Source code for photutils.background.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module defines classes to estimate the background and background
RMS in an array of any dimension.

import abc
import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import SigmaClip, mad_std

from photutils.extern.biweight import biweight_location, biweight_scale
from photutils.utils._repr import make_repr
from photutils.utils._stats import nanmean, nanmedian, nanstd

SIGMA_CLIP = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0, maxiters=10)

__all__ = [

[docs] class BackgroundBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for classes that estimate scalar background values. Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. """ def __init__(self, sigma_clip=SIGMA_CLIP): if not isinstance(sigma_clip, SigmaClip) and sigma_clip is not None: raise TypeError('sigma_clip must be an astropy SigmaClip ' 'instance or None') self.sigma_clip = sigma_clip def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self, ('sigma_clip',))
[docs] def __call__(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): return self.calc_background(data, axis=axis, masked=masked)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def calc_background(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): """ Calculate the background value. Parameters ---------- data : array_like or `` The array for which to calculate the background value. axis : int or `None`, optional The array axis along which the background is calculated. If `None`, then the entire array is used. masked : bool, optional If `True`, then a `` is returned. If `False`, then a `~numpy.ndarray` is returned, where masked values have a value of NaN. The default is `False`. Returns ------- result : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `` The calculated background value. If ``masked`` is `False`, then a `~numpy.ndarray` is returned, otherwise a `` is returned. A scalar result is always returned as a float. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] class BackgroundRMSBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for classes that estimate scalar background RMS values. Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. """ def __init__(self, sigma_clip=SIGMA_CLIP): if not isinstance(sigma_clip, SigmaClip) and sigma_clip is not None: raise TypeError('sigma_clip must be an astropy SigmaClip ' 'instance or None') self.sigma_clip = sigma_clip def __repr__(self): return make_repr(self, ('sigma_clip',))
[docs] def __call__(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): return self.calc_background_rms(data, axis=axis, masked=masked)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def calc_background_rms(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): """ Calculate the background RMS value. Parameters ---------- data : array_like or `` The array for which to calculate the background RMS value. axis : int or `None`, optional The array axis along which the background RMS is calculated. If `None`, then the entire array is used. masked : bool, optional If `True`, then a `` is returned. If `False`, then a `~numpy.ndarray` is returned, where masked values have a value of NaN. The default is `False`. Returns ------- result : float, `~numpy.ndarray`, or `` The calculated background RMS value. If ``masked`` is `False`, then a `~numpy.ndarray` is returned, otherwise a `` is returned. A scalar result is always returned as a float. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] class MeanBackground(BackgroundBase): """ Class to calculate the background in an array as the (sigma-clipped) mean. Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import MeanBackground >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkg = MeanBackground(sigma_clip) The background value can be calculated by using the `calc_background` method, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg.calc_background(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 Alternatively, the background value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 """
[docs] def calc_background(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis, masked=False) elif isinstance(data, data = data.filled(np.nan) # ignore RuntimeWarning where axis is all NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) result = nanmean(data, axis=axis) if masked and isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result =, result) return result
[docs] class MedianBackground(BackgroundBase): """ Class to calculate the background in an array as the (sigma-clipped) median. Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import MedianBackground >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkg = MedianBackground(sigma_clip) The background value can be calculated by using the `calc_background` method, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg.calc_background(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 Alternatively, the background value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 """
[docs] def calc_background(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis, masked=False) elif isinstance(data, # convert to ndarray with masked values replaced by NaN data = data.filled(np.nan) # ignore RuntimeWarning where axis is all NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) result = nanmedian(data, axis=axis) if masked and isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result =, result) return result
