Source code for photutils.datasets.noise

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools for including noise in simulated data.

import numpy as np

__all__ = ['apply_poisson_noise', 'make_noise_image']

[docs] def apply_poisson_noise(data, seed=None): """ Apply Poisson noise to an array, where the value of each element in the input array represents the expected number of counts. Each pixel in the output array is generated by drawing a random sample from a Poisson distribution whose expectation value is given by the pixel value in the input array. Parameters ---------- data : array_like The array on which to apply Poisson noise. Every pixel in the array must have a positive value (i.e., counts). seed : int, optional A seed to initialize the `numpy.random.BitGenerator`. If `None`, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. Returns ------- result : `~numpy.ndarray` The data array after applying Poisson noise. See Also -------- make_noise_image Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from photutils.datasets import (apply_poisson_noise, make_4gaussians_image) data1 = make_4gaussians_image(noise=False) data2 = apply_poisson_noise(data1, seed=0) # plot the images fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 8)) ax1.imshow(data1, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') ax1.set_title('Original image') ax2.imshow(data2, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') ax2.set_title('Original image with Poisson noise applied') """ data = np.asanyarray(data) if np.any(data < 0): raise ValueError('data must not contain any negative values') rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) return rng.poisson(data)
[docs] def make_noise_image(shape, distribution='gaussian', mean=None, stddev=None, seed=None): r""" Make a noise image containing Gaussian or Poisson noise. This function simply takes random samples from a Gaussian or Poisson distribution with the given parameters. If you want to apply Poisson noise to existing sources, see the `~photutils.datasets.apply_poisson_noise` function. Parameters ---------- shape : 2-tuple of int The shape of the output 2D image. distribution : {'gaussian', 'poisson'} The distribution used to generate the random noise: * ``'gaussian'``: Gaussian distributed noise. * ``'poisson'``: Poisson distributed noise. mean : float The mean of the random distribution. Required for both Gaussian and Poisson noise. The default is 0. stddev : float, optional The standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to add to the output image. Required for Gaussian noise and ignored for Poisson noise (the variance of the Poisson distribution is equal to its mean). seed : int, optional A seed to initialize the `numpy.random.BitGenerator`. If `None`, then fresh, unpredictable entropy will be pulled from the OS. Returns ------- image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` Image containing random noise. See Also -------- apply_poisson_noise Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from photutils.datasets import make_noise_image # make Gaussian and Poisson noise images shape = (100, 100) image1 = make_noise_image(shape, distribution='gaussian', mean=0., stddev=5.) image2 = make_noise_image(shape, distribution='poisson', mean=5.) # plot the images fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 4)) ax1.imshow(image1, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') ax1.set_title(r'Gaussian noise ($\mu=0$, $\sigma=5.$)') ax2.imshow(image2, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') ax2.set_title(r'Poisson noise ($\mu=5$)') """ if mean is None: raise ValueError('"mean" must be input') rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) if distribution == 'gaussian': if stddev is None: raise ValueError('"stddev" must be input for Gaussian noise') image = rng.normal(loc=mean, scale=stddev, size=shape) elif distribution == 'poisson': image = rng.poisson(lam=mean, size=shape) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid distribution: {distribution}. Use either ' '"gaussian" or "poisson".') return image