Source code for photutils.psf.photometry_depr

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides classes to perform PSF-fitting photometry.

import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling.fitting import LevMarLSQFitter
from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
from astropy.nddata.utils import NoOverlapError, overlap_slices
from astropy.stats import SigmaClip, gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm
from astropy.table import Column, QTable, hstack, vstack
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning

from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture, aperture_photometry
from photutils.background import MMMBackground
from photutils.detection import DAOStarFinder
from photutils.psf.groupstars import DAOGroup
from photutils.psf.utils import (_extract_psf_fitting_names,
                                 get_grouped_psf_model, subtract_psf)
from photutils.utils._misc import _get_meta
from photutils.utils._progress_bars import add_progress_bar
from photutils.utils.exceptions import NoDetectionsWarning

__all__ = ['BasicPSFPhotometry', 'IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry',

[docs] @deprecated('1.9.0', alternative='`photutils.psf.PSFPhotometry`') class BasicPSFPhotometry: """ This class implements a PSF photometry algorithm that can find sources in an image, group overlapping sources into a single model, fit the model to the sources, and subtracting the models from the image. This is roughly equivalent to the DAOPHOT routines FIND, GROUP, NSTAR, and SUBTRACT. This implementation allows a flexible and customizable interface to perform photometry. For instance, one is able to use different implementations for grouping and finding sources by using ``group_maker`` and ``finder`` respectively. In addition, sky background estimation is performed by ``bkg_estimator``. Parameters ---------- group_maker : callable or `~photutils.psf.GroupStarsBase` ``group_maker`` should be able to decide whether a given star overlaps with any other and label them as belonging to the same group. ``group_maker`` receives as input an `~astropy.table.Table` object with columns named as ``id``, ``x_0``, ``y_0``, in which ``x_0`` and ``y_0`` have the same meaning of ``xcentroid`` and ``ycentroid``. This callable must return an `~astropy.table.Table` with columns ``id``, ``x_0``, ``y_0``, and ``group_id``. The column ``group_id`` should contain integers starting from ``1`` that indicate which group a given source belongs to. See, e.g., `~photutils.psf.DAOGroup`. bkg_estimator : callable, instance of any \ `~photutils.background.BackgroundBase` subclass, or None ``bkg_estimator`` should be able to compute either a scalar background or a 2D background of a given 2D image. See, e.g., `~photutils.background.MedianBackground`. If None, no background subtraction is performed. psf_model : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` instance PSF or PRF model to fit the data. Could be one of the models in this package like `~photutils.psf.IntegratedGaussianPRF` or any other suitable 2D model. This object needs to identify three parameters (position of center in x and y coordinates and the flux) in order to set them to suitable starting values for each fit. The names of these parameters should be given as ``x_0``, ``y_0`` and ``flux``. `~photutils.psf.prepare_psf_model` can be used to prepare any 2D model to match this assumption. fitshape : int or length-2 array_like Rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-fitting region. If ``fitshape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``fitshape`` will be used. If ``fitshape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``fitshape`` must be an odd number. finder : callable or instance of any \ `~photutils.detection.StarFinderBase` subclasses or None ``finder`` should be able to identify stars, i.e., compute a rough estimate of the centroids, in a given 2D image. ``finder`` receives as input a 2D image and returns an `~astropy.table.Table` object which contains columns with names: ``id``, ``xcentroid``, ``ycentroid``, and ``flux``. In which ``id`` is an integer-valued column starting from ``1``, ``xcentroid`` and ``ycentroid`` are center position estimates of the sources and ``flux`` contains flux estimates of the sources. See, e.g., `~photutils.detection.DAOStarFinder`. If ``finder`` is ``None``, initial guesses for positions of objects must be provided. fitter : `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter` instance Fitter object used to compute the optimized centroid positions and/or flux of the identified sources. See `~astropy.modeling.fitting` for more details on fitters. aperture_radius : `None` or float The radius (in units of pixels) used to compute initial estimates for the fluxes of sources. ``aperture_radius`` must be set if initial flux guesses are not input to the photometry class via the ``init_guesses`` keyword. For tabular PSF models (e.g., an `EPSFModel`), you must input the ``aperture_radius`` keyword. For analytical PSF models, alternatively you may define a FWHM attribute on your input psf_model. extra_output_cols : list of