[docs] class ModeEstimatorBackground(BackgroundBase): """ Class to calculate the background in an array using a mode estimator of the form ``(median_factor * median) - (mean_factor * mean)``. Parameters ---------- median_factor : float, optional The multiplicative factor for the data median. Defaults to 3. mean_factor : float, optional The multiplicative factor for the data mean. Defaults to 2. sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import ModeEstimatorBackground >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkg = ModeEstimatorBackground(median_factor=3.0, mean_factor=2.0, ... sigma_clip=sigma_clip) The background value can be calculated by using the `calc_background` method, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg.calc_background(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 Alternatively, the background value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 """ def __init__(self, median_factor=3.0, mean_factor=2.0, sigma_clip=SIGMA_CLIP): super().__init__(sigma_clip=sigma_clip) self.median_factor = median_factor self.mean_factor = mean_factor def __repr__(self): params = ('median_factor', 'mean_factor', 'sigma_clip') return make_repr(self, params)
[docs] def calc_background(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis, masked=False) elif isinstance(data, # convert to ndarray with masked values replaced by NaN data = data.filled(np.nan) # ignore RuntimeWarning where axis is all NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) result = ((self.median_factor * nanmedian(data, axis=axis)) - (self.mean_factor * nanmean(data, axis=axis))) if masked and isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result =, result) return result
[docs] class MMMBackground(ModeEstimatorBackground): """ Class to calculate the background in an array using the DAOPHOT MMM algorithm. The background is calculated using a mode estimator of the form ``(3 * median) - (2 * mean)``. Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import MMMBackground >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkg = MMMBackground(sigma_clip=sigma_clip) The background value can be calculated by using the `~photutils.background.core.ModeEstimatorBackground.calc_background` method, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg.calc_background(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 Alternatively, the background value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 """ def __init__(self, sigma_clip=SIGMA_CLIP): super().__init__(median_factor=3.0, mean_factor=2.0, sigma_clip=sigma_clip)
[docs] class SExtractorBackground(BackgroundBase): """ Class to calculate the background in an array using the Source Extractor algorithm. The background is calculated using a mode estimator of the form ``(2.5 * median) - (1.5 * mean)``. If ``(mean - median) / std > 0.3`` then the median is used instead. .. _SourceExtractor: Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import SExtractorBackground >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkg = SExtractorBackground(sigma_clip) The background value can be calculated by using the `calc_background` method, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg.calc_background(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 Alternatively, the background value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 """
[docs] def calc_background(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis, masked=False) elif isinstance(data, # convert to ndarray with masked values replaced by NaN data = data.filled(np.nan) # ignore RuntimeWarning where axis is all NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) _median = np.atleast_1d(nanmedian(data, axis=axis)) _mean = np.atleast_1d(nanmean(data, axis=axis)) _std = np.atleast_1d(nanstd(data, axis=axis)) bkg = (2.5 * _median) - (1.5 * _mean) # set the background to the mean where the std is zero mean_mask = _std == 0 bkg[mean_mask] = _mean[mean_mask] # set the background to the median when the absolute # difference between the mean and median divided by the # standard deviation is greater than or equal to 0.3 med_mask = (np.abs(_mean - _median) / _std) >= 0.3 mask = np.logical_and(med_mask, np.logical_not(mean_mask)) bkg[mask] = _median[mask] # if bkg is a scalar, return it as a float if bkg.shape == (1,) and axis is None: bkg = bkg[0] if masked and isinstance(bkg, np.ndarray): bkg =, bkg) return bkg
[docs] class BiweightLocationBackground(BackgroundBase): """ Class to calculate the background in an array using the biweight location. Parameters ---------- c : float, optional Tuning constant for the biweight estimator. Default value is 6.0. M : float, optional Initial guess for the biweight location. Default value is `None`. sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import BiweightLocationBackground >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkg = BiweightLocationBackground(sigma_clip=sigma_clip) The background value can be calculated by using the `calc_background` method, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg.calc_background(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 Alternatively, the background value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkg_value = bkg(data) >>> print(bkg_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 49.5 """ def __init__(self, c=6, M=None, sigma_clip=SIGMA_CLIP): super().__init__(sigma_clip=sigma_clip) self.c = c self.M = M def __repr__(self): params = ('c', 'M', 'sigma_clip') return make_repr(self, params)
