Source code for photutils.detection.starfinder

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module implements the StarFinder class.

import inspect
import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy.nddata import overlap_slices
from astropy.table import QTable
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty

from photutils.detection.core import StarFinderBase
from photutils.utils._convolution import _filter_data
from photutils.utils._misc import _get_meta
from photutils.utils._moments import _moments, _moments_central
from photutils.utils.exceptions import NoDetectionsWarning

__all__ = ['StarFinder']

[docs] class StarFinder(StarFinderBase): """ Detect stars in an image using a user-defined kernel. Parameters ---------- threshold : float The absolute image value above which to select sources. kernel : `~numpy.ndarray` A 2D array of the PSF kernel. min_separation : float, optional The minimum separation (in pixels) for detected objects. Note that large values may result in long run times. exclude_border : bool, optional Whether to exclude sources found within half the size of the convolution kernel from the image borders. brightest : `None` or int, optional The number of brightest objects to return in the output table. If ``brightest`` is set to `None`, all objects will be returned. peakmax : `None` or float, optional The maximum allowed peak pixel value in an object. Only objects whose maximum pixel values are strictly smaller than ``peakmax`` will be selected. This may be used to exclude saturated sources. If set to `None`, all objects will be selected. .. warning:: `StarFinder` automatically excludes objects whose maximum pixel values are negative. Therefore, setting ``peakmax`` to a non-positive value would result in excluding all objects. See Also -------- DAOStarFinder, IRAFStarFinder Notes ----- For the convolution step, this routine sets pixels beyond the image borders to 0.0. The source properties are calculated using image moments. """ def __init__(self, threshold, kernel, min_separation=5.0, exclude_border=False, brightest=None, peakmax=None): self.threshold = threshold self.kernel = kernel if min_separation < 0: raise ValueError('min_separation must be >= 0') self.min_separation = min_separation self.exclude_border = exclude_border self.brightest = self._validate_brightest(brightest) self.peakmax = peakmax @staticmethod def _validate_brightest(brightest): if brightest is not None: if brightest <= 0: raise ValueError('brightest must be >= 0') bright_int = int(brightest) if bright_int != brightest: raise ValueError('brightest must be an integer') brightest = bright_int return brightest def _get_raw_catalog(self, data, mask=None): kernel = self.kernel kernel /= np.max(kernel) # normalize max value to 1.0 denom = np.sum(kernel**2) - (np.sum(kernel)**2 / kernel.size) kernel = (kernel - np.sum(kernel) / kernel.size) / denom convolved_data = _filter_data(data, kernel, mode='constant', fill_value=0.0, check_normalization=False) xypos = self._find_stars(convolved_data, kernel, self.threshold, min_separation=self.min_separation, mask=mask, exclude_border=self.exclude_border) if xypos is None: warnings.warn('No sources were found.', NoDetectionsWarning) return None cat = _StarFinderCatalog(data, xypos, self.kernel.shape, brightest=self.brightest, peakmax=self.peakmax) return cat
[docs] def find_stars(self, data, mask=None): """ Find stars in an astronomical image. Parameters ---------- data : 2D array_like The 2D image array. mask : 2D bool array, optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``data``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is masked. Masked pixels are ignored when searching for stars. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.QTable` or `None` A table of found objects with the following parameters: * ``id``: unique object identification number. * ``xcentroid, ycentroid``: object centroid. * ``fwhm``: object FWHM. * ``roundness``: object roundness. * ``pa``: object position angle (degrees counter clockwise from the positive x axis). * ``max_value``: the maximum pixel value in the source * ``flux``: the source instrumental flux. * ``mag``: the source instrumental magnitude calculated as ``-2.5 * log10(flux)``. `None` is returned if no stars are found or no stars meet the roundness and peakmax criteria. """ cat = self._get_raw_catalog(data, mask=mask) if cat is None: return None # apply all selection filters cat = cat.apply_all_filters() if cat is None: return None # create the output table return cat.to_table()