str, optional List of additional columns for parameters derived by any of the intermediate fitting steps (e.g., ``finder``), such as roundness or sharpness. subshape : `None`, int, or length-2 array_like Rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-subtraction region. If `None`, then ``fitshape`` will be used. If ``subshape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``subshape`` will be used. If ``subshape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``subshape`` must be an odd number. Notes ----- Note that an ambiguity arises whenever ``finder`` and ``init_guesses`` (keyword argument for ``do_photometry``) are both not ``None``. In this case, ``finder`` is ignored and initial guesses are taken from ``init_guesses``. In addition, an warning is raised to remind the user about this behavior. If there are problems with fitting large groups, change the parameters of the grouping algorithm to reduce the number of sources in each group or input a ``star_groups`` table that only includes the groups that are relevant (e.g., manually remove all entries that coincide with artifacts). References ---------- [1] Stetson, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications, (ISSN 0004-6280), vol. 99, March 1987, p. 191-222. Available at: """ def __init__(self, group_maker, bkg_estimator, psf_model, fitshape, *, finder=None, fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), aperture_radius=None, extra_output_cols=None, subshape=None): self.group_maker = group_maker self.bkg_estimator = bkg_estimator self.psf_model = psf_model self.fitter = fitter self.fitshape = fitshape self.finder = finder self.aperture_radius = aperture_radius self._pars_to_set = None self._pars_to_output = None self._residual_image = None self._extra_output_cols = extra_output_cols self.subshape = subshape @property def fitshape(self): return self._fitshape @fitshape.setter def fitshape(self, value): value = np.asarray(value) # assume a lone value should mean both axes if value.shape == (): value = np.array((value, value)) if value.size == 2: if np.all(value) > 0: if np.all(value % 2) == 1: self._fitshape = tuple(value) else: raise ValueError('fitshape must be odd integer-valued, ' f'received fitshape={value}') else: raise ValueError('fitshape must have positive elements, ' f'received fitshape={value}') else: raise ValueError('fitshape must have two dimensions, ' f'received fitshape={value}') @property def subshape(self): return self._subshape @subshape.setter def subshape(self, value): if value is None: self._subshape = self._fitshape return value = np.asarray(value) # assume a lone value should mean both axes if value.shape == (): value = np.array((value, value)) if value.size == 2: if np.all(value) > 0: if np.all(value % 2) == 1: self._subshape = tuple(value) else: raise ValueError('subshape must be odd integer-valued, ' f'received subshape={value}') else: raise ValueError('subshape must have positive elements, ' f'received subshape={value}') else: raise ValueError('subshape must have two dimensions, ' f'received subshape={value}') @property def aperture_radius(self): return self._aperture_radius @aperture_radius.setter def aperture_radius(self, value): if isinstance(value, (int, float)) and value > 0: self._aperture_radius = value elif value is None: self._aperture_radius = value else: raise ValueError('aperture_radius must be a positive number')
[docs] def get_residual_image(self): """ Return an image that is the result of the subtraction between the original image and the fitted sources. Returns ------- residual_image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D residual image. """ return self._residual_image
[docs] def set_aperture_radius(self): """ Set the fallback aperture radius for initial flux calculations in cases where no flux is supplied for a given star. """ if hasattr(self.psf_model, 'fwhm'): self.aperture_radius = self.psf_model.fwhm.value elif hasattr(self.psf_model, 'sigma'): self.aperture_radius = (self.psf_model.sigma.value * gaussian_sigma_to_fwhm) # If PSF model doesn't have FWHM or sigma value -- as it # is not a Gaussian; most likely because it's an ePSF -- # then we fall back on fitting a circle of the average # size of the fitting box. As ``fitshape`` is the width # of the box, we need (width-1)/2 as the radius. else: self.aperture_radius = float(np.amin((np.asanyarray( self.fitshape) - 1) / 2)) warnings.warn('aperture_radius is None and could not ' 'be determined by psf_model. Setting ' 'radius to the smallest fitshape size. ' 'This aperture radius will be used if ' 'initial fluxes require computing for any ' 'input stars. If fitshape is significantly ' 'larger than the psf_model core lengthscale, ' 'consider supplying a specific aperture_radius.', AstropyUserWarning)
@staticmethod def _make_mask(image, mask): if mask is not None: if image.shape != mask.shape: raise ValueError('image and mask must have the same shape') # if NaNs are in the data, no actually fitting takes place # finite_mask = ~np.isfinite(image) if mask is not None: mask |= finite_mask if np.any(finite_mask & ~mask): warnings.warn('Input data contains unmasked non-finite ' 'values (NaN or inf), which were ' 'automatically ignored.', AstropyUserWarning) else: mask = finite_mask if np.any(finite_mask): warnings.warn('Input data contains unmasked non-finite ' 'values (NaN or inf), which were ' 'automatically ignored.', AstropyUserWarning) return mask
