Source code for photutils.psf.models

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module provides models for doing PSF/PRF-fitting photometry.

import copy
import warnings

import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling import Fittable2DModel, Parameter
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning, AstropyWarning

from photutils.aperture import CircularAperture
from photutils.utils._parameters import as_pair

__all__ = ['NonNormalizable', 'FittableImageModel', 'EPSFModel',
           'IntegratedGaussianPRF', 'PRFAdapter']

[docs] @deprecated('1.11.0', alternative='AstropyUserWarning') class NonNormalizable(AstropyWarning): """ Used to indicate that a :py:class:`FittableImageModel` model is non-normalizable. """
[docs] class FittableImageModel(Fittable2DModel): r""" A fittable 2D model of an image allowing for image intensity scaling and image translations. This class takes 2D image data and computes the values of the model at arbitrary locations (including at intra-pixel, fractional positions) within this image using spline interpolation provided by :py:class:`~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline`. The fittable model provided by this class has three model parameters: an image intensity scaling factor (``flux``) which is applied to (normalized) image, and two positional parameters (``x_0`` and ``y_0``) indicating the location of a feature in the coordinate grid on which the model is to be evaluated. If this class is initialized with ``flux`` (intensity scaling factor) set to `None`, then ``flux`` is going to be estimated as ``sum(data)``. Parameters ---------- data : `~numpy.ndarray` Array containing 2D image. origin : tuple, None, optional A reference point in the input image ``data`` array. When origin is `None`, origin will be set at the middle of the image array. If ``origin`` represents the location of a feature (e.g., the position of an intensity peak) in the input ``data``, then model parameters ``x_0`` and ``y_0`` show the location of this peak in an another target image to which this model was fitted. Fundamentally, it is the coordinate in the model's image data that should map to coordinate (``x_0``, ``y_0``) of the output coordinate system on which the model is evaluated. Alternatively, when ``origin`` is set to ``(0, 0)``, then model parameters ``x_0`` and ``y_0`` are shifts by which model's image should be translated in order to match a target image. normalize : bool, optional Indicates whether or not the model should be build on normalized input image data. If true, then the normalization constant (*N*) is computed so that .. math:: N \cdot C \cdot \sum\limits_{i,j} D_{i,j} = 1, where *N* is the normalization constant, *C* is correction factor given by the parameter ``normalization_correction``, and :math:`D_{i,j}` are the elements of the input image ``data`` array. normalization_correction : float, optional A strictly positive number that represents correction that needs to be applied to model's data normalization (see *C* in the equation in the comments to ``normalize`` for more details). A possible application for this parameter is to account for aperture correction. Assuming model's data represent a PSF to be fitted to some target star, we set ``normalization_correction`` to the aperture correction that needs to be applied to the model. That is, ``normalization_correction`` in this case should be set to the ratio between the total flux of the PSF (including flux outside model's data) to the flux of model's data. Then, best fitted value of the ``flux`` model parameter will represent an aperture-corrected flux of the target star. In the case of aperture correction, ``normalization_correction`` should be a value larger than one, as the total flux, including regions outside of the aperture, should be larger than the flux inside the aperture, and thus the correction is applied as an inversely multiplied factor. fill_value : float, optional The value to be returned by the `evaluate` or ``astropy.modeling.Model.