# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides tools for deblending overlapping sources labeled in
a segmentation image.
import warnings
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor, as_completed
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, get_context
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
from scipy.ndimage import label as ndi_label
from scipy.ndimage import sum_labels
from photutils.segmentation.core import SegmentationImage
from photutils.segmentation.detect import _detect_sources
from photutils.segmentation.utils import _make_binary_structure
from photutils.utils._optional_deps import tqdm
from photutils.utils._progress_bars import add_progress_bar
from photutils.utils._stats import nanmax, nanmin, nansum
__all__ = ['deblend_sources']
class _DeblendParams:
npixels: int
footprint: np.ndarray
nlevels: int
contrast: float
mode: str
def deblend_sources(data, segment_img, npixels, *, labels=None, nlevels=32,
contrast=0.001, mode='exponential', connectivity=8,
relabel=True, nproc=1, progress_bar=True):
Deblend overlapping sources labeled in a segmentation image.
Sources are deblended using a combination of multi-thresholding and
`watershed segmentation
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watershed_(image_processing)>`_. In
order to deblend sources, there must be a saddle between them.
data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The 2D array of the image. If filtering is desired, please input
a convolved image here. This array should be the same array used
in `~photutils.segmentation.detect_sources`.
segment_img : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage`
The segmentation image to deblend.
npixels : int
The minimum number of connected pixels, each greater than
``threshold``, that an object must have to be deblended.
``npixels`` must be a positive integer.
labels : int or array_like of int, optional
The label numbers to deblend. If `None` (default), then all
labels in the segmentation image will be deblended.
nlevels : int, optional
The number of multi-thresholding levels to use for deblending.
Each source will be re-thresholded at ``nlevels`` levels spaced
between its minimum and maximum values (non-inclusive). The
``mode`` keyword determines how the levels are spaced.
contrast : float, optional
The fraction of the total source flux that a local peak must
have (at any one of the multi-thresholds) to be deblended
as a separate object. ``contrast`` must be between 0 and 1,
inclusive. If ``contrast=0`` then every local peak will be made
a separate object (maximum deblending). If ``contrast=1`` then
no deblending will occur. The default is 0.001, which will
deblend sources with a 7.5 magnitude difference.
mode : {'exponential', 'linear', 'sinh'}, optional
The mode used in defining the spacing between the
multi-thresholding levels (see the ``nlevels`` keyword) during
deblending. The ``'exponential'`` and ``'sinh'`` modes have
more threshold levels near the source minimum and less near
the source maximum. The ``'linear'`` mode evenly spaces the
threshold levels between the source minimum and maximum.
The ``'exponential'`` and ``'sinh'`` modes differ in that
the ``'exponential'`` levels are dependent on the source
maximum/minimum ratio (smaller ratios are more linear; larger
ratios are more exponential), while the ``'sinh'`` levels
are not. Also, the ``'exponential'`` mode will be changed to
``'linear'`` for sources with non-positive minimum data values.
connectivity : {8, 4}, optional
The type of pixel connectivity used in determining how pixels
are grouped into a detected source. The options are 8 (default)
or 4. 8-connected pixels touch along their edges or corners.
4-connected pixels touch along their edges. The ``connectivity``
must be the same as that used to create the input segmentation
relabel : bool, optional
If `True` (default), then the segmentation image will be
relabeled such that the labels are in consecutive order starting
from 1.
nproc : int, optional
The number of processes to use for multiprocessing (if larger
than 1). If set to 1, then a serial implementation is used
instead of a parallel one. If `None`, then the number of
processes will be set to the number of CPUs detected on the
machine. Please note that due to overheads, multiprocessing may
be slower than serial processing if only a small number of
sources are to be deblended. The benefits of multiprocessing
require ~1000 or more sources to deblend, with larger gains as
the number of sources increase.
progress_bar : bool, optional
Whether to display a progress bar. If ``nproc = 1``, then the
ID shown after the progress bar is the source label being
deblended. If multiprocessing is used (``nproc > 1``), the ID
shown is the last source label that was deblended. The progress
bar requires that the `tqdm <https://tqdm.github.io/>`_ optional
dependency be installed. Note that the progress bar does not
currently work in the Jupyter console due to limitations in
segment_image : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage`
A segmentation image, with the same shape as ``data``, where
sources are marked by different positive integer values. A value
of zero is reserved for the background.
