Source code for photutils.isophote.fitter

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides a class to fit ellipses.

import math

import numpy as np
from astropy import log

from photutils.isophote.harmonics import (first_and_second_harmonic_function,
from photutils.isophote.isophote import CentralPixel, Isophote
from photutils.isophote.sample import EllipseSample

__all__ = ['EllipseFitter']

__doctest_skip__ = ['']

PI2 = np.pi / 2
MAX_EPS = 0.95
MIN_EPS = 0.05


[docs] class EllipseFitter: """ Class to fit ellipses. Parameters ---------- sample : `~photutils.isophote.EllipseSample` instance The sample data to be fitted. """ def __init__(self, sample): self._sample = sample
[docs] def fit(self, *, conver=DEFAULT_CONVERGENCE, minit=DEFAULT_MINIT, maxit=DEFAULT_MAXIT, fflag=DEFAULT_FFLAG, maxgerr=DEFAULT_MAXGERR, going_inwards=False): """ Fit an elliptical isophote. Parameters ---------- conver : float, optional The main convergence criterion. Iterations stop when the largest harmonic amplitude becomes smaller (in absolute value) than ``conver`` times the harmonic fit rms. The default is 0.05. minit : int, optional The minimum number of iterations to perform. A minimum of 10 (the default) iterations guarantees that, on average, 2 iterations will be available for fitting each independent parameter (the four harmonic amplitudes and the intensity level). For the first isophote, the minimum number of iterations is 2 * ``minit`` to ensure that, even departing from not-so-good initial values, the algorithm has a better chance to converge to a sensible solution. maxit : int, optional The maximum number of iterations to perform. The default is 50. fflag : float, optional The acceptable fraction of flagged data points in the sample. If the actual fraction of valid data points is smaller than this, the iterations will stop and the current `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` will be returned. Flagged data points are points that either lie outside the image frame, are masked, or were rejected by sigma-clipping. The default is 0.7. maxgerr : float, optional The maximum acceptable relative error in the local radial intensity gradient. This is the main control for preventing ellipses to grow to regions of too low signal-to-noise ratio. It specifies the maximum acceptable relative error in the local radial intensity gradient. `Busko (1996; ASPC 101, 139) < act>`_ showed that the fitting precision relates to that relative error. The usual behavior of the gradient relative error is to increase with semimajor axis, being larger in outer, fainter regions of a galaxy image. In the current implementation, the ``maxgerr`` criterion is triggered only when two consecutive isophotes exceed the value specified by the parameter. This prevents premature stopping caused by contamination such as stars and HII regions. A number of actions may happen when the gradient error exceeds ``maxgerr`` (or becomes non-significant and is set to `None`). If the maximum semimajor axis specified by ``maxsma`` is set to `None`, semimajor axis growth is stopped and the algorithm proceeds inwards to the galaxy center. If ``maxsma`` is set to some finite value, and this value is larger than the current semimajor axis length, the algorithm enters non-iterative mode and proceeds outwards until reaching ``maxsma``. The default is 0.5. going_inwards : bool, optional Parameter to define the sense of SMA growth. When fitting just one isophote, this parameter is used only by the code that defines the details of how elliptical arc segments ("sectors") are extracted from the image, when using area extraction modes (see the ``integrmode`` parameter in the `~photutils.isophote.EllipseSample` class). The default is `False`. Returns ------- result : `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` instance The fitted isophote, which also contains fit status information. Examples -------- >>> from photutils.isophote import EllipseSample, EllipseFitter >>> sample = EllipseSample(data, sma=10.0) >>> fitter = EllipseFitter(sample) >>> isophote = """ sample = self._sample # this flag signals that limiting gradient error (`maxgerr`) # wasn't exceeded yet. lexceed = False # here we keep track of the sample that caused the minimum harmonic # amplitude(in absolute value). This will eventually be used to # build the resulting Isophote in cases where iterations run to # the maximum allowed (maxit), or the maximum number of flagged # data points (fflag) is reached. minimum_amplitude_value = np.inf minimum_amplitude_sample = None # these must be passed throughout the execution chain. fixed_parameters = self._sample.geometry.fix for i in range(maxit): # Force the sample to compute its gradient and associated values. sample.update(fixed_parameters) # The extract() method returns sampled values as a 2-d numpy # array with the following structure: # values[0] = 1-d array with angles # values[1] = 1-d array with radii # values[2] = 1-d array with intensity values = sample.extract() # We have to check for a zero-length condition here, and # bail out in case it is detected. The scipy fitter won't # raise an exception for zero-length input arrays, but just # prints an "INFO" message. This may result in an infinite # loop. if len(values[2]) < 1: s = str(sample.geometry.sma) log.warning('Too small sample to warrant a fit. SMA is ' + s) sample.geometry.fix = fixed_parameters return Isophote(sample, i + 1, valid=False, stop_code=3) # Fit harmonic coefficients. Failure in fitting is # a fatal error; terminate immediately with sample # marked as invalid. try: coeffs = fit_first_and_second_harmonics(values[0], values[2]) coeffs = coeffs[0] except Exception as e: log.warning(e) sample.geometry.fix = fixed_parameters return Isophote(sample, i + 1, valid=False, stop_code=3) # Mask out coefficients that control fixed ellipse parameters. free_coeffs =[1:], mask=fixed_parameters) # Largest non-masked harmonic in absolute value drives the # correction. largest_harmonic_index = np.argmax(np.abs(free_coeffs)) largest_harmonic = free_coeffs[largest_harmonic_index] # see if the amplitude decreased; if yes, keep the # corresponding sample for eventual later use. if abs(largest_harmonic) < minimum_amplitude_value: minimum_amplitude_value = abs(largest_harmonic) minimum_amplitude_sample = sample # check if converged model = first_and_second_harmonic_function(values[0], coeffs) residual = values[2] - model if ((conver * sample.sector_area * np.std(residual)) > np.abs(largest_harmonic)) and (i >= minit - 1): # Got a valid solution and a minimum number of # iterations has run sample.update(fixed_parameters) return Isophote(sample, i + 1, valid=True, stop_code=0) # it may not have converged yet, but the sample contains too # many invalid data points: return. if sample.actual_points < (sample.total_points * fflag): # when too many data points were flagged, return the # best fit sample instead of the current one. minimum_amplitude_sample.update(fixed_parameters) return Isophote(minimum_amplitude_sample, i + 1, valid=True, stop_code=1) # pick appropriate corrector code. corrector = _CORRECTORS[largest_harmonic_index] # generate *NEW* EllipseSample instance with corrected # parameter. Note that this instance is still devoid of # other information besides its geometry. It needs to be # explicitly updated for computations to proceed. We have to # build a new EllipseSample instance every time because of # the lazy extraction process used by EllipseSample code. To # minimize the number of calls to the area integrators, we # pay a (hopefully smaller) price here, by having multiple # calls to the EllipseSample constructor. sample = corrector.correct(sample, largest_harmonic) sample.update(fixed_parameters) # see if any abnormal (or unusual) conditions warrant # the change to non-iterative mode, or go-inwards mode. proceed, lexceed = self._check_conditions( sample, maxgerr, going_inwards, lexceed) if not proceed: sample.update(fixed_parameters) return Isophote(sample, i + 1, valid=True, stop_code=-1) # Got to the maximum number of iterations. Return with # code 2, and handle it as a valid isophote. Use the # best fit sample instead of the current one. minimum_amplitude_sample.update(fixed_parameters) return Isophote(minimum_amplitude_sample, maxit, valid=True, stop_code=2)