__call__`` methods when evaluation is performed outside the definition domain of the model. kwargs : dict, optional Additional optional keyword arguments to be passed directly to the `compute_interpolator` method. See `compute_interpolator` for more details. oversampling : int or array_like (int) The integer oversampling factor(s) of the ePSF relative to the input ``stars`` along each axis. If ``oversampling`` is a scalar then it will be used for both axes. If ``oversampling`` has two elements, they must be in ``(y, x)`` order. """ flux = Parameter(description='Intensity scaling factor for image data.', default=1.0) x_0 = Parameter(description='X-position of a feature in the image in ' 'the output coordinate grid on which the model is ' 'evaluated.', default=0.0) y_0 = Parameter(description='Y-position of a feature in the image in ' 'the output coordinate grid on which the model is ' 'evaluated.', default=0.0) def __init__(self, data, *, flux=flux.default, x_0=x_0.default, y_0=y_0.default, normalize=False, normalization_correction=1.0, origin=None, oversampling=1, fill_value=0.0, **kwargs): self._fill_value = fill_value self._img_norm = None self._normalization_status = 0 if normalize else 2 self._store_interpolator_kwargs(**kwargs) self._oversampling = as_pair('oversampling', oversampling, lower_bound=(0, 1)) if normalization_correction <= 0: raise ValueError("'normalization_correction' must be strictly " 'positive.') self._normalization_correction = normalization_correction self._normalization_constant = 1.0 / self._normalization_correction self._data = np.array(data, copy=True, dtype=float) if not np.all(np.isfinite(self._data)): raise ValueError("All elements of input 'data' must be finite.") # set input image related parameters: self._ny, self._nx = self._data.shape self._shape = self._data.shape if self._data.size < 1: raise ValueError('Image data array cannot be zero-sized.') # set the origin of the coordinate system in image's pixel grid: self.origin = origin flux = self._initial_norm(flux, normalize) super().__init__(flux, x_0, y_0) # initialize interpolator: self.compute_interpolator(**kwargs) def _initial_norm(self, flux, normalize): if flux is None: if self._img_norm is None: self._img_norm = self._compute_raw_image_norm() flux = self._img_norm self._compute_normalization(normalize) return flux def _compute_raw_image_norm(self): """ Helper function that computes the uncorrected inverse normalization factor of input image data. This quantity is computed as the *sum of all pixel values*. .. note:: This function is intended to be overridden in a subclass if one desires to change the way the normalization factor is computed. """ return np.sum(self._data, dtype=float) def _compute_normalization(self, normalize=True): r""" Helper function that computes (corrected) normalization factor of the original image data. This quantity is computed as the inverse "raw image norm" (or total "flux" of model's image) corrected by the ``normalization_correction``: .. math:: N = 1/(\Phi * C), where :math:`\Phi` is the "total flux" of model's image as computed by `_compute_raw_image_norm` and *C* is the normalization correction factor. :math:`\Phi` is computed only once if it has not been previously computed. Otherwise, the existing (stored) value of :math:`\Phi` is not modified as :py:class:`FittableImageModel` does not allow image data to be modified after the object is created. .. note:: Normally, this function should not be called by the end-user. It is intended to be overridden in a subclass if one desires to change the way the normalization factor is computed. """ self._normalization_constant = 1.0 / self._normalization_correction if normalize: # compute normalization constant so that # N*C*sum(data) = 1: if self._img_norm is None: self._img_norm = self._compute_raw_image_norm() if self._img_norm != 0.0 and np.isfinite(self._img_norm): self._normalization_constant /= self._img_norm self._normalization_status = 0 else: self._normalization_constant = 1.0 self._normalization_status = 1 warnings.warn('Overflow encountered while computing ' 'normalization constant. Normalization ' 'constant will be set to 1.', AstropyUserWarning) else: self._normalization_status = 2 @property def oversampling(self): """ The factor by which the stored image is oversampled. An input to this model is multiplied by this factor to yield the index into the stored image. """ return self._oversampling @property def data(self): """Get original image data.""" return self._data @property def normalized_data(self): """Get normalized and/or intensity-corrected image data.""" return self._normalization_constant * self._data @property def normalization_constant(self): """Get normalization constant.""" return self._normalization_constant @property def normalization_status(self): """ Get normalization status. Possible status values are: - 0: **Performed**. Model has been successfully normalized at user's request. - 1: **Failed**. Attempt to normalize has failed. - 2: **NotRequested**. User did not request model to be normalized. """ return self._normalization_status @property def normalization_correction(self): """ Set/Get flux correction factor. .. note:: When setting correction factor, model's flux will be adjusted accordingly