.. doctest-skip-all ***************************** What's New in Photutils 1.11? ***************************** Here we highlight some of the new functionality of the 1.11 release. In addition to these changes, Photutils 1.11 includes a large number of smaller improvements and bug fixes, which are described in the full :ref:`changelog`. ``SourceFinder`` ``npixels`` tuple input ---------------------------------------- The `~photutils.segmentation.SourceFinder` ``npixels`` keyword can now be a tuple corresponding to the values used for the source finder and source deblender, respectively. ``GriddedPSFModel`` Memory Usage -------------------------------- The memory usage during PSF photometry when using a `~photutils.psf.GriddedPSFModel` PSF model has been significantly reduced. This is especially noticeable when fitting a large number of stars. New ``IterativePSFPhotometry`` ``mode`` keyword ----------------------------------------------- A ``mode`` keyword was added to `~photutils.psf.IterativePSFPhotometry` for controlling the fitting mode. The ``mode`` keyword can be set to 'new' or 'all'. For the 'new' mode (default), PSF photometry is run in each iteration only on the new sources detected in the residual image. The 'new' mode preserves the previous behavior of `~photutils.psf.IterativePSFPhotometry`. For the 'all' mode, PSF photometry is run in each iteration on all the detected sources (from all previous iterations) on the original, unsubtracted, data. For the 'all' mode, a source grouper must be input. Initial tests indicate that the 'all' mode may give better results than the older 'new' method. New ``include_localbkg`` keyword -------------------------------- The PSF photometry ``make_model_image`` and ``make_residual_image`` methods no longer include the local background by default, which causes issues if the ``psf_shape`` of sources overlap. This is a backwards-incompatible change. These methods now accept an ``include_localbkg`` keyword . If the previous behavior is desired, set ``include_localbkg=True``. Other changes ============= Please see the :ref:`changelog` for the complete list of changes.