Source code for photutils.detection.starfinder

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module implements the StarFinder class.

import inspect
import warnings

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import QTable
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty

from photutils.detection.core import StarFinderBase, _validate_brightest
from photutils.utils._convolution import _filter_data
from photutils.utils._misc import _get_meta
from photutils.utils._moments import _moments, _moments_central
from photutils.utils._quantity_helpers import process_quantities
from photutils.utils.cutouts import _overlap_slices as overlap_slices
from photutils.utils.exceptions import NoDetectionsWarning

__all__ = ['StarFinder']

[docs] class StarFinder(StarFinderBase): """ Detect stars in an image using a user-defined kernel. Parameters ---------- threshold : float The absolute image value above which to select sources. If the star finder is run on an image that is a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array, then ``threshold`` must have the same units. kernel : `~numpy.ndarray` A 2D array of the PSF kernel. min_separation : float, optional The minimum separation (in pixels) for detected objects. Note that large values may result in long run times. exclude_border : bool, optional Whether to exclude sources found within half the size of the convolution kernel from the image borders. brightest : int, None, optional The number of brightest objects to keep after sorting the source list by flux. If ``brightest`` is set to `None`, all objects will be selected. peakmax : float, None, optional The maximum allowed peak pixel value in an object. Objects with peak pixel values greater than ``peakmax`` will be rejected. This keyword may be used, for example, to exclude saturated sources. If the star finder is run on an image that is a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array, then ``peakmax`` must have the same units. If ``peakmax`` is set to `None`, then no peak pixel value filtering will be performed. See Also -------- DAOStarFinder, IRAFStarFinder Notes ----- If the star finder is run on an image that is a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array, then ``threshold`` and ``peakmax`` must all have the same units as the image. For the convolution step, this routine sets pixels beyond the image borders to 0.0. The source properties are calculated using image moments. """ def __init__(self, threshold, kernel, min_separation=5.0, exclude_border=False, brightest=None, peakmax=None): # here we validate the units, but do not strip them inputs = (threshold, peakmax) names = ('threshold', 'peakmax') _ = process_quantities(inputs, names) self.threshold = threshold self.kernel = kernel if min_separation < 0: raise ValueError('min_separation must be >= 0') self.min_separation = min_separation self.exclude_border = exclude_border self.brightest = _validate_brightest(brightest) self.peakmax = peakmax def _get_raw_catalog(self, data, *, mask=None): kernel = self.kernel kernel /= np.max(kernel) # normalize max value to 1.0 denom = np.sum(kernel**2) - (np.sum(kernel)**2 / kernel.size) if denom > 0: kernel = (kernel - np.sum(kernel) / kernel.size) / denom convolved_data = _filter_data(data, kernel, mode='constant', fill_value=0.0, check_normalization=False) xypos = self._find_stars(convolved_data, kernel, self.threshold, min_separation=self.min_separation, mask=mask, exclude_border=self.exclude_border) if xypos is None: warnings.warn('No sources were found.', NoDetectionsWarning) return None return _StarFinderCatalog(data, xypos, self.kernel.shape, brightest=self.brightest, peakmax=self.peakmax)