such that if this model was a good fit to some target image before, then it will remain a good fit after correction factor change. """ return self._normalization_correction @normalization_correction.setter def normalization_correction(self, normalization_correction): old_cf = self._normalization_correction self._normalization_correction = normalization_correction self._compute_normalization(normalize=self._normalization_status != 2) # adjust model's flux so that if this model was a good fit to # some target image, then it will remain a good fit after # correction factor change: self.flux *= normalization_correction / old_cf @property def shape(self): """ A tuple of dimensions of the data array in numpy style (ny, nx). """ return self._shape @property def nx(self): """Number of columns in the data array.""" return self._nx @property def ny(self): """Number of rows in the data array.""" return self._ny @property def origin(self): """ A tuple of ``x`` and ``y`` coordinates of the origin of the coordinate system in terms of pixels of model's image. When setting the coordinate system origin, a tuple of two `int` or `float` may be used. If origin is set to `None`, the origin of the coordinate system will be set to the middle of the data array (``(npix-1)/2.0``). .. warning:: Modifying ``origin`` will not adjust (modify) model's parameters ``x_0`` and ``y_0``. """ return (self._x_origin, self._y_origin) @origin.setter def origin(self, origin): if origin is None: self._x_origin = (self._nx - 1) / 2.0 self._y_origin = (self._ny - 1) / 2.0 elif hasattr(origin, '__iter__') and len(origin) == 2: self._x_origin, self._y_origin = origin else: raise TypeError('Parameter "origin" must be either None or an ' 'iterable with two elements.') @property def x_origin(self): """X-coordinate of the origin of the coordinate system.""" return self._x_origin @property def y_origin(self): """Y-coordinate of the origin of the coordinate system.""" return self._y_origin @property def fill_value(self): """ Fill value to be returned for coordinates outside of the domain of definition of the interpolator. If ``fill_value`` is `None`, then values outside of the domain of definition are the ones returned by the interpolator. """ return self._fill_value @fill_value.setter def fill_value(self, fill_value): self._fill_value = fill_value def _store_interpolator_kwargs(self, **kwargs): """ Store interpolator keyword arguments. This function should be called in a subclass whenever model's interpolator is (re-)computed. """ self._interpolator_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) @property def interpolator_kwargs(self): """ Get current interpolator's arguments used when interpolator was created. """ return self._interpolator_kwargs
[docs] def compute_interpolator(self, **kwargs): """ Compute/define the interpolating spline. This function can be overridden in a subclass to define custom interpolators. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict, optional Additional optional keyword arguments: - **degree** : int, tuple, optional Degree of the interpolating spline. A tuple can be used to provide different degrees for the X- and Y-axes. Default value is degree=3. - **s** : float, optional Non-negative smoothing factor. Default value s=0 corresponds to interpolation. See :py:class:`~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` for more details. Notes ----- * When subclassing :py:class:`FittableImageModel` for the purpose of overriding :py:func:`compute_interpolator`, the :py:func:`evaluate` may need to overridden as well depending on the behavior of the new interpolator. In addition, for improved future compatibility, make sure that the overriding method stores keyword arguments ``kwargs`` by calling ``_store_interpolator_kwargs`` method. * Use caution when modifying interpolator's degree or smoothness in a computationally intensive part of the code as it may decrease code performance due to the need to recompute interpolator. """ from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline if 'degree' in kwargs: degree = kwargs['degree'] if hasattr(degree, '__iter__') and len(degree) == 2: degx = int(degree[0]) degy = int(degree[1]) else: degx = int(degree) degy = int(degree) if degx < 0 or degy < 0: raise ValueError('Interpolator degree must be a non-negative ' 'integer') else: degx = 3 degy = 3 smoothness = kwargs.get('s', 0) x = np.arange(self._nx, dtype=float) y = np.arange(self._ny, dtype=float) self.interpolator = RectBivariateSpline( x, y, self._data.T, kx=degx, ky=degy, s=smoothness ) self._store_interpolator_kwargs(**kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, flux, x_0, y_0, *, use_oversampling=True): """ Evaluate the model on some input variables and provided model parameters. Parameters ---------- use_oversampling : bool, optional Whether to use the oversampling factor to calculate the model pixel indices. The default is `True`, which means the input indices will be multiplied by this factor. """ if use_oversampling: xi = self._oversampling[1] * (np.asarray(x) - x_0) yi = self._oversampling[0] * (np.asarray(y) - y_0) else: xi = np.asarray(x) - x_0 yi = np.asarray(y) - y_0 xi = xi.astype(float) yi = yi.astype(float) xi += self._x_origin yi += self._y_origin f = flux * self._normalization_constant evaluated_model = f * self.interpolator.ev(xi, yi) if self._fill_value is not None: # find indices of pixels that are outside the input pixel grid and # set these pixels to the 'fill_value': invalid = (((xi < 0) | (xi > self._nx - 1)) | ((yi < 0) | (yi > self._ny - 1))) evaluated_model[invalid] = self._fill_value return evaluated_model
[docs] class EPSFModel(FittableImageModel): """ A class that models an effective PSF (ePSF). The EPSFModel is normalized such that the sum of the PSF over the (undersampled) pixels within the the input ``norm_radius`` is 1.0. This means that when the EPSF is fit to stars, the resulting flux corresponds to aperture photometry within a circular aperture of radius ``norm_radius``. While this class is a subclass of `FittableImageModel`, it is very similar. The primary differences/motivation are a few additional parameters necessary specifically for ePSFs. Parameters ---------- oversampling : int or array_like (int) The integer oversampling factor(s) of the ePSF relative to the input ``stars`` along each axis. If ``oversampling`` is a scalar then it will be used for both axes. If ``oversampling`` has two elements, they must be in ``(y, x)`` order. norm_radius : float, optional The radius inside which the ePSF is normalized by the sum over undersampled integer pixel values inside a circular aperture. """ def __init__(self, data, *, flux=1.0, x_0=0.0, y_0=0.0, normalize=True, normalization_correction=1.0, origin=None, oversampling=1, fill_value=0.0, norm_radius=5.5, **kwargs): self._norm_radius = norm_radius super().__init__(data=data, flux=flux, x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, normalize=normalize, normalization_correction=normalization_correction, origin=origin, oversampling=oversampling, fill_value=fill_value, **kwargs) def _initial_norm(self, flux, normalize): if flux is None: if self._img_norm is None: self._img_norm = self._compute_raw_image_norm() flux = self._img_norm if normalize: self._compute_normalization() else: self._img_norm = self._compute_raw_image_norm() return flux def _compute_raw_image_norm(self): """ Compute the normalization of input image data as the flux within a given radius. """ xypos = (self._nx / 2.0, self._ny / 2.0) # TODO: generalize "radius" (ellipse?) is oversampling is # different along x/y axes radius = self._norm_radius * self.oversampling[0] aper = CircularAperture(xypos, r=radius) flux, _ = aper.do_photometry(self._data, method='exact') return flux[0] / def _compute_normalization(self, normalize=True): """ Helper function that computes (corrected) normalization factor of the original image data. For the ePSF this is defined as the sum over the inner N (default=5.5) pixels of the non-oversampled image. Will re-normalize the data to the value calculated. """ if normalize: if self._img_norm is None: if np.sum(self._data) == 0: self._img_norm = 1 else: self._img_norm = self._compute_raw_image_norm() if self._img_norm != 0.0 and np.isfinite(self._img_norm): self._data /= (self._img_norm * self._normalization_correction) self._normalization_status = 0 else: self._normalization_status = 1 self._img_norm = 1 warnings.warn('Overflow encountered while computing ' 'normalization constant. Normalization ' 'constant will be set to 1.', AstropyUserWarning) else: self._normalization_status = 2 @property def normalized_data(self): """ Overloaded dummy function that also returns self._data, as the normalization occurs within _compute_normalization in EPSFModel, and as such self._data will sum, accounting for under/oversampled pixels, to 1/self._normalization_correction. """ return self._data @FittableImageModel.origin.setter def origin(self, origin): if origin is None: self._x_origin = (self._nx - 1) / 2.0 / self.oversampling[1] self._y_origin = (self._ny - 1) / 2.0 / self.oversampling[0] elif (hasattr(origin, '__iter__') and len(origin) == 2): self._x_origin, self._y_origin = origin else: raise TypeError('Parameter "origin" must be either None or an ' 'iterable with two elements.')
