, and integrals are updated if the pixel
distance is smaller.
# Compute limits of square array that encloses circle.
sma = self.sample.geometry.sma
x0 = self.sample.geometry.x0
y0 = self.sample.geometry.y0
xsize = self.sample.image.shape[1]
ysize = self.sample.image.shape[0]
imin = max(0, int(x0 - sma - 0.5) - 1)
jmin = max(0, int(y0 - sma - 0.5) - 1)
imax = min(xsize, int(x0 + sma + 0.5) + 1)
jmax = min(ysize, int(y0 + sma + 0.5) + 1)
# Integrate
if (jmax - jmin > 1) and (imax - imin) > 1:
y, x = np.mgrid[jmin:jmax, imin:imax]
radius, angle = self.sample.geometry.to_polar(x, y)
radius_e = self.sample.geometry.radius(angle)
midx = (radius <= sma)
values = self.sample.image[y[midx], x[midx]]
tflux_c = np.ma.sum(values)
npix_c = np.ma.count(values)
midx2 = (radius <= radius_e)
values = self.sample.image[y[midx2], x[midx2]]
tflux_e = np.ma.sum(values)
npix_e = np.ma.count(values)
tflux_e = 0.0
tflux_c = 0.0
npix_e = 0
npix_c = 0
return tflux_e, tflux_c, npix_e, npix_c
def _compute_deviations(self, sample, n):
Compute deviations from a perfect ellipse, based on the
amplitudes and errors for harmonic "n".
Note that we first subtract the first and second harmonics from
the raw data.
# upper (third and fourth) harmonics
up_coeffs, up_inv_hessian = fit_upper_harmonic(sample.values[0],
a = up_coeffs[1] / self.sma / abs(sample.gradient)
b = up_coeffs[2] / self.sma / abs(sample.gradient)
def errfunc(x, phi, order, intensities):
return (x[0] + x[1] * np.sin(order * phi)
+ x[2] * np.cos(order * phi) - intensities)
up_var_residual = np.std(errfunc(up_coeffs, self.sample.values[0],
n, self.sample.values[2]),
up_covariance = up_inv_hessian * up_var_residual
ce = np.sqrt(np.diag(up_covariance))
# this comes from the old code. Likely it was based on
# empirical experience with the STSDAS task, so we leave
# it here without too much thought.
gre = self.grad_r_error if self.grad_r_error is not None else 0.8
a_err = abs(a) * np.sqrt((ce[1] / up_coeffs[1])**2 + gre**2)
b_err = abs(b) * np.sqrt((ce[2] / up_coeffs[2])**2 + gre**2)
except Exception: # we want to catch everything
a = b = a_err = b_err = None
return a, b, a_err, b_err
def _compute_errors(self):
Compute parameter errors based on the diagonal of the covariance
matrix of the four harmonic coefficients for harmonics n=1 and
coeffs, covariance = fit_first_and_second_harmonics(
self.sample.values[0], self.sample.values[2])
model = first_and_second_harmonic_function(self.sample.values[0],
var_residual = np.std(self.sample.values[2] - model,
ddof=len(coeffs)) ** 2
errors = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(covariance * var_residual))
eps = self.sample.geometry.eps
pa = self.sample.geometry.pa
# parameter errors result from direct projection of
# coefficient errors. These showed to be the error estimators
# that best convey the errors measured in Monte Carlo
# experiments (see Busko 1996; ASPC 101, 139).
ea = abs(errors[2] / self.grad)
eb = abs(errors[1] * (1.0 - eps) / self.grad)
self.x0_err = np.sqrt((ea * np.cos(pa))**2 + (eb * np.sin(pa))**2)
self.y0_err = np.sqrt((ea * np.sin(pa))**2 + (eb * np.cos(pa))**2)
self.ellip_err = (abs(2.0 * errors[4] * (1.0 - eps) / self.sma
/ self.grad))
if abs(eps) > np.finfo(float).resolution:
self.pa_err = (abs(2.0 * errors[3] * (1.0 - eps) / self.sma
/ self.grad / (1.0 - (1.0 - eps)**2)))
self.pa_err = 0.0
except Exception: # we want to catch everything
self.x0_err = self.y0_err = self.pa_err = self.ellip_err = 0.0
def fix_geometry(self, isophote):
Fix the geometry of a problematic isophote to be identical to
the input isophote.