[docs] def __call__(self, image, *, mask=None, init_guesses=None, progress_bar=False, uncertainty=None): """ Perform PSF photometry. See `do_photometry` for more details including the `__call__` signature. """ return self.do_photometry(image, mask=mask, init_guesses=init_guesses, progress_bar=progress_bar, uncertainty=uncertainty)
[docs] def do_photometry(self, image, *, mask=None, init_guesses=None, progress_bar=False, uncertainty=None): """ Perform PSF photometry in ``image``. This method assumes that ``psf_model`` has centroids and flux parameters which will be fitted to the data provided in ``image``. A compound model, in fact a sum of ``psf_model``, will be fitted to groups of stars automatically identified by ``group_maker``. Also, ``image`` is not assumed to be background subtracted. If ``init_guesses`` are not ``None`` then this method uses ``init_guesses`` as initial guesses for the centroids. If the centroid positions are set as ``fixed`` in the PSF model ``psf_model``, then the optimizer will only consider the flux as a variable. Parameters ---------- image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` Image to perform photometry. Invalid data values (i.e., NaN or inf) are automatically ignored. init_guesses : `~astropy.table.Table` Table which contains the initial guesses (estimates) for the set of parameters. Columns 'x_0' and 'y_0' which represent the positions (in pixel coordinates) for each object must be present. 'flux_0' can also be provided to set initial fluxes. If 'flux_0' is not provided, aperture photometry is used to estimate initial values for the fluxes. Additional columns of the form '<parametername>_0' will be used to set the initial guess for any parameters of the ``psf_model`` model that are not fixed. If ``init_guesses`` supplied with ``extra_output_cols`` the initial values are used; if the columns specified in ``extra_output_cols`` are not given in ``init_guesses`` then NaNs will be returned. mask : 2D bool `~numpy.ndarray`, optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``image``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``image`` is masked. progress_bar : bool, optional Whether to display a progress bar when fitting the star groups. The progress bar requires that the `tqdm <>`_ optional dependency be installed. Note that the progress bar does not currently work in the Jupyter console due to limitations in ``tqdm``. uncertainty : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Stddev uncertainty for each element in ``image``. Returns ------- output_tab : `~astropy.table.Table` or None Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start the fitting process. Uncertainties on the fitted parameters are reported as columns called ``<paramname>_unc`` provided that the fitter object contains a dictionary called ``fit_info`` with the key ``param_cov``, which contains the covariance matrix. If ``param_cov`` is not present, uncertanties are not reported. """ mask = self._make_mask(image, mask) if self.bkg_estimator is not None: image = image - self.bkg_estimator(image) if self.aperture_radius is None: self.set_aperture_radius() skip_group_maker = False if init_guesses is not None: # make sure the code does not modify user's input init_guesses = init_guesses.copy() if self.finder is not None: warnings.warn('Both init_guesses and finder are different ' 'than None, which is ambiguous. finder is ' 'going to be ignored.', AstropyUserWarning) colnames = init_guesses.colnames if 'group_id' in colnames: warnings.warn('init_guesses contains a "group_id" column. ' 'The group_maker step will be skipped.', AstropyUserWarning) skip_group_maker = True if 'flux_0' not in colnames: positions = np.transpose((init_guesses['x_0'], init_guesses['y_0'])) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=self.aperture_radius) init_guesses['flux_0'] = aperture_photometry( image, apertures, mask=mask)['aperture_sum'] # if extra_output_cols have been given, check whether init_guesses # was supplied with extra_output_cols pre-attached and populate # columns not given with NaNs if self._extra_output_cols is not None: for col_name in self._extra_output_cols: if col_name not in init_guesses.colnames: init_guesses[col_name] = np.full(len(init_guesses), np.nan) else: if self.finder is None: raise ValueError('Finder cannot be None if init_guesses are ' 'not given.') sources = self.finder(image, mask=mask) if sources is None: return None else: positions = np.transpose((sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'])) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=self.aperture_radius) sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry( image, apertures, mask=mask)['aperture_sum'] # init_guesses should be the initial 3 required # parameters (x, y, flux) and then concatenated with any # additional sources, if there are any init_guesses = QTable(names=['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], data=[sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['aperture_flux']]) # Currently only needed for the finder, as group_maker and # nstar return the original table with new columns, unlike # finder self._get_additional_columns(sources, init_guesses) self._define_fit_param_names() for p0, param in self._pars_to_set.items(): if p0 not in init_guesses.colnames: init_guesses[p0] = (len(init_guesses) * [getattr(self.psf_model, param).value]) if skip_group_maker: star_groups = init_guesses else: star_groups = self.group_maker(init_guesses) output_tab, self._residual_image = self.nstar( image, star_groups, mask=mask, progress_bar=progress_bar, uncertainty=uncertainty ) star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id') if hasattr(output_tab, 'update'): # requires Astropy >= 5.0 star_groups.update(output_tab) else: common_cols = set(star_groups.colnames).intersection( output_tab.colnames) for name, col in output_tab.items(): if name in common_cols: star_groups.replace_column(name, col, copy=True) else: star_groups.add_column(col, name=name, copy=True) star_groups.meta = _get_meta() return star_groups
[docs] def nstar(self, image, star_groups, *, mask=None, progress_bar=False, uncertainty=None): """ Fit, as appropriate, a compound or single model to the given ``star_groups``. Groups are fitted sequentially from the smallest to the biggest. In each iteration, ``image`` is subtracted by the previous fitted group. Parameters ---------- image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` Background-subtracted image. Invalid data values (i.e., NaN or inf) are automatically ignored. star_groups : `~astropy.table.Table` This table must contain the following columns: ``id``, ``group_id``, ``x_0``, ``y_0``, ``flux_0``. ``x_0`` and ``y_0`` are initial estimates of the centroids and ``flux_0`` is an initial estimate of the flux. Additionally, columns named as ``<param_name>_0`` are required if any other parameter in the psf model is free (i.e., the ``fixed`` attribute of that parameter is ``False``). mask : 2D bool `~numpy.ndarray`, optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``image``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``image`` is masked. progress_bar : bool, optional Use a progress bar to show progress over the star groups. The progress bar requires that the `tqdm <>`_ optional dependency be installed. Note that the progress bar does not currently work in the Jupyter console due to limitations in ``tqdm``. uncertainty : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Stddev uncertainty for each element in ``image``. Returns ------- result_tab : `~astropy.table.QTable` Astropy table that contains photometry results. image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` Residual image. """ result_tab = QTable() for param_tab_name in self._pars_to_output: result_tab.add_column(Column(name=param_tab_name)) unc_tab = QTable() for param, isfixed in self.psf_model.fixed.items(): if not isfixed: unc_tab.add_column(Column(name=param + '_unc')) y, x = np.indices(image.shape) star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id') group_iter = star_groups.groups if progress_bar: group_iter = add_progress_bar(group_iter, desc='Fit source/group') # pragma: no cover for group in group_iter: group_psf = get_grouped_psf_model(self.psf_model, group, self._pars_to_set) usepixel = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=bool) for row in group: usepixel[overlap_slices(large_array_shape=image.shape, small_array_shape=self.fitshape, position=(row['y_0'], row['x_0']), mode='trim')[0]] = True if mask is not None: usepixel &= ~mask if hasattr(image, 'uncertainty'): sigma = image.uncertainty.represent_as(StdDevUncertainty).array weights = 1 / sigma[usepixel] elif uncertainty is not None: weights = 1 / uncertainty[usepixel] else: weights = None fit_model = self.fitter(group_psf, x[usepixel], y[usepixel], image[usepixel], weights=weights) param_table = self._model_params2table(fit_model, group) result_tab = vstack([result_tab, param_table]) unc_tab = vstack([unc_tab, self._get_uncertainties(len(group))]) # do not subtract if the fitting did not go well try: image = subtract_psf(image, self.psf_model, param_table, subshape=self.subshape) except NoOverlapError: pass for col in unc_tab.colnames: if np.all(np.isnan(unc_tab[col])): unc_tab.remove_column(col) result_tab = hstack([result_tab, unc_tab]) return result_tab, image