[docs] def compute_interpolator(self, **kwargs): """ Compute/define the interpolating spline. This function can be overridden in a subclass to define custom interpolators. Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict, optional Additional optional keyword arguments: - **degree** : int, tuple, optional Degree of the interpolating spline. A tuple can be used to provide different degrees for the X- and Y-axes. Default value is degree=3. - **s** : float, optional Non-negative smoothing factor. Default value s=0 corresponds to interpolation. See :py:class:`~scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` for more details. Notes ----- * When subclassing :py:class:`FittableImageModel` for the purpose of overriding :py:func:`compute_interpolator`, the :py:func:`evaluate` may need to overridden as well depending on the behavior of the new interpolator. In addition, for improved future compatibility, make sure that the overriding method stores keyword arguments ``kwargs`` by calling ``_store_interpolator_kwargs`` method. * Use caution when modifying interpolator's degree or smoothness in a computationally intensive part of the code as it may decrease code performance due to the need to recompute interpolator. """ from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline if 'degree' in kwargs: degree = kwargs['degree'] if hasattr(degree, '__iter__') and len(degree) == 2: degx = int(degree[0]) degy = int(degree[1]) else: degx = int(degree) degy = int(degree) if degx < 0 or degy < 0: raise ValueError('Interpolator degree must be a non-negative ' 'integer') else: degx = 3 degy = 3 smoothness = kwargs.get('s', 0) # Interpolator must be set to interpolate on the undersampled # pixel grid, going from 0 to len(undersampled_grid) x = np.arange(self._nx, dtype=float) / self.oversampling[1] y = np.arange(self._ny, dtype=float) / self.oversampling[0] self.interpolator = RectBivariateSpline( x, y, self._data.T, kx=degx, ky=degy, s=smoothness) self._store_interpolator_kwargs(**kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, flux, x_0, y_0): """ Evaluate the model on some input variables and provided model parameters. """ xi = np.asarray(x) - x_0 + self._x_origin yi = np.asarray(y) - y_0 + self._y_origin evaluated_model = flux * self.interpolator.ev(xi, yi) if self._fill_value is not None: # find indices of pixels that are outside the input pixel # grid and set these pixels to the 'fill_value': invalid = (((xi < 0) | (xi > (self._nx - 1) / self.oversampling[1])) | ((yi < 0) | (yi > (self._ny - 1) / self.oversampling[0]))) evaluated_model[invalid] = self._fill_value return evaluated_model
[docs] class IntegratedGaussianPRF(Fittable2DModel): r""" Circular Gaussian model integrated over pixels. Because it is integrated, this model is considered a PRF, *not* a PSF (see :ref:`psf-terminology` for more about the terminology used here.) This model is a Gaussian *integrated* over an area of ``1`` (in units of the model input coordinates, e.g., 1 pixel). This is in contrast to the apparently similar `astropy.modeling.functional_models.Gaussian2D`, which is the value of a 2D Gaussian *at* the input coordinates, with no integration. So this model is equivalent to assuming the PSF is Gaussian at a *sub-pixel* level. Parameters ---------- sigma : float Width of the Gaussian PSF. flux : float, optional Total integrated flux over the entire PSF. x_0 : float, optional Position of the peak in x direction. y_0 : float, optional Position of the peak in y direction. Notes ----- This model is evaluated according to the following formula: .. math:: f(x, y) = \frac{F}{4} \left[ {\rm erf} \left(\frac{x - x_0 + 0.5} {\sqrt{2} \sigma} \right) - {\rm erf} \left(\frac{x - x_0 - 0.5} {\sqrt{2} \sigma} \right) \right] \left[ {\rm erf} \left(\frac{y - y_0 + 0.5} {\sqrt{2} \sigma} \right) - {\rm erf} \left(\frac{y - y_0 - 0.5} {\sqrt{2} \sigma} \right) \right] where ``erf`` denotes the error function and ``F`` the total integrated flux. """ flux = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) sigma = Parameter(default=1, fixed=True) _erf = None @property def bounding_box(self): halfwidth = 4 * self.sigma return ((int(self.y_0 - halfwidth), int(self.y_0 + halfwidth)), (int(self.x_0 - halfwidth), int(self.x_0 + halfwidth))) def __init__(self, sigma=sigma.default, x_0=x_0.default, y_0=y_0.default, flux=flux.default, **kwargs): if self._erf is None: from scipy.special import erf self.