This method should be called when the fitting goes berserk and
delivers an isophote with bad geometry, such as ellipticity > 1
or another meaningless situation. This is not a problem in
itself when fitting any given isophote, but will create an error
when the affected isophote is used as starting guess for the
next fit.
isophote : `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` instance
The isophote from which to take the geometry information.
self.sample.geometry.eps = isophote.sample.geometry.eps
self.sample.geometry.pa = isophote.sample.geometry.pa
self.sample.geometry.x0 = isophote.sample.geometry.x0
self.sample.geometry.y0 = isophote.sample.geometry.y0
def sampled_coordinates(self):
Return the (x, y) coordinates where the image was sampled in
order to get the intensities associated with this isophote.
x, y : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
The x and y coordinates as 1D arrays.
return self.sample.coordinates()
def to_table(self):
Return the main isophote parameters as an astropy
result : `~astropy.table.QTable`
An astropy `~astropy.table.QTable` containing the main
isophote parameters.
return _isophote_list_to_table([self])
class CentralPixel(Isophote):
Specialized Isophote class for the galaxy central pixel.
This class holds only a single intensity value at the central
position. Thus, most of its attributes are hardcoded to `None` or a
default value when appropriate.
sample : `~photutils.isophote.EllipseSample` instance
The sample information.
def __init__(self, sample):
super().__init__(sample, 0, valid=True, stop_code=0)
self.intens = sample.mean
# some values are set to zero to ease certain tasks
# such as model building and plotting magnitude errors
self.rms = None
self.int_err = 0.0
self.pix_stddev = None
self.grad = 0.0
self.grad_error = None
self.grad_r_error = None
self.sarea = None
self.ndata = sample.actual_points
self.nflag = sample.total_points - sample.actual_points
self.tflux_e = self.tflux_c = self.npix_e = self.npix_c = None
self.a3 = self.b3 = 0.0
self.a4 = self.b4 = 0.0
self.a3_err = self.b3_err = 0.0
self.a4_err = self.b4_err = 0.0
self.ellip_err = 0.0
self.pa_err = 0.0
self.x0_err = 0.0
self.y0_err = 0.0
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.sma == other.sma
except AttributeError as err:
raise AttributeError('Comparison object does not have a "sma" '
'attribute.') from err
def eps(self):
The ellipticity of the ellipse.
return 0.0
def pa(self):
The position angle (radians) of the ellipse.
return 0.0
class IsophoteList:
Container class that provides the same attributes as the
`~photutils.isophote.Isophote` class, but for a list of isophotes.
The attributes of this class are arrays representing the values of
the attributes for the entire list of `~photutils.isophote.Isophote`
instances. See the `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` class for a
description of the attributes.
The class extends the `list` functionality, thus provides basic list
behavior such as slicing, appending, and support for '+' and '+='
iso_list : list of `~photutils.isophote.Isophote`
A list of `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` instances.
def __init__(self, iso_list):
self._list = iso_list
def __len__(self):
return len(self._list)
def __delitem__(self, index):
def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self._list.__setitem__(index, value)
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, slice):
return IsophoteList(self._list[index])
return self._list.__getitem__(index)
def __iter__(self):
return self._list.__iter__()
def sort(self):
Sort the list of isophotes by semimajor axis length.
def insert(self, index, value):
Insert an isophote at a given index.
index : int
The index where to insert the isophote.
value : `~photutils.isophote.Isophote`
The isophote to be inserted.
self._list.insert(index, value)
def append(self, value):
Append an isophote to the list.