[docs] def calc_background(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis, masked=False) elif isinstance(data, # convert to ndarray with masked values replaced by NaN data = data.filled(np.nan) # ignore RuntimeWarning where axis is all NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) result = biweight_location(data, c=self.c, M=self.M, axis=axis, ignore_nan=True) if masked and isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result =, result) return result
[docs] class StdBackgroundRMS(BackgroundRMSBase): """ Class to calculate the background RMS in an array as the (sigma- clipped) standard deviation. Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import StdBackgroundRMS >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkgrms = StdBackgroundRMS(sigma_clip) The background RMS value can be calculated by using the `calc_background_rms` method, e.g.: >>> bkgrms_value = bkgrms.calc_background_rms(data) >>> print(bkgrms_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 28.86607004772212 Alternatively, the background RMS value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkgrms_value = bkgrms(data) >>> print(bkgrms_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 28.86607004772212 """
[docs] def calc_background_rms(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis, masked=False) elif isinstance(data, # convert to ndarray with masked values replaced by NaN data = data.filled(np.nan) # ignore RuntimeWarning where axis is all NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) result = nanstd(data, axis=axis) if masked and isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result =, result) return result
[docs] class MADStdBackgroundRMS(BackgroundRMSBase): r""" Class to calculate the background RMS in an array as using the `median absolute deviation (MAD) <>`_. The standard deviation estimator is given by: .. math:: \sigma \approx \frac{{\textrm{{MAD}}}}{{\Phi^{{-1}}(3/4)}} \approx 1.4826 \ \textrm{{MAD}} where :math:`\Phi^{{-1}}(P)` is the normal inverse cumulative distribution function evaluated at probability :math:`P = 3/4`. Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import MADStdBackgroundRMS >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkgrms = MADStdBackgroundRMS(sigma_clip) The background RMS value can be calculated by using the `calc_background_rms` method, e.g.: >>> bkgrms_value = bkgrms.calc_background_rms(data) >>> print(bkgrms_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 37.06505546264005 Alternatively, the background RMS value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkgrms_value = bkgrms(data) >>> print(bkgrms_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 37.06505546264005 """
[docs] def calc_background_rms(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis, masked=False) elif isinstance(data, # convert to ndarray with masked values replaced by NaN data = data.filled(np.nan) # ignore RuntimeWarning where axis is all NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) result = mad_std(data, axis=axis, ignore_nan=True) if masked and isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result =, result) return result
[docs] class BiweightScaleBackgroundRMS(BackgroundRMSBase): """ Class to calculate the background RMS in an array as the (sigma- clipped) biweight scale. Parameters ---------- c : float, optional Tuning constant for the biweight estimator. Default value is 9.0. M : float, optional Initial guess for the biweight location. Default value is `None`. sigma_clip : `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object, optional A `~astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object that defines the sigma clipping parameters. If `None` then no sigma clipping will be performed. The default is to perform sigma clipping with ``sigma=3.0`` and ``maxiters=5``. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip >>> from photutils.background import BiweightScaleBackgroundRMS >>> data = np.arange(100) >>> sigma_clip = SigmaClip(sigma=3.0) >>> bkgrms = BiweightScaleBackgroundRMS(sigma_clip=sigma_clip) The background RMS value can be calculated by using the `calc_background_rms` method, e.g.: >>> bkgrms_value = bkgrms.calc_background_rms(data) >>> print(bkgrms_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 30.09433848589339 Alternatively, the background RMS value can be calculated by calling the class instance as a function, e.g.: >>> bkgrms_value = bkgrms(data) >>> print(bkgrms_value) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 30.09433848589339 """ def __init__(self, c=9.0, M=None, sigma_clip=SIGMA_CLIP): super().__init__(sigma_clip=sigma_clip) self.c = c self.M = M def __repr__(self): params = ('c', 'M', 'sigma_clip') return make_repr(self, params)
[docs] def calc_background_rms(self, data, axis=None, masked=False): if self.sigma_clip is not None: data = self.sigma_clip(data, axis=axis, masked=False) elif isinstance(data, # convert to ndarray with masked values replaced by NaN data = data.filled(np.nan) # ignore RuntimeWarning where axis is all NaN with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) result = biweight_scale(data, c=self.c, M=self.M, axis=axis, ignore_nan=True) if masked and isinstance(result, np.ndarray): result =, result) return result