See Also
if isinstance(data, Quantity):
data = data.value
if not isinstance(segment_img, SegmentationImage):
raise TypeError('segment_img must be a SegmentationImage')
if segment_img.shape != data.shape:
raise ValueError('The data and segmentation image must have '
'the same shape')
if nlevels < 1:
raise ValueError('nlevels must be >= 1')
if contrast < 0 or contrast > 1:
raise ValueError('contrast must be >= 0 and <= 1')
if contrast == 1: # no deblending
return segment_img.copy()
if mode not in ('exponential', 'linear', 'sinh'):
raise ValueError('mode must be "exponential", "linear", or "sinh"')
if labels is None:
labels = segment_img.labels
labels = np.atleast_1d(labels)
# include only sources that have at least (2 * npixels);
# this is required for a source to be deblended into multiple
# sources, each with a minimum of npixels
mask = (segment_img.areas[segment_img.get_indices(labels)]
>= (npixels * 2))
labels = labels[mask]
footprint = _make_binary_structure(data.ndim, connectivity)
deblend_params = _DeblendParams(npixels, footprint, nlevels, contrast,
segm_deblended = segment_img.data.copy()
label_indices = segment_img.get_indices(labels)
if nproc is None:
nproc = cpu_count() # pragma: no cover
deblend_label_map = {}
max_label = segment_img.max_label
if nproc == 1:
if progress_bar: # pragma: no cover
desc = 'Deblending'
label_indices = add_progress_bar(label_indices, desc=desc)
nonposmin_labels = []
nmarkers_labels = []
for label, label_idx in zip(labels, label_indices, strict=True):
if not isinstance(label_indices, np.ndarray):
label_indices.set_postfix_str(f'ID: {label}')
source_slice = segment_img.slices[label_idx]
source_data = data[source_slice]
source_segment = segment_img.data[source_slice]
source_deblended, warns = _deblend_source(source_data,
if warns:
if 'nonposmin' in warns:
if 'nmarkers' in warns:
if source_deblended is not None:
source_mask = source_deblended > 0
new_segm = source_deblended[source_mask] # min label = 1
segm_deblended[source_slice][source_mask] = (
new_segm + max_label)
new_labels = _get_labels(new_segm) + max_label
deblend_label_map[label] = new_labels
max_label += len(new_labels)
# Use multiprocessing to deblend sources
# Prepare the arguments for the worker function
all_source_data = []
all_source_segments = []
all_source_slices = []
for label_idx in label_indices:
source_slice = segment_img.slices[label_idx]
source_data = data[source_slice]
source_segment = segment_img.data[source_slice]
args_all = zip(all_source_data, all_source_segments, labels,
# Create a partial function to pass the deblend_params to the
# worker function
worker = partial(_deblend_source, deblend_params=deblend_params)
# Prepare to store futures and results to preserve the input
# order of the labels when using as_completed()
futures_dict = {}
results = [None] * len(labels)
disable_pbar = not progress_bar
mp_context = get_context('spawn')
with ProcessPoolExecutor(mp_context=mp_context,
max_workers=nproc) as executor:
# Submit all jobs at once
for index, args in enumerate(args_all):
futures_dict[executor.submit(worker, *args)] = index
with tqdm(total=len(labels), desc='Deblending',
disable=disable_pbar) as pbar:
# Process the results as they are completed
for future in as_completed(futures_dict):
idx = futures_dict[future]
pbar.set_postfix_str(f'ID: {labels[idx]}')
results[idx] = future.result()
# Process the results
nonposmin_labels = []
nmarkers_labels = []
for label, source_slice, source_deblended in zip(labels,
results, strict=True):
source_deblended, warns = source_deblended
if warns:
if 'nonposmin' in warns:
if 'nmarkers' in warns:
if source_deblended is not None:
source_mask = source_deblended > 0
new_segm = source_deblended[source_mask] # min label = 1
segm_deblended[source_slice][source_mask] = (
new_segm + max_label)
new_labels = _get_labels(new_segm) + max_label
deblend_label_map[label] = new_labels
max_label += len(new_labels)
# process any warnings during deblending
warning_info = {}
if nonposmin_labels or nmarkers_labels:
msg = ('The deblending mode of one or more source labels from the '
f'input segmentation image was changed from "{mode}" to '
'"linear". See the "info" attribute for the list of affected '
'input labels.')
