# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools for computing and fitting harmonic functions.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
__all__ = ['first_and_second_harmonic_function',
'fit_first_and_second_harmonics', 'fit_upper_harmonic']
def _least_squares_fit(optimize_func, parameters):
# call the least squares fitting
# function and handle the result.
solution = leastsq(optimize_func, parameters, full_output=True)
if solution[4] > 4:
raise RuntimeError('Error in least squares fit: ' + solution[3])
# return coefficients and covariance matrix
return (solution[0], solution[1])
def first_and_second_harmonic_function(phi, c):
Compute the harmonic function value used to calculate the
corrections for ellipse fitting.
This function includes simultaneously both the first and second
order harmonics:
.. math::
f(phi) = c[0] + c[1]*\sin(phi) + c[2]*\cos(phi) +
c[3]*\sin(2*phi) + c[4]*\cos(2*phi)
phi : float or `~numpy.ndarray`
The angle(s) along the elliptical path, going towards the positive
y axis, starting coincident with the position angle. That is, the
angles are defined from the semimajor axis that lies in
the positive x quadrant.
c : `~numpy.ndarray` of shape (5,)
Array containing the five harmonic coefficients.
result : float or `~numpy.ndarray`
The function value(s) at the given input angle(s).
return (c[0] + c[1] * np.sin(phi) + c[2] * np.cos(phi)
+ c[3] * np.sin(2 * phi) + c[4] * np.cos(2 * phi))
def fit_first_and_second_harmonics(phi, intensities):
Fit the first and second harmonic function values to a set of
(angle, intensity) pairs.
This function is used to compute corrections for ellipse fitting:
.. math::
f(phi) = y0 + a1*\sin(phi) + b1*\cos(phi) + a2*\sin(2*phi) +
phi : float or `~numpy.ndarray`
The angle(s) along the elliptical path, going towards the positive
y axis, starting coincident with the position angle. That is, the
angles are defined from the semimajor axis that lies in
the positive x quadrant.
intensities : `~numpy.ndarray`
The intensities measured along the elliptical path, at the
angles defined by the ``phi`` parameter.
y0, a1, b1, a2, b2 : float
The fitted harmonic coefficient values.
a1 = b1 = a2 = b2 = 1.0
def optimize_func(x):
return first_and_second_harmonic_function(
phi, np.array([x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]])) - intensities
return _least_squares_fit(optimize_func, [np.mean(intensities), a1, b1,
a2, b2])
def fit_upper_harmonic(phi, intensities, order):
Fit upper harmonic function to a set of (angle, intensity) pairs.
With ``order`` set to 3 or 4, the resulting amplitudes, divided by
the semimajor axis length and local gradient, measure the deviations
from perfect ellipticity.
The harmonic function that is fit is:
.. math::
y(phi, order) = y0 + An*\sin(order*phi) + Bn*\cos(order*phi)
phi : float or `~numpy.ndarray`
The angle(s) along the elliptical path, going towards the positive
y axis, starting coincident with the position angle. That is, the
angles are defined from the semimajor axis that lies in
the positive x quadrant.
intensities : `~numpy.ndarray`
The intensities measured along the elliptical path, at the
angles defined by the ``phi`` parameter.
order : int
The order of the harmonic to be fitted.
y0, An, Bn : float
The fitted harmonic values.
an = bn = 1.0
def optimize_func(x):
return (x[0] + x[1] * np.sin(order * phi)
+ x[2] * np.cos(order * phi) - intensities)
return _least_squares_fit(optimize_func, [np.mean(intensities), an, bn])