@staticmethod def _check_conditions(sample, maxgerr, going_inwards, lexceed): proceed = True # check if an acceptable gradient value could be computed. if sample.gradient_error and sample.gradient_relative_error: if not going_inwards and ( sample.gradient_relative_error > maxgerr or sample.gradient >= 0.0): if lexceed: proceed = False else: lexceed = True else: proceed = False # check if ellipse geometry diverged. if abs(sample.geometry.eps > MAX_EPS): proceed = False if (sample.geometry.x0 < 1.0 or sample.geometry.x0 > sample.image.shape[1] or sample.geometry.y0 < 1.0 or sample.geometry.y0 > sample.image.shape[0]): proceed = False # See if eps == 0 (round isophote) was crossed. # If so, fix it but still proceed if sample.geometry.eps < 0.0: sample.geometry.eps = min(-sample.geometry.eps, MAX_EPS) if < PI2: += PI2 else: -= PI2 # If ellipse is an exact circle, computations will diverge. # Make it slightly flat, but still proceed if sample.geometry.eps == 0.0: sample.geometry.eps = MIN_EPS return proceed, lexceed
class _ParameterCorrector: def correct(self, sample, harmonic): raise NotImplementedError class _PositionCorrector(_ParameterCorrector): @staticmethod def finalize_correction(dx, dy, sample): new_x0 = sample.geometry.x0 + dx new_y0 = sample.geometry.y0 + dy return EllipseSample(sample.image, sample.geometry.sma, x0=new_x0, y0=new_y0, astep=sample.geometry.astep, sclip=sample.sclip, nclip=sample.nclip, eps=sample.geometry.eps,, linear_growth=sample.geometry.linear_growth, integrmode=sample.integrmode) class _PositionCorrector0(_PositionCorrector): def correct(self, sample, harmonic): aux = -harmonic * (1.0 - sample.geometry.eps) / sample.gradient dx = -aux * math.sin( dy = aux * math.cos( return self.finalize_correction(dx, dy, sample) class _PositionCorrector1(_PositionCorrector): def correct(self, sample, harmonic): aux = -harmonic / sample.gradient dx = aux * math.cos( dy = aux * math.sin( return self.finalize_correction(dx, dy, sample) class _AngleCorrector(_ParameterCorrector): def correct(self, sample, harmonic): eps = sample.geometry.eps sma = sample.geometry.sma gradient = sample.gradient correction = (harmonic * 2.0 * (1.0 - eps) / sma / gradient / ((1.0 - eps)**2 - 1.0)) # '% np.pi' to make angle lie between 0 and np.pi radians new_pa = ( + correction) % np.pi return EllipseSample(sample.image, sample.geometry.sma, x0=sample.geometry.x0, y0=sample.geometry.y0, astep=sample.geometry.astep, sclip=sample.sclip, nclip=sample.nclip, eps=sample.geometry.eps, position_angle=new_pa, linear_growth=sample.geometry.linear_growth, integrmode=sample.integrmode) class _EllipticityCorrector(_ParameterCorrector): def correct(self, sample, harmonic): eps = sample.geometry.eps sma = sample.geometry.sma gradient = sample.gradient correction = harmonic * 2.0 * (1.0 - eps) / sma / gradient new_eps = min((sample.geometry.eps - correction), MAX_EPS) return EllipseSample(sample.image, sample.geometry.sma, x0=sample.geometry.x0, y0=sample.geometry.y0, astep=sample.geometry.astep, sclip=sample.sclip, nclip=sample.nclip, eps=new_eps,, linear_growth=sample.geometry.linear_growth, integrmode=sample.integrmode) # instances of corrector code live here: _CORRECTORS = [_PositionCorrector0(), _PositionCorrector1(), _AngleCorrector(), _EllipticityCorrector()] class CentralEllipseFitter(EllipseFitter): """ A special Fitter class to handle the case of the central pixel in the galaxy image. """ def fit(self, **kwargs): """ Perform just a simple 1-pixel extraction at the current (x0, y0) position using bilinear interpolation. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments are ignored, but allowed to match the calling signature of the parent class. Returns ------- result : `~photutils.isophote.CentralEllipsePixel` instance The central pixel value. For convenience, the `~photutils.isophote.CentralEllipsePixel` class inherits from the `~photutils.isophote.Isophote` class, although it's not really a true isophote but just a single intensity value at the central position. Thus, most of its attributes are hardcoded to `None` or other default value when appropriate. """ # default values fixed_parameters = np.array([False, False, False, False]) self._sample.update(fixed_parameters) return CentralPixel(self._sample)