def _get_additional_columns(self, in_table, out_table): """ Function to parse additional columns from ``in_table`` and add them to ``out_table``. """ if self._extra_output_cols is not None: for col_name in self._extra_output_cols: if col_name in in_table.colnames: out_table[col_name] = in_table[col_name] def _define_fit_param_names(self): """ Convenience function to define mappings between the names of the columns in the initial guess table (and the name of the fitted parameters) and the actual name of the parameters in the model. This method sets the following parameters on the ``self`` object: * ``pars_to_set`` : Dict which maps the names of the parameters initial guesses to the actual name of the parameter in the model. * ``pars_to_output`` : Dict which maps the names of the fitted parameters to the actual name of the parameter in the model. """ xname, yname, fluxname = _extract_psf_fitting_names(self.psf_model) self._pars_to_set = {'x_0': xname, 'y_0': yname, 'flux_0': fluxname} self._pars_to_output = {'x_fit': xname, 'y_fit': yname, 'flux_fit': fluxname} for p, isfixed in self.psf_model.fixed.items(): p0 = p + '_0' pfit = p + '_fit' if p not in (xname, yname, fluxname) and not isfixed: self._pars_to_set[p0] = p self._pars_to_output[pfit] = p def _get_uncertainties(self, star_group_size): """ Retrieve uncertainties on fitted parameters from the fitter object. Parameters ---------- star_group_size : int Number of stars in the given group. Returns ------- unc_tab : `~astropy.table.QTable` A table which contains uncertainties on the fitted parameters. The uncertainties are reported as one standard deviation. """ unc_tab = QTable() for param_name in self.psf_model.param_names: if not self.psf_model.fixed[param_name]: unc_tab.add_column(Column(name=param_name + '_unc', data=np.empty(star_group_size))) k = 0 n_fit_params = len(unc_tab.colnames) param_cov = self.fitter.fit_info.get('param_cov', None) # variance is sometimes returned as a negative value # ignore sqrt(negative value) RuntimeWarnings with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) for i in range(star_group_size): if param_cov is None: unc_tab[i] = [np.nan] * n_fit_params else: sig = np.sqrt(np.diag(param_cov)) unc_tab[i] = sig[k: k + n_fit_params] k += n_fit_params return unc_tab def _model_params2table(self, fit_model, star_group): """ Place fitted parameters into an astropy table. Parameters ---------- fit_model : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` instance PSF or PRF model to fit the data. Could be one of the models in this package like `~photutils.psf.IntegratedGaussianPRF` or any other suitable 2D model. star_group : `~astropy.table.Table` the star group instance. Returns ------- param_tab : `~astropy.table.QTable` A table that contains the fitted parameters. """ param_tab = QTable() for param_tab_name in self._pars_to_output: param_tab.add_column(Column(name=param_tab_name, data=np.empty(len(star_group)))) if len(star_group) > 1: for i in range(len(star_group)): for param_tab_name, param_name in self._pars_to_output.items(): # get sub_model corresponding to star with index i as name # name was set in utils.get_grouped_psf_model() # we can't use model['name'] here as that only # searches leaves and we might want a intermediate # node of the tree sub_models = [model for model in fit_model.traverse_postorder() if == i] if len(sub_models) != 1: raise ValueError('sub_models must have a length of 1') sub_model = sub_models[0] param_tab[param_tab_name][i] = getattr(sub_model, param_name).value else: for param_tab_name, param_name in self._pars_to_output.items(): param_tab[param_tab_name] = getattr(fit_model, param_name).value return param_tab
[docs] @deprecated('1.9.0', alternative='`photutils.psf.IterativePSFPhotometry`') class IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry(BasicPSFPhotometry): """ This class implements an iterative algorithm to perform point spread function photometry in crowded fields. This consists of applying a loop of find sources, make groups, fit groups, subtract groups, and then repeat until no more stars are detected or a given number of iterations is reached. Parameters ---------- group_maker : callable or `~photutils.psf.GroupStarsBase` ``group_maker`` should be able to decide whether a given star overlaps with any other and label them as belonging to the same group. ``group_maker`` receives as input an `~astropy.table.Table` object with columns named as ``id``, ``x_0``, ``y_0``, in which ``x_0`` and ``y_0`` have the same meaning of ``xcentroid`` and ``ycentroid``. This callable must return an `~astropy.table.Table` with columns ``id``, ``x_0``, ``y_0``, and ``group_id``. The column ``group_id`` should contain integers starting from ``1`` that indicate which group a given source belongs to. See, e.g., `~photutils.psf.DAOGroup`. bkg_estimator : callable, instance of any \ `~photutils.background.BackgroundBase` subclass, or None ``bkg_estimator`` should be able to compute either a scalar background or a 2D background of a given 2D image. See, e.g., `~photutils.background.MedianBackground`. If None, no background subtraction is performed. psf_model : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` instance PSF or PRF model to fit the data. Could be one of the models in this package like `~photutils.psf.IntegratedGaussianPRF` or any other suitable 2D model. This object needs to identify three parameters (position of center in x and y coordinates and the flux) in order to set them to suitable starting values for each fit. The names of these parameters should be given as ``x_0``, ``y_0`` and ``flux``. `~photutils.psf.prepare_psf_model` can be used to prepare any 2D model to match this assumption. fitshape : int or length-2 array_like Rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-fitting region. If ``fitshape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``fitshape`` will