.. doctest-skip-all **************************** What's New in Photutils 1.8? **************************** Here we highlight some of the new functionality of the 1.8 release. In addition to these major changes, Photutils 1.8 includes a large number of smaller improvements and bug fixes, which are described in the full :ref:`changelog`. API changes to ``RadialProfile`` and ``CurveOfGrowth`` ------------------------------------------------------ The API for defining the radial bins for the `~photutils.profiles.RadialProfile` and `~photutils.profiles.CurveOfGrowth` classes was changed. The new API provides more flexibility by allowing the user full control of the radial bins, including non-uniform radial spacing. Unfortunately, due to the nature of this change, it was not possible to have a deprecation phase for the inputs to these classes. Because the changes are not backwards-compatible, one will need to update how these classes are created. Other changes ============= Please see the :ref:`changelog` for the complete list of changes.