warnings.warn(msg, AstropyUserWarning)
if nonposmin_labels:
nonposmin_labels = np.array(nonposmin_labels)
msg = (f'Deblending mode changed from {mode} to linear due to '
'non-positive minimum data values.')
warn = {'message': msg, 'input_labels': nonposmin_labels}
warning_info['nonposmin'] = warn
if nmarkers_labels:
nmarkers_labels = np.array(nmarkers_labels)
msg = (f'Deblending mode changed from {mode} to linear due to '
'too many potential deblended sources.')
warn = {'message': msg, 'input_labels': nmarkers_labels}
warning_info['nmarkers'] = warn
if relabel:
relabel_map = _create_relabel_map(segm_deblended, start_label=1)
if relabel_map is not None:
segm_deblended = relabel_map[segm_deblended]
deblend_label_map = _update_deblend_label_map(deblend_label_map,
segm_img = object.__new__(SegmentationImage)
segm_img._data = segm_deblended
segm_img._deblend_label_map = deblend_label_map
# store the warnings in the output SegmentationImage info attribute
if warning_info:
segm_img.info = {'warnings': warning_info}
return segm_img
def _deblend_source(data, segment_data, label, deblend_params):
Convenience function to deblend a single labeled source.
deblender = _SingleSourceDeblender(data, segment_data, label,
return deblender.deblend_source(), deblender.warnings
class _SingleSourceDeblender:
Class to deblend a single labeled source.
data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The cutout data array for a single source. ``data`` should
also already be smoothed by the same filter used in
:func:`~photutils.segmentation.detect_sources`, if applicable.
segment_data : 2D int `~numpy.ndarray`
The cutout segmentation image for a single source. Must have the
same shape as ``data``.
label : int
The label of the source to deblend. This is needed because there
may be more than one source label within the cutout.
npixels : int
The number of connected pixels, each greater than ``threshold``,
that an object must have to be detected. ``npixels`` must be a
positive integer.
nlevels : int
The number of multi-thresholding levels to use. Each source
will be re-thresholded at ``nlevels`` levels spaced between its
minimum and maximum values within the source segment. See the
``mode`` keyword for how the levels are spaced.
contrast : float
The fraction of the total (blended) source flux that a local
peak must have (at any one of the multi-thresholds) to be
considered as a separate object. ``contrast`` must be between 0
and 1, inclusive. If ``contrast = 0`` then every local peak will
be made a separate object (maximum deblending). If ``contrast =
1`` then no deblending will occur. The default is 0.001, which
will deblend sources with a 7.5 magnitude difference.
mode : {'exponential', 'linear', 'sinh'}
The mode used in defining the spacing between the
multi-thresholding levels (see the ``nlevels`` keyword).
segment_image : `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage`
A segmentation image, with the same shape as ``data``, where
sources are marked by different positive integer values. A value
of zero is reserved for the background. Note that the returned
`SegmentationImage` will have consecutive labels starting with
def __init__(self, data, segment_data, label, deblend_params):
self.data = data
self.segment_data = segment_data
self.label = label
self.npixels = deblend_params.npixels
self.footprint = deblend_params.footprint
self.nlevels = deblend_params.nlevels
self.contrast = deblend_params.contrast
self.mode = deblend_params.mode
self.segment_mask = segment_data == label
data_values = data[self.segment_mask]
self.source_min = nanmin(data_values)
self.source_max = nanmax(data_values)
self.source_sum = nansum(data_values)
self.warnings = {}
def linear_thresholds(self):
Linearly spaced thresholds between the source minimum and
maximum (inclusive).