be used. If ``fitshape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``fitshape`` must be an odd number. finder : callable or instance of any \ `~photutils.detection.StarFinderBase` subclasses ``finder`` should be able to identify stars, i.e., compute a rough estimate of the centroids, in a given 2D image. ``finder`` receives as input a 2D image and returns an `~astropy.table.Table` object which contains columns with names: ``id``, ``xcentroid``, ``ycentroid``, and ``flux``. In which ``id`` is an integer-valued column starting from ``1``, ``xcentroid`` and ``ycentroid`` are center position estimates of the sources and ``flux`` contains flux estimates of the sources. See, e.g., `~photutils.detection.DAOStarFinder` or `~photutils.detection.IRAFStarFinder`. fitter : `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter` instance Fitter object used to compute the optimized centroid positions and/or flux of the identified sources. See `~astropy.modeling.fitting` for more details on fitters. aperture_radius : float The radius (in units of pixels) used to compute initial estimates for the fluxes of sources. If ``None``, one FWHM will be used if it can be determined from the ```psf_model``. niters : int or None Number of iterations to perform of the loop FIND, GROUP, SUBTRACT, NSTAR. If None, iterations will proceed until no more stars remain. Note that in this case it is *possible* that the loop will never end if the PSF has structure that causes subtraction to create new sources infinitely. extra_output_cols : list of str, optional List of additional columns for parameters derived by any of the intermediate fitting steps (e.g., ``finder``), such as roundness or sharpness. subshape : `None`, int, or length-2 array_like Rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-subtraction region. If `None`, then ``fitshape`` will be used. If ``subshape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``subshape`` will be used. If ``subshape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``subshape`` must be an odd number. Notes ----- If there are problems with fitting large groups, change the parameters of the grouping algorithm to reduce the number of sources in each group or input a ``star_groups`` table that only includes the groups that are relevant (e.g., manually remove all entries that coincide with artifacts). References ---------- [1] Stetson, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications, (ISSN 0004-6280), vol. 99, March 1987, p. 191-222. Available at: """ def __init__(self, group_maker, bkg_estimator, psf_model, fitshape, finder, *, fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), niters=3, aperture_radius=None, extra_output_cols=None, subshape=None): super().__init__(group_maker, bkg_estimator, psf_model, fitshape, finder=finder, fitter=fitter, aperture_radius=aperture_radius, extra_output_cols=extra_output_cols, subshape=subshape) self.niters = niters @property def niters(self): return self._niters @niters.setter def niters(self, value): if value is None: self._niters = None else: try: if value <= 0: raise ValueError('niters must be positive.') self._niters = int(value) except ValueError as exc: raise ValueError('niters must be None or an integer or ' 'convertable into an integer.') from exc @property def finder(self): return self._finder @finder.setter def finder(self, value): if value is None: raise ValueError('finder cannot be None for ' 'IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry - you may ' 'want to use BasicPSFPhotometry. Please see the ' 'Detection section on photutils documentation.') self._finder = value
[docs] def do_photometry(self, image, *, mask=None, init_guesses=None, progress_bar=False, uncertainty=None): """ Perform PSF photometry in ``image``. This method assumes that ``psf_model`` has centroids and flux parameters which will be fitted to the data provided in ``image``. A compound model, in fact a sum of ``psf_model``, will be fitted to groups of stars automatically identified by ``group_maker``. Also, ``image`` is not assumed to be background subtracted. If ``init_guesses`` are not ``None`` then this method uses ``init_guesses`` as initial guesses for the centroids. If the centroid positions are set as ``fixed`` in the PSF model ``psf_model``, then the optimizer will only consider the flux as a variable. Parameters ---------- image : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` Image to perform photometry. Invalid data values (i.e., NaN or inf) are automatically ignored. init_guesses : `~astropy.table.Table` Table which contains the initial guesses (estimates) for the set of parameters. Columns 'x_0' and 'y_0' which represent the positions (in pixel coordinates) for each object must be present. 