[docs] def find_stars(self, data, mask=None): """ Find stars in an astronomical image. Parameters ---------- data : 2D array_like The 2D image array. The image should be background-subtracted. mask : 2D bool array, optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``data``, where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is masked. Masked pixels are ignored when searching for stars. Returns ------- table : `~astropy.table.QTable` or `None` A table of found objects with the following parameters: * ``id``: unique object identification number. * ``xcentroid, ycentroid``: object centroid. * ``fwhm``: object FWHM. * ``roundness``: object roundness. * ``pa``: object position angle (degrees counter clockwise from the positive x axis). * ``max_value``: the maximum pixel value in the source * ``flux``: the source instrumental flux. * ``mag``: the source instrumental magnitude calculated as ``-2.5 * log10(flux)``. `None` is returned if no stars are found or no stars meet the roundness and peakmax criteria. """ cat = self._get_raw_catalog(data, mask=mask) if cat is None: return None # apply all selection filters cat = cat.apply_all_filters() if cat is None: return None # create the output table return cat.to_table()
class _StarFinderCatalog: """ Class to calculate the properties of each detected star. Parameters ---------- data : 2D `~numpy.ndarray` The 2D image. The image should be background-subtracted. xypos : Nx2 `~numpy.ndarray` A Nx2 array of (x, y) pixel coordinates denoting the central positions of the stars. shape : tuple of int The shape of the stars cutouts. The shape in both dimensions must be odd and match the shape of the smoothing kernel. brightest : int, None, optional The number of brightest objects to keep after sorting the source list by flux. If ``brightest`` is set to `None`, all objects will be selected. peakmax : float, None, optional The maximum allowed peak pixel value in an object. Objects with peak pixel values greater than ``peakmax`` will be rejected. This keyword may be used, for example, to exclude saturated sources. If the star finder is run on an image that is a `~astropy.units.Quantity` array, then ``peakmax`` must have the same units. If ``peakmax`` is set to `None`, then no peak pixel value filtering will be performed. """ def __init__(self, data, xypos, shape, *, brightest=None, peakmax=None): # here we validate the units, but do not strip them inputs = (data, peakmax) names = ('data', 'peakmax') _ = process_quantities(inputs, names) = data unit = data.unit if isinstance(data, u.Quantity) else None self.unit = unit self.xypos = np.atleast_2d(xypos) self.shape = shape self.brightest = brightest self.peakmax = peakmax = np.arange(len(self)) + 1 self.default_columns = ('id', 'xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'fwhm', 'roundness', 'pa', 'max_value', 'flux', 'mag') def __len__(self): return len(self.xypos) def __getitem__(self, index): # NOTE: we allow indexing/slicing of scalar (self.isscalar = True) # instances in order to perform catalog filtering even for # a single source newcls = object.__new__(self.__class__) # copy these attributes to the new instance init_attr = ('data', 'unit', 'shape', 'brightest', 'peakmax', 'default_columns') for attr in init_attr: setattr(newcls, attr, getattr(self, attr)) # xypos determines ordering and isscalar # NOTE: always keep as 2D array, even for a single source attr = 'xypos' value = getattr(self, attr)[index] setattr(newcls, attr, np.atleast_2d(value)) # index/slice the remaining attributes keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()) & set(self._lazyproperties) keys.add('id') scalar_index = np.isscalar(index) for key in keys: value = self.__dict__[key] # do not insert lazy attributes that are always scalar (e.g., # isscalar), i.e., not an array/list for each source if np.isscalar(value): continue if key in ('slices', 'cutout_data'): # lists instead of arrays # apply fancy indices to list properties value = np.array([*value, None], dtype=object)[:-1][index] value = [value] if scalar_index else value.tolist() else: # value is always at least a 1D array, even for a single # source value = np.atleast_1d(value[index]) newcls.__dict__[key] = value return newcls @lazyproperty def isscalar(self): """ Whether the instance is scalar (e.g., a single source). """ return self.xypos.shape == (1, 2) @property def _lazyproperties(self): """ Return all lazyproperties (even in superclasses). """ def islazyproperty(obj): return isinstance(obj, lazyproperty) return [i[0] for i in inspect.getmembers(self.