__class__._erf = erf super().__init__(n_models=1, sigma=sigma, x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, flux=flux, **kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, flux, x_0, y_0, sigma): """Model function Gaussian PSF model.""" return (flux / 4 * ((self._erf((x - x_0 + 0.5) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma)) - self._erf((x - x_0 - 0.5) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma))) * (self._erf((y - y_0 + 0.5) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma)) - self._erf((y - y_0 - 0.5) / (np.sqrt(2) * sigma)))))
[docs] class PRFAdapter(Fittable2DModel): """ A model that adapts a supplied PSF model to act as a PRF. It integrates the PSF model over pixel "boxes". A critical built-in assumption is that the PSF model scale and location parameters are in *pixel* units. Parameters ---------- psfmodel : a 2D model The model to assume as representative of the PSF. renormalize_psf : bool If True, the model will be integrated from -inf to inf and re-scaled so that the total integrates to 1. Note that this renormalization only occurs *once*, so if the total flux of ``psfmodel`` depends on position, this will *not* be correct. xname : str or None The name of the ``psfmodel`` parameter that corresponds to the x-axis center of the PSF. If None, the model will be assumed to be centered at x=0. yname : str or None The name of the ``psfmodel`` parameter that corresponds to the y-axis center of the PSF. If None, the model will be assumed to be centered at y=0. fluxname : str or None The name of the ``psfmodel`` parameter that corresponds to the total flux of the star. If None, a scaling factor will be applied by the ``PRFAdapter`` instead of modifying the ``psfmodel``. Notes ----- This current implementation of this class (using numerical integration for each pixel) is extremely slow, and only suited for experimentation over relatively few small regions. """ flux = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) def __init__(self, psfmodel, *, renormalize_psf=True, flux=flux.default, x_0=x_0.default, y_0=y_0.default, xname=None, yname=None, fluxname=None, **kwargs): self.psfmodel = psfmodel.copy() if renormalize_psf: from scipy.integrate import dblquad self._psf_scale_factor = 1.0 / dblquad(self.psfmodel, -np.inf, np.inf, lambda x: -np.inf, lambda x: np.inf)[0] else: self._psf_scale_factor = 1 self.xname = xname self.yname = yname self.fluxname = fluxname # these can be used to adjust the integration behavior. Might be # used in the future to expose how the integration happens self._dblquadkwargs = {} super().__init__(n_models=1, x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, flux=flux, **kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, flux, x_0, y_0): """The evaluation function for PRFAdapter.""" if not np.isscalar(flux): flux = flux[0] if not np.isscalar(x_0): x_0 = x_0[0] if not np.isscalar(y_0): y_0 = y_0[0] if self.xname is None: dx = x - x_0 else: dx = x setattr(self.psfmodel, self.xname, x_0) if self.xname is None: dy = y - y_0 else: dy = y setattr(self.psfmodel, self.yname, y_0) if self.fluxname is None: return (flux * self._psf_scale_factor * self._integrated_psfmodel(dx, dy)) else: setattr(self.psfmodel, self.yname, flux * self._psf_scale_factor) return self._integrated_psfmodel(dx, dy)
def _integrated_psfmodel(self, dx, dy): from scipy.integrate import dblquad # infer type/shape from the PSF model. Seems wasteful, but the # integration step is a *lot* more expensive so its just peanuts out = np.empty_like(self.psfmodel(dx, dy)) outravel = out.ravel() for i, (xi, yi) in enumerate(zip(dx.ravel(), dy.ravel())): outravel[i] = dblquad(self.psfmodel, xi - 0.5, xi + 0.5, lambda x: yi - 0.5, lambda x: yi + 0.5, **self._dblquadkwargs)[0] return out