'flux_0' can also be provided to set initial fluxes. If 'flux_0' is not provided, aperture photometry is used to estimate initial values for the fluxes. Additional columns of the form '<parametername>_0' will be used to set the initial guess for any parameters of the ``psf_model`` model that are not fixed. If ``init_guesses`` supplied with ``extra_output_cols`` the initial values are used; if the columns specified in ``extra_output_cols`` are not given in ``init_guesses`` then NaNs will be returned. mask : 2D bool `~numpy.ndarray`, optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``image``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``image`` is masked. uncertainty : 2D `~numpy.ndarray`, optional Stddev uncertainty for each element in ``image``. Returns ------- output_table : `~astropy.table.Table` or None A table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start the fitting process. Uncertainties on the fitted parameters are reported as columns called ``<paramname>_unc`` provided that the fitter object contains a dictionary called ``fit_info`` with the key ``param_cov``, which contains the covariance matrix. """ mask = super()._make_mask(image, mask) if init_guesses is not None: table = super().do_photometry(image, mask=mask, init_guesses=init_guesses, progress_bar=progress_bar, uncertainty=uncertainty) table['iter_detected'] = np.ones(table['x_fit'].shape, dtype=int) # n_start = 2 because it starts in the second iteration # since the first iteration is above output_table = self._do_photometry(n_start=2, mask=mask, progress_bar=progress_bar, uncertainty=uncertainty) output_table = vstack([table, output_table]) else: if self.bkg_estimator is not None: self._residual_image = image - self.bkg_estimator(image) else: self._residual_image = image if self.aperture_radius is None: self.set_aperture_radius() output_table = self._do_photometry(mask=mask, progress_bar=progress_bar, uncertainty=uncertainty) output_table.meta = _get_meta() return QTable(output_table)
def _do_photometry(self, n_start=1, mask=None, progress_bar=False, uncertainty=None): """ Helper function which performs the iterations of the photometry process. Parameters ---------- n_start : int Integer representing the start index of the iteration. It is 1 if init_guesses are None, and 2 otherwise. Returns ------- output_table : `~astropy.table.Table` or None Table with the photometry results, i.e., centroids and fluxes estimations and the initial estimates used to start the fitting process. """ output_table = QTable() self._define_fit_param_names() for (init_parname, fit_parname) in zip(self._pars_to_set.keys(), self._pars_to_output.keys()): output_table.add_column(Column(name=init_parname)) output_table.add_column(Column(name=fit_parname)) sources = self.finder(self._residual_image, mask=mask) n = n_start while ((sources is not None and len(sources) > 0) and (self.niters is None or n <= self.niters)): positions = np.transpose((sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'])) apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=self.aperture_radius) sources['aperture_flux'] = aperture_photometry( self._residual_image, apertures, mask=mask)['aperture_sum'] init_guess_tab = QTable(names=['id', 'x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0'], data=[sources['id'], sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'], sources['aperture_flux']]) self._get_additional_columns(sources, init_guess_tab) for param_tab_name, param_name in self._pars_to_set.items(): if param_tab_name not in (['x_0', 'y_0', 'flux_0']): init_guess_tab.add_column( Column(name=param_tab_name, data=(getattr(self.psf_model, param_name) * np.ones(len(sources))))) star_groups = self.group_maker(init_guess_tab) table, self._residual_image = super().nstar( self._residual_image, star_groups, mask=mask, progress_bar=progress_bar, uncertainty=uncertainty) star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id') table = hstack([star_groups, table]) table['iter_detected'] = n * np.ones(table['x_fit'].shape, dtype=int) output_table = vstack([output_table, table]) # do not warn if no sources are found beyond the first iteration with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', NoDetectionsWarning) sources = self.finder(self._residual_image, mask=mask) n += 1 return output_table
[docs] @deprecated('1.9.0', alternative='`photutils.psf.IterativePSFPhotometry`') class DAOPhotPSFPhotometry(IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry): """ This class implements an iterative algorithm based on the DAOPHOT algorithm presented by Stetson (1987) to perform point spread function photometry in crowded fields. This consists of applying a loop of find sources, make groups, fit groups, subtract groups, and then repeat until no more stars are detected or a given number of iterations is reached. Basically, this classes uses `~photutils.psf.IterativelySubtractedPSFPhotometry`, but with grouping, finding, and background estimation routines defined a priori. More precisely, this class uses `~photutils.psf.DAOGroup` for grouping, `~photutils.detection.DAOStarFinder` for finding sources, and `~photutils.background.MMMBackground` for background estimation. Those classes are based on GROUP, FIND, and SKY routines used in DAOPHOT, respectively. The parameter ``crit_separation`` is associated with `~photutils.psf.DAOGroup`. ``sigma_clip`` is associated with `~photutils.background.MMMBackground`. ``threshold`` and ``fwhm`` are associated with `~photutils.detection.DAOStarFinder`. Parameters from ``ratio`` to ``roundhi`` are also associated with `~photutils.detection.DAOStarFinder`. Parameters ---------- crit_separation : float or int Distance, in units of pixels, such that any two stars separated by less than this distance will be placed in the same group. threshold : float The absolute image value above which to select sources. fwhm : float The full-width half-maximum (FWHM) of the major axis of the Gaussian kernel in units of pixels. psf_model : `astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel` instance PSF or PRF model to fit the data. Could be one of the models in this package like `~photutils.psf.IntegratedGaussianPRF` or any other suitable 2D model. This object needs to identify three parameters (position of center in x and y coordinates and the flux) in order to set them to suitable starting values for each fit. The names of these parameters should be given as ``x_0``, ``y_0`` and ``flux``. `~photutils.psf.prepare_psf_model` can be used to prepare any 2D model to match this assumption. fitshape : int or length-2 array_like Rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-fitting region. If ``fitshape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``fitshape`` will be used. If ``fitshape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``fitshape`` must be an odd number. sigma : float, optional Number of standard deviations used to perform sigma clip with a `astropy.stats.SigmaClip` object. ratio : float, optional The ratio of the minor to major axis standard deviations of the Gaussian kernel. ``ratio`` must be strictly positive and less than or equal to 1.0. The default is 1.0 (i.e., a circular Gaussian kernel). theta : float, optional The position angle (in degrees) of the major axis of the Gaussian kernel measured counter-clockwise from the positive x axis. sigma_radius : float, optional The truncation radius of the Gaussian kernel in units of sigma (standard deviation) [``1 sigma = FWHM / (2.0*sqrt(2.0*log(2.0)))``]. sharplo : float, optional The lower bound on sharpness for object detection. sharphi : float, optional The upper bound on sharpness for object detection. roundlo : float, optional The lower bound on roundess for object detection. roundhi : float, optional The upper bound on roundess for object detection. fitter : `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter` instance Fitter object used to compute the optimized centroid positions and/or flux of the identified sources. See `~astropy.modeling.fitting` for more details on fitters. niters : int or None Number of iterations to perform of the loop FIND, GROUP, SUBTRACT, NSTAR. If None, iterations will proceed until no more stars remain. Note that in this case it is *possible* that the loop will never end if the PSF has structure that causes subtraction to create new sources infinitely. aperture_radius : float The radius (in units of pixels) used to compute initial estimates for the fluxes of sources. If ``None``, one FWHM will be used if it can be determined from the ```psf_model``. extra_output_cols : list of str, optional List of additional columns for parameters derived by any of the intermediate fitting steps (e.g., ``finder``), such as roundness or sharpness. subshape : `None`, int, or length-2 array_like Rectangular shape around the center of a star that will be used to define the PSF-subtraction region. If `None`, then ``fitshape`` will be used. If ``subshape`` is a scalar then a square shape of size ``subshape`` will be used. If ``subshape`` has two elements, they must be in ``(ny, nx)`` order. Each element of ``subshape`` must be an odd number. Notes ----- If there are problems with fitting large groups, change the parameters of the grouping algorithm to reduce the number of sources in each group or input a ``star_groups`` table that only includes the groups that are relevant (e.g., manually remove all entries that coincide with artifacts). References ---------- [1] Stetson, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Publications, (ISSN 0004-6280), vol. 99, March 1987, p. 191-222. Available at: """ def __init__(self, crit_separation, threshold, fwhm, psf_model, fitshape, *, sigma=3.0, ratio=1.0, theta=0.0, sigma_radius=1.5, sharplo=0.2, sharphi=1.0, roundlo=-1.0, roundhi=1.0, fitter=LevMarLSQFitter(), niters=3, aperture_radius=None, extra_output_cols=None, subshape=None): self.crit_separation = crit_separation self.threshold = threshold self.fwhm = fwhm self.sigma = sigma self.ratio = ratio self.theta = theta self.sigma_radius = sigma_radius self.sharplo = sharplo self.sharphi = sharphi self.roundlo = roundlo self.roundhi = roundhi group_maker = DAOGroup(crit_separation=self.crit_separation) bkg_estimator = MMMBackground(sigma_clip=SigmaClip(sigma=self.sigma)) finder = DAOStarFinder(threshold=self.threshold, fwhm=self.fwhm, ratio=self.ratio, theta=self.theta, sigma_radius=self.sigma_radius, sharplo=self.sharplo, sharphi=self.sharphi, roundlo=self.roundlo, roundhi=self.roundhi) super().__init__(group_maker=group_maker, bkg_estimator=bkg_estimator, psf_model=psf_model, fitshape=fitshape, finder=finder, fitter=fitter, niters=niters, aperture_radius=aperture_radius, extra_output_cols=extra_output_cols, subshape=subshape)