__class__, predicate=islazyproperty)] def reset_ids(self): """ Reset the ID column to be consecutive integers. """ = np.arange(len(self)) + 1 @lazyproperty def slices(self): slices = [] for xpos, ypos in self.xypos: slc, _ = overlap_slices(, self.shape, (ypos, xpos), mode='trim') slices.append(slc) return slices @lazyproperty def bbox_xmin(self): return np.array([slc[1].start for slc in self.slices]) @lazyproperty def bbox_ymin(self): return np.array([slc[0].start for slc in self.slices]) @lazyproperty def cutout_data(self): cutout = [] for slc in self.slices: cdata =[slc] cdata[cdata < 0] = 0.0 # exclude negative pixels cutout.append(cdata) return cutout @lazyproperty def moments(self): return np.array([_moments(arr, order=1) for arr in self.cutout_data]) @lazyproperty def cutout_centroid(self): moments = self.moments # ignore divide-by-zero RuntimeWarning with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) ycentroid = moments[:, 1, 0] / moments[:, 0, 0] xcentroid = moments[:, 0, 1] / moments[:, 0, 0] return np.transpose((ycentroid, xcentroid)) @lazyproperty def cutout_xcentroid(self): return np.transpose(self.cutout_centroid)[1] @lazyproperty def cutout_ycentroid(self): return np.transpose(self.cutout_centroid)[0] @lazyproperty def xcentroid(self): return self.cutout_xcentroid + self.bbox_xmin @lazyproperty def ycentroid(self): return self.cutout_ycentroid + self.bbox_ymin @lazyproperty def max_value(self): peaks = [np.max(arr) for arr in self.cutout_data] return u.Quantity(peaks) if self.unit is not None else np.array(peaks) @lazyproperty def flux(self): fluxes = [np.sum(arr) for arr in self.cutout_data] if self.unit is not None: fluxes = u.Quantity(fluxes) else: fluxes = np.array(fluxes) return fluxes @lazyproperty def mag(self): flux = self.flux if isinstance(flux, u.Quantity): flux = flux.value return -2.5 * np.log10(flux) @lazyproperty def moments_central(self): moments = np.array([_moments_central(arr, center=(xcen_, ycen_), order=2) for arr, xcen_, ycen_ in zip(self.cutout_data, self.cutout_xcentroid, self.cutout_ycentroid, strict=True)]) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) return moments / self.moments[:, 0, 0][:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] @lazyproperty def mu_sum(self): return self.moments_central[:, 0, 2] + self.moments_central[:, 2, 0] @lazyproperty def mu_diff(self): return self.moments_central[:, 0, 2] - self.moments_central[:, 2, 0] @lazyproperty def fwhm(self): return 2.0 * np.sqrt(np.log(2.0) * self.mu_sum) @lazyproperty def roundness(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) factor = self.mu_diff**2 + 4.0 * self.moments_central[:, 1, 1]**2 return np.sqrt(factor) / self.mu_sum @lazyproperty def pa(self): pa = np.rad2deg(0.5 * np.arctan2(2.0 * self.moments_central[:, 1, 1], self.mu_diff)) return np.where(pa < 0, pa + 180, pa) def apply_filters(self): """ Filter the catalog. """ # remove all non-finite values - consider these non-detections attrs = ('xcentroid', 'ycentroid', 'fwhm', 'roundness', 'pa', 'max_value', 'flux') mask = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool) for attr in attrs: mask &= np.isfinite(getattr(self, attr)) newcat = self[mask] if len(newcat) == 0: warnings.warn('No sources were found.', NoDetectionsWarning) return None # keep sources with peak pixel values less than or equal to peakmax if newcat.peakmax is not None: mask = (newcat.max_value <= newcat.peakmax) newcat = newcat[mask] if len(newcat) == 0: warnings.warn('Sources were found, but none pass the peakmax ' 'criterion.', NoDetectionsWarning) return None return newcat def select_brightest(self): """ Sort the catalog by the brightest fluxes and select the top brightest sources. """ newcat = self if self.brightest is not None: idx = np.argsort(self.flux)[::-1][:self.brightest] newcat = self[idx] return newcat def apply_all_filters(self): """ Apply all filters, select the brightest, and reset the source ids. """ cat = self.apply_filters() if cat is None: return None cat = cat.select_brightest() cat.reset_ids() return cat def to_table(self, columns=None): table = QTable() table.meta.update(_get_meta()) # keep table.meta type if columns is None: columns = self.default_columns for column in columns: table[column] = getattr(self, column) return table