class _StarFinderCatalog: """ Class to calculate the properties of each detected star. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D image. xypos : Nx2 `numpy.ndarray` A Nx2 array of (x, y) pixel coordinates denoting the central positions of the stars. shape : tuple of int The shape of the stars cutouts. The shape in both dimensions must be odd and match the shape of the smoothing kernel. """ def __init__(self, data, xypos, shape, brightest=None, peakmax=None): = data self.xypos = np.atleast_2d(xypos) self.shape = shape self.brightest = brightest self.peakmax = peakmax = np.arange(len(self)) + 1 self.default_columns = ('id', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'fwhm', 'roundness', 'pa', 'max_value', 'flux', 'mag') def __len__(self): return len(self.xypos) def __getitem__(self, index): newcls = object.__new__(self.__class__) init_attr = ('data', 'shape', 'brightest', 'peakmax', 'default_columns') for attr in init_attr: setattr(newcls, attr, getattr(self, attr)) # xypos determines ordering and isscalar # NOTE: always keep as 2D array, even for a single source attr = 'xypos' value = getattr(self, attr)[index] isscalar = value.shape == (2,) setattr(newcls, attr, np.atleast_2d(value)) keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()) & set(self._lazyproperties) keys.add('id') for key in keys: value = self.__dict__[key] if key in ('slices', 'cutout_data'): # apply fancy indices to list properties value = np.array(value + [None], dtype=object)[:-1][index] if isscalar: value = [value] else: value = value.tolist() else: # value is always at least a 1D array, even for a single # source value = np.atleast_1d(value[index]) newcls.__dict__[key] = value return newcls @lazyproperty def isscalar(self): """ Whether the instance is scalar (e.g., a single source). """ return self.xypos.shape == (1, 2) @property def _lazyproperties(self): """ Return all lazyproperties (even in superclasses). """ def islazyproperty(obj): return isinstance(obj, lazyproperty) return [i[0] for i in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, predicate=islazyproperty)] def reset_ids(self): """Reset the ID column to be consecutive integers.""" = np.arange(len(self)) + 1 @lazyproperty def slices(self): slices = [] for xpos, ypos in self.xypos: slc, _ = overlap_slices(, self.shape, (ypos, xpos), mode='trim') slices.append(slc) return slices @lazyproperty def bbox_xmin(self): return np.array([slc[1].start for slc in self.slices]) @lazyproperty def bbox_ymin(self): return np.array([slc[0].start for slc in self.slices]) @lazyproperty def cutout_data(self): cutout = [] for slc in self.slices: cdata =[slc] cdata[cdata < 0] = 0.0 # exclude negative pixels cutout.append(cdata) return cutout @lazyproperty def moments(self): return np.array([_moments(arr, order=1) for arr in self.cutout_data]) @lazyproperty def cutout_centroid(self): moments = self.moments # ignore divide-by-zero RuntimeWarning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) ycentroid = moments[:, 1, 0] / moments[:, 0, 0] xcentroid = moments[:, 0, 1] / moments[:, 0, 0] return np.transpose((ycentroid, xcentroid)) @lazyproperty def cutout_xcentroid(self): return np.transpose(self.cutout_centroid)[1] @lazyproperty def cutout_ycentroid(self): return np.transpose(self.cutout_centroid)[0] @lazyproperty def xcentroid(self): return self.cutout_xcentroid + self.bbox_xmin @lazyproperty def ycentroid(self): return self.cutout_ycentroid + self.bbox_ymin @lazyproperty def max_value(self): return np.array([np.max(arr) for arr in self.cutout_data]) @lazyproperty def flux(self): return np.array([np.sum(arr) for arr in self.cutout_data]) @lazyproperty def mag(self): return -2.5 * np.log10(self.flux) @lazyproperty def moments_central(self): moments = np.array([_moments_central(arr, center=(xcen_, ycen_), order=2) for arr, xcen_, ycen_ in zip(self.cutout_data, self.cutout_xcentroid, self.cutout_ycentroid)]) return moments / self.moments[:, 0, 0][:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] @lazyproperty def mu_sum(self): return self.moments_central[:, 0, 2] + self.moments_central[:, 2, 0] @lazyproperty def mu_diff(self): return self.moments_central[:, 0, 2] - self.moments_central[:, 2, 0] @lazyproperty def fwhm(self): return 2.0 * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0) * self.mu_sum) @lazyproperty def roundness(self): return np.sqrt(self.mu_diff**2 + 4.0 * self.moments_central[:, 1, 1]**2) / self.mu_sum @lazyproperty def pa(self): pa = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.arctan2(2.0 * self.moments_central[:, 1, 1], self.mu_diff)) pa = np.where(pa < 0, pa + 180, pa) return pa def apply_filters(self): """Filter the catalog.""" newcat = self if self.peakmax is not None: mask = (self.max_value < self.peakmax) newcat = self[mask] if len(newcat) == 0: warnings.warn('Sources were found, but none pass the peakmax ' 'criterion.', NoDetectionsWarning) return None return newcat def select_brightest(self): """ Sort the catalog by the brightest fluxes and select the top brightest sources. """ newcat = self if self.brightest is not None: idx = np.argsort(self.flux)[::-1][:self.brightest] newcat = self[idx] return newcat def apply_all_filters(self): """ Apply all filters, select the brightest, and reset the source ids. """ cat = self.apply_filters() if cat is None: return None cat = cat.select_brightest() cat.reset_ids() return cat def to_table(self, columns=None): table = QTable() table.meta.update(_get_meta()) # keep table.meta type if columns is None: columns = self.default_columns for column in columns: table[column] = getattr(self, column) return table