
class photutils.psf.ModelImageMixin[source]#

Bases: object

Mixin class to provide methods to calculate model images and residuals.

Methods Summary

make_model_image(shape[, psf_shape, ...])

Create a 2D image from the fit PSF models and optional local background.

make_residual_image(data[, psf_shape, ...])

Create a 2D residual image from the fit PSF models and local background.

Methods Documentation

make_model_image(shape, psf_shape=None, include_localbkg=False)[source]#

Create a 2D image from the fit PSF models and optional local background.

shape2 tuple of int

The shape of the output array.

psf_shape2 tuple of int, optional

The shape of the region around the center of the fit model to render in the output image. If psf_shape is a scalar integer, then a square shape of size psf_shape will be used. If None, then the bounding box of the model will be used. This keyword must be specified if the model does not have a bounding_box attribute.

include_localbkgbool, optional

Whether to include the local background in the rendered output image. Note that the local background level is included around each source over the region defined by psf_shape. Thus, regions where the psf_shape of sources overlap will have the local background added multiple times.

array2D ndarray

The rendered image from the fit PSF models. This image will not have any units.

make_residual_image(data, psf_shape=None, include_localbkg=False)[source]#

Create a 2D residual image from the fit PSF models and local background.

data2D ndarray

The 2D array on which photometry was performed. This should be the same array input when calling the PSF-photometry class.

psf_shape2 tuple of int, optional

The shape of the region around the center of the fit model to subtract. If psf_shape is a scalar integer, then a square shape of size psf_shape will be used. If None, then the bounding box of the model will be used. This keyword must be specified if the model does not have a bounding_box attribute.

include_localbkgbool, optional

Whether to include the local background in the subtracted model. Note that the local background level is subtracted around each source over the region defined by psf_shape. Thus, regions where the psf_shape of sources overlap will have the local background subtracted multiple times.

array2D ndarray

The residual image of the data minus the fit PSF models minus the optional``local_bkg``.