The source min/max are excluded later, giving nlevels thresholds
between min and max (noninclusive).
return np.linspace(self.source_min, self.source_max, self.nlevels + 2)
def normalized_thresholds(self):
Normalized thresholds (from 0 to 1) between the source minimum
and maximum (inclusive).
return ((self.linear_thresholds - self.source_min)
/ (self.source_max - self.source_min))
def compute_thresholds(self):
Compute the multi-level detection thresholds for the source.
thresholds : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
The multi-level detection thresholds for the source.
if self.mode == 'exponential' and self.source_min <= 0:
self.warnings['nonposmin'] = 'non-positive minimum'
self.mode = 'linear'
if self.mode == 'linear':
thresholds = self.linear_thresholds
elif self.mode == 'sinh':
a = 0.25
minval = self.source_min
maxval = self.source_max
thresholds = self.normalized_thresholds
thresholds = np.sinh(thresholds / a) / np.sinh(1.0 / a)
thresholds *= (maxval - minval)
thresholds += minval
elif self.mode == 'exponential':
minval = self.source_min
maxval = self.source_max
thresholds = self.normalized_thresholds
thresholds = minval * (maxval / minval) ** thresholds
return thresholds[1:-1] # do not include source min and max
def multithreshold(self):
Perform multithreshold detection for each source.
This method is useful for debugging and testing.
deblend_mode : bool, optional
If `True` then only segmentation images with more than one
label will be returned. If `False` then all segmentation
images will be returned.
segments : list of 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
A list of segmentation images, one for each threshold.
Only segmentation images with more than one label will be
thresholds = self.compute_thresholds()
segms = []
for threshold in thresholds:
segm = _detect_sources(self.data, threshold, self.npixels,
self.footprint, self.segment_mask,
relabel=False, return_segmimg=False)
return segms
def make_markers(self, return_all=False):
Make markers (possible sources) for the watershed algorithm.
return_all : bool, optional
If `False` then return only the final segmentation marker
image. If `True` then return all segmentation marker images.
This keyword is useful for debugging and testing.
markers : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` or list of 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
A segmentation image that contain markers for possible
sources. If ``return_all=True`` then a list of all
segmentation marker images is returned. `None` is returned
if there is only one source at every threshold.
thresholds = self.compute_thresholds()
segm_lower = _detect_sources(self.data, thresholds[0], self.npixels,
self.footprint, self.segment_mask,
relabel=False, return_segmimg=False)
if return_all:
all_segms = [segm_lower]
for threshold in thresholds[1:]:
segm_upper = _detect_sources(self.data, threshold, self.npixels,
self.footprint, self.segment_mask,
relabel=False, return_segmimg=False)
if segm_upper is None: # 0 or 1 labels
segm_lower = self.make_marker_segment(segm_lower, segm_upper)
if return_all:
if return_all:
return all_segms
return segm_lower
def make_marker_segment(self, segment_lower, segment_upper):
Make markers (possible sources) for the watershed algorithm.
segment_lower : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The "lower" threshold level segmentation image.
segment_upper : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The next-highest threshold level segmentation image.
markers : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
A segmentation image that contain markers for possible
For a given label in the lower level, find the labels in the
upper level (higher threshold value) that are its children
(i.e., the labels within the same mask as the lower level). If
there are multiple children, then the lower-level parent label
is replaced by its children. Parent labels that do not have
multiple children in the upper level are kept as is (maximizing
the marker size).
if segment_lower is None:
return segment_upper
labels = _get_labels(segment_lower)
new_markers = False
markers = segment_lower.astype(bool)
for label in labels:
mask = (segment_lower == label)
# find label mapping from the lower to upper level
upper_labels = _get_labels(segment_upper[mask])
if upper_labels.size >= 2: # new child markers found
new_markers = True
markers[mask] = segment_upper[mask].astype(bool)
if new_markers:
# convert bool markers to integer labels
return ndi_label(markers, structure=self.footprint)[0]
return segment_lower
def apply_watershed(self, markers):
Apply the watershed algorithm to the source markers.