value : `~photutils.isophote.Isophote`
The isophote to be appended.
self.insert(len(self) + 1, value)
def extend(self, value):
Extend the list with the isophotes from another
`~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList` instance.
value : `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList`
The isophotes to be appended.
def __iadd__(self, value):
return self
def __add__(self, value):
temp = self._list[:] # shallow copy
return IsophoteList(temp)
def get_closest(self, sma):
Return the `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` instance that has the
closest semimajor axis length to the input semimajor axis.
sma : float
The semimajor axis length.
isophote : `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` instance
The isophote with the closest semimajor axis value.
index = (np.abs(self.sma - sma)).argmin()
return self._list[index]
def _collect_as_array(self, attr_name):
return np.array(self._collect_as_list(attr_name), dtype=float)
def _collect_as_list(self, attr_name):
return [getattr(iso, attr_name) for iso in self._list]
def sample(self):
The isophote `~photutils.isophote.EllipseSample` information.
return self._collect_as_list('sample')
def sma(self):
The semimajor axis length (pixels).
return self._collect_as_array('sma')
def intens(self):
The mean intensity value along the elliptical path.
return self._collect_as_array('intens')
def int_err(self):
The error of the mean intensity (rms / sqrt(# data points)).
return self._collect_as_array('int_err')
def eps(self):
The ellipticity of the ellipse.
return self._collect_as_array('eps')
def ellip_err(self):
The ellipticity error.
return self._collect_as_array('ellip_err')
def pa(self):
The position angle (radians) of the ellipse.
return self._collect_as_array('pa')
def pa_err(self):
The position angle error (radians).
return self._collect_as_array('pa_err')
def x0(self):
The center x coordinate (pixel).
return self._collect_as_array('x0')
def x0_err(self):
The error associated with the center x coordinate.
return self._collect_as_array('x0_err')
def y0(self):
The center y coordinate (pixel).
return self._collect_as_array('y0')
def y0_err(self):
The error associated with the center y coordinate.
return self._collect_as_array('y0_err')
def rms(self):
The root-mean-square of intensity values along the elliptical
return self._collect_as_array('rms')
def pix_stddev(self):
The estimate of pixel standard deviation (rms * sqrt(average
sector integration area)).
return self._collect_as_array('pix_stddev')
def grad(self):
The local radial intensity gradient.
return self._collect_as_array('grad')
def grad_error(self):
The measurement error of the local radial intensity gradient.
return self._collect_as_array('grad_error')
def grad_r_error(self):
The relative error of local radial intensity gradient.
return self._collect_as_array('grad_r_error')
def sarea(self):
The average sector area on the isophote (pixel**2).
return self._collect_as_array('sarea')
def ndata(self):
The number of extracted data points.
return self._collect_as_array('ndata')
def nflag(self):
The number of discarded data points.
Data points can be discarded either because they are physically
outside the image frame boundaries, because they were rejected
by sigma-clipping, or they are masked.
return self._collect_as_array('nflag')
def niter(self):
The number of iterations used to fit the isophote.
return self._collect_as_array('niter')
def valid(self):
The status of the fitting operation.
return self._collect_as_array('valid')
def stop_code(self):
The fitting stop code.
return self._collect_as_array('stop_code')
def tflux_e(self):
The sum of all pixels inside the ellipse.
return self._collect_as_array('tflux_e')
def tflux_c(self):
The sum of all pixels inside a circle with the same ``sma`` as
the ellipse.
return self._collect_as_array('tflux_c')
def npix_e(self):
The total number of valid pixels inside the ellipse.
return self._collect_as_array('npix_e')
def npix_c(self):
The total number of valid pixels inside a circle with the same
``sma`` as the ellipse.
return self._collect_as_array('npix_c')
def a3(self):
A third-order harmonic coefficient.
See the
:func:`~photutils.isophote.fit_upper_harmonic` function for
return self._collect_as_array('a3')
def b3(self):
A third-order harmonic coefficient.
