Source code for photutils.aperture.mask

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module defines a class for aperture masks.

import warnings

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils import minversion

__all__ = ['ApertureMask']

COPY_IF_NEEDED = False if not minversion(np, '2.0') else None

[docs] class ApertureMask: """ Class for an aperture mask. Parameters ---------- data : array_like A 2D array representing the fractional overlap of an aperture on the pixel grid. This should be the full-sized (i.e., not truncated) array that is the direct output of one of the low-level `photutils.geometry` functions. bbox : `photutils.aperture.BoundingBox` The bounding box object defining the aperture minimal bounding box. """ def __init__(self, data, bbox): = np.asanyarray(data) if != bbox.shape: raise ValueError('mask data and bounding box must have the same ' 'shape') self.bbox = bbox self._mask = ( == 0) def __array__(self, dtype=None, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED): """ Array representation of the mask data array (e.g., for matplotlib). """ return np.array(, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) @property def shape(self): """ The shape of the mask data array. """ return
[docs] def get_overlap_slices(self, shape): """ Get slices for the overlapping part of the aperture mask and a 2D array. Parameters ---------- shape : 2-tuple of int The shape of the 2D array. Returns ------- slices_large : tuple of slices or `None` A tuple of slice objects for each axis of the large array, such that ``large_array[slices_large]`` extracts the region of the large array that overlaps with the small array. `None` is returned if there is no overlap of the bounding box with the given image shape. slices_small : tuple of slices or `None` A tuple of slice objects for each axis of the aperture mask array such that ``small_array[slices_small]`` extracts the region that is inside the large array. `None` is returned if there is no overlap of the bounding box with the given image shape. """ return self.bbox.get_overlap_slices(shape)
[docs] def to_image(self, shape, dtype=float): """ Return an image of the mask in a 2D array of the given shape, taking any edge effects into account. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int The ``(ny, nx)`` shape of the output array. dtype : data-type, optional The desired data type for the array. This should be a floating data type if the `ApertureMask` was created with the "exact" or "subpixel" mode, otherwise the fractional mask weights will be altered. A integer data type may be used if the `ApertureMask` was created with the "center" mode. Returns ------- result : `~numpy.ndarray` A 2D array of the mask. """ if len(shape) != 2: raise ValueError('input shape must have 2 elements.') # find the overlap of the mask on the output image shape slices_large, slices_small = self.get_overlap_slices(shape) if slices_small is None: return None # no overlap # insert the mask into the output image image = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) image[slices_large] =[slices_small] return image
[docs] def cutout(self, data, fill_value=0.0, copy=False): """ Create a cutout from the input data over the mask bounding box, taking any edge effects into account. Parameters ---------- data : array_like A 2D array on which to apply the aperture mask. fill_value : float, optional The value used to fill pixels where the aperture mask does not overlap with the input ``data``. The default is 0. copy : bool, optional If `True` then the returned cutout array will always be hold a copy of the input ``data``. If `False` and the mask is fully within the input ``data``, then the returned cutout array will be a view into the input ``data``. In cases where the mask partially overlaps or has no overlap with the input ``data``, the returned cutout array will always hold a copy of the input ``data`` (i.e., this keyword has no effect). Returns ------- result : `~numpy.ndarray` or `None` A 2D array cut out from the input ``data`` representing the same cutout region as the aperture mask. If there is a partial overlap of the aperture mask with the input data, pixels outside of the data will be assigned to ``fill_value``. `None` is returned if there is no overlap of the aperture with the input ``data``. """ data = np.asanyarray(data) if data.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('data must be a 2D array.') # find the overlap of the mask on the output image shape slices_large, slices_small = self.get_overlap_slices(data.shape) if slices_small is None: return None # no overlap cutout_shape = (slices_small[0].stop - slices_small[0].start, slices_small[1].stop - slices_small[1].start) if cutout_shape == self.shape: cutout = data[slices_large] if copy: cutout = np.copy(cutout) return cutout # cutout is always a copy for partial overlap dtype = float if ~np.isfinite(fill_value) else data.dtype cutout = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=dtype) cutout[:] = fill_value cutout[slices_small] = data[slices_large] if isinstance(data, u.Quantity): cutout <<= data.unit return cutout
[docs] def multiply(self, data, fill_value=0.0): """ Multiply the aperture mask with the input data, taking any edge effects into account. The result is a mask-weighted cutout from the data. Parameters ---------- data : array_like or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The 2D array to multiply with the aperture mask. fill_value : float, optional The value is used to fill pixels where the aperture mask does not overlap with the input ``data``. The default is 0. Returns ------- result : `~numpy.ndarray` or `None` A 2D mask-weighted cutout from the input ``data``. If there is a partial overlap of the aperture mask with the input data, pixels outside of the data will be assigned to ``fill_value`` before being multiplied with the mask. `None` is returned if there is no overlap of the aperture with the input ``data``. """ cutout = self.cutout(data, fill_value=fill_value) if cutout is None: return None # ignore multiplication with non-finite data values with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) weighted_cutout = cutout * # fill values outside of the mask but within the bounding box weighted_cutout[self._mask] = fill_value return weighted_cutout
def _get_overlap_cutouts(self, shape, mask=None): """ Get the aperture mask weights, pixel mask, and slice for the overlap with the input shape. If input, the ``mask`` is included in the output pixel mask cutout. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple of int The shape of data. mask : array_like (bool), optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``shape`` where a `True` value indicates a masked pixel. Returns ------- slices_large : tuple of slices or `None` A tuple of slice objects for each axis of the large array of given ``shape``, such that ``large_array[slices_large]`` extracts the region of the large array that overlaps with the small array. `None` is returned if there is no overlap of the bounding box with the given image shape. aper_weights: 2D float `~numpy.ndarray` The cutout aperture mask weights for the overlap. pixel_mask: 2D bool `~numpy.ndarray` The cutout pixel mask for the overlap. Notes ----- This method is separate from ``get_values`` to facilitate applying the same slices, aper_weights, and pixel_mask to multiple associated arrays (e.g., data and error arrays). It is used in this way by the `PixelAperture.do_photometry` method. """ if mask is not None and mask.shape != shape: raise ValueError('mask and data must have the same shape') slc_large, slc_small = self.get_overlap_slices(shape) if slc_large is None: # no overlap return None, None, None aper_weights =[slc_small] pixel_mask = (aper_weights > 0) # good pixels if mask is not None: pixel_mask &= ~mask[slc_large] return slc_large, aper_weights, pixel_mask
[docs] def get_values(self, data, mask=None): """ Get the mask-weighted pixel values from the data as a 1D array. If the ``ApertureMask`` was created with ``method='center'``, (where the mask weights are only 1 or 0), then the returned values will simply be pixel values extracted from the data. Parameters ---------- data : array_like or `~astropy.units.Quantity` The 2D array from which to get mask-weighted values. mask : array_like (bool), optional A boolean mask with the same shape as ``data`` where a `True` value indicates the corresponding element of ``data`` is not returned in the result. Returns ------- result : `~numpy.ndarray` A 1D array of mask-weighted pixel values from the input ``data``. If there is no overlap of the aperture with the input ``data``, the result will be an empty array with shape (0,). """ slc_large, aper_weights, pixel_mask = self._get_overlap_cutouts( data.shape, mask=mask) if slc_large is None: return np.array([]) # ignore multiplication with non-finite data values with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) # pixel_mask is used so that pixels value where data = 0 and # aper_weights != 0 are still returned return (data[slc_large] * aper_weights)[pixel_mask]