markers : list of `~photutils.segmentation.SegmentationImage`
A list of segmentation images that contain possible sources
as markers. The last list element contains all of the
potential source markers.
segment_data : 2D int `~numpy.ndarray`
A 2D int array containing the deblended source labels. Note
that the source labels may not be consecutive if a label was
from skimage.segmentation import watershed
# Deblend using watershed. If any source does not meet the contrast
# criterion, then remove the faintest such source and repeat until
# all sources meet the contrast criterion.
remove_marker = True
while remove_marker:
markers = watershed(-self.data, markers, mask=self.segment_mask,
labels = _get_labels(markers)
if labels.size == 1: # only 1 source left
remove_marker = False
flux_frac = (sum_labels(self.data, markers, index=labels)
/ self.source_sum)
remove_marker = any(flux_frac < self.contrast)
if remove_marker:
# remove only the faintest source (one at a time)
# because several faint sources could combine to meet
# the contrast criterion
markers[markers == labels[np.argmin(flux_frac)]] = 0.0
return markers
def deblend_source(self):
Deblend a single labeled source.
segment_data : 2D int `~numpy.ndarray`
A 2D int array containing the deblended source labels. The
source labels are consecutive starting at 1.
if self.source_min == self.source_max: # no deblending
return None
# define the markers (possible sources) for the watershed algorithm
markers = self.make_markers()
if markers is None:
return None
# If there are too many markers (e.g., due to low threshold
# and/or small npixels), the watershed step can be very slow
# (the threshold of 200 is arbitrary, but seems to work well).
# This mostly affects the "exponential" mode, where there are
# many levels at low thresholds, so here we try again with
# "linear" mode.
nlabels = len(_get_labels(markers))
if self.mode != 'linear' and nlabels > 200:
del markers # free memory
self.warnings['nmarkers'] = 'too many markers'
self.mode = 'linear'
markers = self.make_markers()
if markers is None:
return None
# deblend using the watershed algorithm using the markers as seeds
markers = self.apply_watershed(markers)
if not np.array_equal(self.segment_mask, markers.astype(bool)):
raise ValueError(f'Deblending failed for source "{self.label}". '
'Please ensure you used the same pixel '
'connectivity in detect_sources and '
if len(_get_labels(markers)) == 1: # no deblending
return None
# markers may not be consecutive if a label was removed due to
# the contrast criterion
relabel_map = _create_relabel_map(markers, start_label=1)
if relabel_map is not None:
markers = relabel_map[markers]
return markers
def _get_labels(array):
Get the unique labels greater than zero in an array.
array : `~numpy.ndarray`
The array to get the unique labels from.
labels : int `~numpy.ndarray`
The unique labels in the array.
labels = np.unique(array)
return labels[labels != 0]
def _create_relabel_map(array, start_label=1):
Create a mapping of original labels to new labels that are
consecutive integers.
By default, the new labels start from 1.
array : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`
The 2D array to relabel.
start_label : int, optional
The starting label number. Must be >= 1. The default is 1.
relabel_map : 1D `~numpy.ndarray` or None
The array mapping the original labels to the new labels. If the
labels are already consecutive starting from ``start_label``,
then `None` is returned.
labels = _get_labels(array)
# check if the labels are already consecutive starting from
# start_label
if (labels[0] == start_label
and (labels[-1] - start_label + 1) == len(labels)):
return None
# Create an array to map old labels to new labels
relabel_map = np.zeros(labels.max() + 1, dtype=array.dtype)
relabel_map[labels] = np.arange(len(labels)) + start_label
return relabel_map
def _update_deblend_label_map(deblend_label_map, relabel_map):
Update the deblend_label_map to reflect the new labels that are
consecutive integers.
deblend_label_map : dict
A dictionary mapping the original labels to the new deblended
relabel_map : 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
The array mapping the original labels to the new labels.
deblend_label_map : dict
The updated deblend_label_map.
for old_label, new_labels in deblend_label_map.items():
deblend_label_map[old_label] = relabel_map[new_labels]
return deblend_label_map