See the
:func:`~photutils.isophote.fit_upper_harmonic` function for
return self._collect_as_array('b3')
def a4(self):
A fourth-order harmonic coefficient.
See the
:func:`~photutils.isophote.fit_upper_harmonic` function for
return self._collect_as_array('a4')
def b4(self):
A fourth-order harmonic coefficient.
See the
:func:`~photutils.isophote.fit_upper_harmonic` function for
return self._collect_as_array('b4')
def a3_err(self):
The error associated with `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList.a3`.
return self._collect_as_array('a3_err')
def b3_err(self):
The error associated with `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList.b3`.
return self._collect_as_array('b3_err')
def a4_err(self):
The error associated with `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList.a4`.
return self._collect_as_array('a4_err')
def b4_err(self):
The error associated with `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList.b3`.
return self._collect_as_array('b4_err')
def to_table(self, columns='main'):
Convert an `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList` instance to a
`~astropy.table.QTable` with the main isophote parameters.
columns : list of str
A list of properties to export from the isophote list. If
``columns`` is 'all' or 'main', it will pick all or few of the
main properties.
result : `~astropy.table.QTable`
An astropy QTable with the main isophote parameters.
return _isophote_list_to_table(self, columns)
def get_names(self):
Get the names of the properties of an
`~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList` instance.
list_names : list
A list of the names of the properties.
return list(_get_properties(self).keys())
def _get_properties(isophote_list):
Return the properties of an `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList`
isophote_list : `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList` instance
A list of isophotes.
result : dict
An dictionary with the list of the isophote_list properties.
properties = {}
for an_item in isophote_list.__class__.__dict__:
p_type = isophote_list.__class__.__dict__[an_item]
# Exclude the sample property
if isinstance(p_type, property) and 'sample' not in an_item:
properties[str(an_item)] = str(an_item)
return properties
def _isophote_list_to_table(isophote_list, columns='main'):
Convert an `~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList` instance to a
isophote_list : list of `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` or \
`~photutils.isophote.IsophoteList` instance
A list of isophotes.
columns : list of str
A list of properties to export from the ``isophote_list``. If
``columns`` is 'all' or 'main', it will pick all or few of the
main properties.
result : `~astropy.table.QTable`
An astropy QTable with the selected or all isophote parameters.
properties = {}
isotable = QTable()
isotable.meta.update(_get_meta()) # keep isotable.meta type
# main_properties: `List`
# A list of main parameters matching the original names of
# the isophote_list parameters
def __rename_properties(properties,
orig_names=('int_err', 'eps', 'ellip_err',
'grad_r_error', 'nflag'),
new_names=('intens_err', 'ellipticity',
'ellipticity_err', 'grad_rerror',
Simple renaming for some of the isophote_list parameters.
properties : dict
A dictionary with the list of the isophote_list parameters.
orig_names : list
A list of original names in the isophote_list parameters to
be renamed.
new_names : list
A list of new names matching in length of the orig_names.
properties : dict
A dictionary with the list of the renamed isophote_list
main_properties = ['sma', 'intens', 'int_err', 'eps', 'ellip_err',
'pa', 'pa_err', 'grad', 'grad_error',
'grad_r_error', 'x0', 'x0_err', 'y0', 'y0_err',
'ndata', 'nflag', 'niter', 'stop_code']
for an_item in main_properties:
if an_item in orig_names:
properties[an_item] = new_names[orig_names.index(an_item)]
properties[an_item] = an_item
return properties
if columns == 'all':
properties = _get_properties(isophote_list)
properties = __rename_properties(properties)
elif columns == 'main':
properties = __rename_properties(properties)
for an_item in columns:
properties[an_item] = an_item
for k, v in properties.items():
isotable[v] = np.array([getattr(iso, k) for iso in isophote_list])
if k in ('pa', 'pa_err'):
isotable[v] = isotable[v] * 180.0 / np.pi * u.deg
return isotable